"Eh? Did you go out?" Yixian didn't expect this, logically speaking, such a big thing happened, so he shouldn't have left.

"Sister Yixian, we should call to confirm before coming here."

Yixian was helpless, she just wanted to make a surprise visit.

"Did you go out or go out, go out to the city or the port?"

"Go out." U47 paused, "Should be back today."

"That's great."

Yixian suddenly wanted to see what the port area was like without Su Hao. From the atmosphere in a port area and the performance of the ship's mother, it was easy to see how the commander usually manages the port area.

Yixian is very experienced in this.

"Can you take us in to have a look? We are from the Donghuang Maritime Safety Administration, and we have something to ask Commander Su Hao."

U47 looking towards the entrance steps

"You go over there, there are people."

The three were suspicious, and walked to the bottom of the steps according to what U47 said.

"Where is someone?" Ning Hai looked left and right, and suddenly a light yellow figure flashed in front of him, "!!"


Ayanami appeared in front of the three with a blank expression.

Of course she had discovered Yixian and the others long ago, but she was on duty today, so don't try to escape the pursuit of ghosts and gods at any trouble!

"Wow~ where did you come from!"

Ning Hai was taken aback. Although she didn't deliberately scan the vicinity, with the keenness of the ship's mother, she didn't realize that there was someone hiding here.

"You are..." Yixian was a little surprised, this port area actually gave her the feeling of a steel forest!

Is even the ship lady in charge of guard so powerful and mysterious?

It seems that this port area is far more powerful than I imagined.

"Follow me." Ayanami didn't seem to intend to introduce herself.

She turned and went up the steps.

At this time, a carrier-based aircraft hovered in the sky, and then flew towards the port area.

Yixian saw it in his eyes, and it was very clear that a ship lady had already gone in to report.

Steel forest, heavily guarded port area, role model, if other port areas can achieve this level, then there is no need to worry about accidents in the port area.

Sure enough, after waiting at the door for a short time, several ship maidens came out from inside.

Su Hao is not here, so he can't be sloppy when facing the guests. If it is not someone related to the Maritime Safety Administration, he will definitely not be able to go in. The special status is another matter.

Su Hao handed over the port area to Tiancheng to take care of it before leaving. Now she is the acting secretary of the port area, and the others have no objections. After all, Tiancheng is enough to convince them in terms of temperament, appearance, strength and wisdom.

Tiancheng came out, glanced at Ayanami, and then swept over the three of Yixian.

"You are?"

"Hello, I'm Yixian from Donghuang Maritime Bureau, and they are Ninghai and Pinghai."

Donghuang Maritime Bureau.

Hearing that Yixian reported his family name, Tiancheng already knew it.

"Hello, I'm Tiancheng, the Lord is not here, just tell me if you have anything to do."


Yixian looked at Tiancheng without leaving a trace, because he knew that the latter was the ship girl that Su Hao built under the 'coincidence' of Sakura, and there might be some secrets.

It's just that I didn't expect that a rookie ship girl could manage the port area on behalf of Su Hao?

Is there really anything special?

"Go in and talk."

Amagi was smiling, and as the agent of Minato District, she didn't look surprised or flustered at all by the visit of the three of Yat-sen. With this sense of stability, Yat-sen felt that she was really different.

Some ship girls are natural leaders, such as enterprises, such as Richelieu and Bismarck.

Being led into the port area by Tiancheng, Yixian looked at the situation inside along the way.

Like most newcomers to the port area, there is nothing surprising about the construction.

Well, there are more trees, which can be regarded as greening. Originally, this port area is larger than ordinary ones. If there is no money to build equipment, it is good to have a variety of trees. The scenery is beautiful, isn’t it?

Fortunately, the straight-line distance from the road leading to the office area after entering the port area is not very long, and it doesn't take much time to walk in.

Seeing some ship girls, Yixian can basically call them by name.

"Hey, who is that?"

Yixian suddenly saw a strange yet familiar figure.

A ship girl with nine tails turned her back to them.

"Oh, she's Kaga."

Yixian:? ? ?

"Kaga is..."

Amagi smiled and said, "Sakura Higurashi Island, the first voyage to Kaga."


This, this, this, this, this...

Did you hear me right, did I hear you right?

Yixian was stunned, she had never heard that Sakura's first battle would be here!

Could it be that this Minato area is actually in collusion with Sakura...


Ninghai and Pinghai immediately unfolded their ship outfits as if they had a tacit understanding.

Yixian didn't stop them, if this is really the enemy's position, then a battle would be inevitable.

But she also didn't believe it. If it was an enemy, how could Tiancheng be exposed so easily?

"Don't worry." Amagi was still very calm, "Kaga is now the ship girl of our port area."


"Kaga." Amagi called into the distance.

Kaga turned his head and frowned slightly after seeing the three of Yixian, "What's the matter?"

"A few guests here want to see you."

"No time."

Kaga turned his head and walked towards the dormitory building.

Amagi smiled helplessly: "Akagi is not here, she is not in a good mood, but please rest assured, whether it is Akagi or Kaga, they are now the ship girls of our port area, and have nothing to do with Sakura."

"Even if you say that..." Yixian didn't know what expression to use.

She didn't want to believe it, but seeing the smile on Tiancheng's face, he was frank and gentle, and his attitude was always very friendly. If it was an enemy, it would be ridiculous enough...

After hesitating for a moment, she waved her hand and told Ning Hai and the others to put away the ship.

Play by ear.

After all, this is Donghuang, and she didn't believe that Chong Ying dared to act recklessly.

"Come on, I'll take you to the office."

Amagi smiled lightly and led the way.

Yixian's eyes signaled Shuanghai to pay attention to the surrounding situation.

On the other side, when Tiancheng took Yixian and the three to the office to chat about family affairs, a figure appeared on the sea outside the port area.

Kaga BB raised his head and looked into the distance, narrowing his eyes slightly.

Amagi, right there!


PS: Go, go, go! ~

Chapter 214 True and False Kaga

According to Mikasa's news, Amagi was taken away by a human commander, and this human commander was somewhat special.

Reminiscent of Akagi's behavior before, Kaga BB guessed that Su Hao originally came to Sunset Island to help Akagi revive Amagi.

However, she knew very well that with Chicheng's character, it was absolutely impossible for Tiancheng to become Su Hao's wife.

But in the end this happened, Akagi and Kaga left Higurashi Island again, apparently coming here to find Amagi.

To Kaga BB's surprise, Akagi and Kaga have been here for several days, considering the time. Why is there no news at all?

There was no war, and there was no news report on Donghuang's side. It was as if there was no news at all.

After much deliberation, Kaga BB decided to venture here.

She didn't tell anyone, but the biggest purpose of coming here was to meet Tiancheng and explain some things to her, as well as some doubts that remained in her heart.

"Is Tiancheng here?"

Seeing the dilapidated pier, Kaga BB couldn't help frowning.

What kind of port area, the wharf is broken like this?

It's certainly not much better inside.

Amagi, you have fallen.

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