You actually want to stay with a human commander?

Damn it, damn it, what kind of ecstasy soup did that guy give you?

Or... is it related to Tiancheng?

Is it!

Kaga BB's pupils shrank, and she suddenly realized that there might be something wrong with Amagi's resurrection!

In other words, that human commander took control of Tiancheng, and then came to achieve his own despicable purpose!

So that's the case, thinking about it this way, I completely understand!

Why did Amagi come here?Because she is the commander's ship's wife, and she was controlled.

Why didn't Akagi leave?Because Amagi was there, that commander took advantage of Amagi, and even used insidious means to make Akagi the commander's...


Kaga BB clenched his fists.

If so, there is danger here.

However, Akagi is not here, if he can knock down the guy in front of him by surprise, and then persuade Kaga to bring Amagi back to Sakura, then Akagi should also go back...

Kaga BB weighed it in his heart. With his own ability, he wondered if he could defeat the guy in front of him in a short time.

Never mind, always give it a try!

Thinking of this, she stood up with a whoosh.

Just as he was about to make a move, a voice came from the door again.

"Eh? Kaga, you're here too." Dido said with a smile on her face, "George V, I've got your black tea ready."


PS: There is no timing error this time, there will be more later!

Chapter 215 'Cute New' Ship Girl Amagi

"Please have tea."

Tiancheng put the teacup on the tea table with his own hands, and said to the three of Yixian.

She didn't ask anyone else to come in. After all, it's better to be as stable as possible when getting along with people from Donghuang Maritime Safety Administration.

"Thank you." Yixian picked up the teacup and took a sip, looking at the decorations in the office, "Speaking of which, Commander Su Hao seems to have joined the job not long ago."

Ask knowingly.

Tiancheng didn't think that Yixian didn't investigate Su Hao's situation before he came here.

"It should be. I'm sorry, I just came to the port area, and I don't know many things."

As a newbie, I naturally have the right to answer 'I don't know'.

In this way, if you don't want to answer some questions, you just need to prevaricate them, and Yixian can't say anything.

"However, the master always told me that he is a newcomer, and he needs to learn many things from other seniors. The master has always been serious about the management of the port area. He is open-minded and eager to learn, and puts every thought into the port area. , and in his busy schedule, he will find time to accompany us."

Tiancheng sighed softly: "Sometimes I really hope that the master will not be so busy, he is just an ordinary human being, not as powerful as our ship girl, but I know the master, he is very strict with himself, because Only in this way, as a rookie commander, the port area has become so powerful."

"Yixian, you say yes."

"Eh? It's... Well, Commander Su Hao is indeed excellent." Yixian pursed her lips. Although it felt a little strange, she couldn't refute Tiancheng's words.

She gently put down the teacup.

"Tiancheng." Yixian raised his head, "I remember that you are the ship girl built by Commander Su Hao in Chongying, right? I'm curious, what happened at that time, can you tell us about it?"

"Eh? That?" Amagi looked slightly surprised, "You said's true, it's very interesting, maybe you don't know, in fact, I used to be Akagi's older sister, the battlecruiser Akagi, I am Amagi, Do you know the relationship?"

Yixian nodded, "This is probably why Chicheng and Kaga came here."

Hearing what Tiancheng said, she understood.

At first I thought it was just a coincidence, but now it seems that Tiancheng seems to have some memories left.

Sure enough, Tiancheng said: "Actually, I left this world because of my body. Chicheng also tried his best to revive me. Maybe my situation is a bit special. The hull did not return to the sea, but was left behind in the sunset." Island, and then God happened to appear in front of me that day, and woke me up by accident."

"I don't know why I woke up. Maybe it's fate. Chicheng has been working hard for so many years without success. Or maybe there is an inevitable connection between the commander and the ship's wife. What do you think?"

Yixian nodded slightly, actually muttering in his heart, he didn't have a commander, how could he know this?

But thinking back to the commanders she knew, they had a very good relationship with their own ship girls, and the ship girls who had commanders also behaved obviously differently from ordinary free ship girls.

Perhaps this is the change brought about by the bond between each other. In this regard, Yixian has little say, so she chose to remain silent.

But subconsciously, she felt that what Tiancheng said was quite right.

People are like this, the more half-understood they are, the more the other party says it, and after a little guidance, they will feel that this is the case.

The same goes for the ship girl.

After a while, she asked: "Then Commander Su Hao wakes you up, isn't Chong Sakura's ship girl here? And where does he get the supplies to wake you up?"

After all, Yixian still wanted to know the whereabouts of the boa constrictor.

Tiancheng showed doubts, and said: "Of course it was prepared by Chicheng. In fact, Chicheng captured the master because he wanted him to help wake me up. You may not know that my master has a special talent in the soul, and building to wake us up. It requires a strong soul communication, and my situation is special, so ordinary commanders can't do it at all."

"However, because of the relationship with the White Eagle Fleet, Akagi did not choose to wake me up at the first time. She is a child with a strong sense of responsibility. Shige Sakura's companion is still fighting. She can't patronize herself, so she temporarily imprisoned the Lord. In one place, in the end the master came to my side by mistake, that's why it succeeded."

"Is that so..."

Yixian paid close attention to the changes in Tiancheng's expression, but no matter from her tone or this frank face, all she could see were the words 'tell the truth'.

Could it be that Commander Su Hao really has nothing to do with the python?

"I guess, you came here this time for the so-called python project." Tiancheng said with a sudden smile.

Yixian didn't hide it: "Yes, I heard that the python can control the siren unit, which is too important to us."

"Then, where did your news come from?"

"This one……"

"Have you ever thought that this is the siren's conspiracy?"

Yixian fell silent.

"The lord told me about the past, and I also learned about the so-called python from Chicheng, Chicheng listened to me the most, she dared not lie to me." Tiancheng sighed softly, "The so-called python is nonsense. In other words, it was just a mass-produced experimental product, and in the end it was even directly destroyed by a company that was out of control. A company that no one can stop, but was stopped by the Lord and me?"

"The so-called python project is a test product that Akagi tried to protect Sakura, but as a mass-produced model, the resource consumption is too large, and finally it was transformed into a special battleship. I have to say that the combat capability of the python is very good. Otherwise, there is no way to stop the company.”

"As for the so-called control sirens, if they can really achieve this level, Chicheng will definitely not leak the news to anyone, so why do you know? Why did the sirens suddenly appear in the bay of Amos, as if there had been a long time ago As expected, even the news that Chicheng took Su Hao away has been told to everyone. Isn't this more worthy of your doubts?"

Tiancheng is sighing, very helpless, why, everyone would rather believe the siren than the words of the Lord?

Yixian opened his mouth, "These things... Commander Su Hao didn't seem to say anything."

"My lord doesn't say it, because the clean is self-clearing. He doesn't want his efforts to be unfairly doubted, and he doesn't want to fight. The lord acts brightly, and there is no need to defend himself." Speaking of this, Tiancheng's eyes suddenly sharpened Get up, "But, we are the master's wife, we can't tolerate any behaviors that slander the master, the siren's conspiracy is clearly revealed, but you doubt your own people because of unwarranted information, I have to say, this kind of thing makes me People are chilling!"

Yixian: "..."

Yixian was shocked by Tiancheng's sudden strength.

This is not surprising. Every ship girl in the port area regards the commander as a spiritual pillar. It is impossible for them to tolerate unfair treatment of their commander.

And Tiancheng's words are impeccable, Yixian didn't know much at first, and now he doesn't know how to say it.

"I'm sorry." Tiancheng suddenly changed his tone, and said apologetically, "I lost my composure when it involved the Lord. I'm really sorry. I believe the Donghuang Maritime Safety Bureau must be on the Lord's side, right? The gossip and gossip outside, protect the lord, and punish those who have bad intentions."

"Of course." Yixian said seriously, "No matter what happens, Commander Su Hao is a member of our Donghuang, and the Maritime Safety Administration is also a solid backing for the commanders, but this matter is more sensitive. In fact, Bai Ying The main purpose of the action is probably for this, so..."

"I know." Tiancheng smiled, "But I'm just a newcomer, and I don't know much about many things, so I can only tell you so much. Maybe you can stay and wait for the commander to come back. He should be able to do it today." ..."

dong dong dong~

There is a knock on the door.

"Feel sorry."

Newcomer Jianniang, Amagi stood up and went to open the door.


"Yeah." Ayanami glanced at the office without leaving a trace, and said, "Sister Amagi, Kaga has business with you."

"Huh?" After a pause for a few seconds, Amagi immediately understood the meaning of Ayanami's words.

Kaga, not sister Kaga, and Ayanami was on guard today, so she came here specially.

Then, this Kaga is definitely not that Kaga.

"What's the matter?" She asked calmly.

"Yeah, it looks like there's something urgent."

"Is that so... where is she?"

"The reception room."

Amagi nodded and walked back to the office.

"Sorry, I have some things to deal with here, so... can you wait a moment?"

"Ah, in this case, we should go too, and come to visit after Commander Su Hao comes back...By the way, can we visit here?"

Amagi smiled slightly: "Of course, Ayanami, you can take them around."


When Amagi left, Ayanami walked over, walked to the desk and looked through it unhurriedly, and after about two or three minutes, he found a pack of snacks.

She looked at the three of them: "Do you want beef jerky?" Xili likes it very much.

"Ah? No need, no need." I thought I was looking for something, but it turned out to be this, Yixian waved his hand and said with a smile: "You don't have to be so polite, let's take a look at the port area, and then go to the Lingshui Maritime Bureau. Let's wait until Commander Su Hao comes back."

On the side, Ping Hai pulled Lan Ning Hai's sleeve, Ning Hai patted her hand, and Ping Hai immediately became quiet.

Ayanami nodded: "I'll take you there."

She specially took Yixian and the others to bypass the reception room, and wandered around the port area.

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