If you look around, some circles are quite obvious. Everyone is in the same district and they all know each other more or less. Everyone let go of themselves.

Lu Dong brought his ship's wife in. He had participated in many such banquets, so he was able to handle them with ease.

At this time, I asked Jian Niang to open her stomach to eat, while she picked up a glass of red wine and walked to the place of a few familiar friends.

"What are you talking about?"

"Lu Dong, everyone is talking about the White Eagle operation, why do you think they came all the way here?"

"It's fine to come all the way, it doesn't seem to be long, right? I left without any news."

With such a long flight route of Baiying, the supply line must not be able to keep up. When they arrived at Bagui District, these commanders could more or less get some news.

But unexpectedly, Bai Ying walked very simply in the end.

Lu Dong shrugged his shoulders: "You guys are watching what I do, and I don't have an answer written on my face."

"That, Su Hao." Someone whispered, "He seems to know the company, why don't you ask later?"

"Go, go! You are sick." Lu Dong was speechless, "It's said to be confidential, and they will tell you if you ask? That's a company, the legendary ship girl of White Eagle. If you go to talk to her, the air is full Sweet, from now on you've been obsessed with Europe, and you still want to inquire about other people's secrets, really."

Everyone laughed.

It is impossible to ask, and I will never ask in this life.

"But speaking of it, the company seems to have a good relationship with Su Hao. I think she has been following Su Hao."

"Is it with his fox ship girl?"

"Speaking of which, what's the name of that fox ship girl?"

"I don't know, it must be a big ship."

Greatness is justice, greatness is truth, kindness and beauty.

These people were obviously not fellow prisoners.

Lu Dong turned his gaze and said, "Here, he's here, you can ask if you want."

In the distance, Su Hao entered the hall accompanied by three people from the enterprise.

"Tsk tsk~ It's so extravagant, isn't it for a small banquet?"

Su Hao looked in the hall.

The decoration is not luxurious, but it is bright, surrounded by colorful LED lights.

The main reason is that it is big and spacious, and most of the seafood on the table is not expensive. In fact, these things are not expensive at the seaside, and they are very cheap if there are channels. Obviously, the Maritime Safety Administration has a special supplier, and for the Maritime Safety Administration Area ah these, suppliers often do not charge too high a fee.

Therefore, it looks luxurious, but it is not very expensive.

Of course it looks cool.

Usually go to a high-end restaurant is reluctant to order a seafood meal, now here is everything.

Look at that shrimp, it's red and big.

Look at that crab, it's long and thick.

Look at that pair of Opie, it's round and round.

Of course, it's impolite to stare at someone else's mother-in-law, so Su Hao didn't look around. He just glanced down and looked at Chicheng's body that was close to him. Trapped in it and unable to extricate themselves.

There is no way, Akagi hugs too tightly.

Su Hao couldn't figure it out, why Chicheng suddenly seemed like a different person after being so well-behaved?

Could it be that when did I get a good impression?

Or... Conspiracy?

He doesn't understand, neither does the company, but compared to Chicheng's dangerous behavior from time to time before, there is no hostility in Chicheng at this moment, so Su Hao is safe.

It is enough to guarantee this.

It's just that whenever I see the intimate behavior between Chicheng and Su Hao, I feel a little blocked for some reason.

Inexplicably upset, this feeling is very strange, as if being provoked by the enemy on the battlefield.

Could it be that I still regard Chicheng as an enemy subconsciously?

The company doesn't understand, so now she forces herself not to pay too much attention to the behavior between Su Hao and Chicheng.

"rua! So much meat!"

The three of them have their own thoughts, only Xili is very simple.

The dog head yelled, turned to look at Su Hao, and after getting the latter's consent, he let go of the rein and rushed straight to the tables of food.

"Let's go get something to eat, too."

Saying this, he heard Lu Dong not far away waving at him.

Lu Dong was surrounded by a group of people, and Su Hao saw Zhu Qiao again. They also had a small circle, and there was a big circle outside the small circle. The team is still regular.

In these two days of meetings, Su Hao did nothing but recognize people.

Which is which, most of them can be called by name, and then Lu Dong and Zhu Qiao also told him something, who is so and so in the port area, there are many battleships in it, so and so are not as good, and there are only small destroyers in construction, so and so this year Bald again, holy monk on top.

Then he discovered that several port districts were very powerful together, and it can be said that they were all of the same strength. However, within this circle, there was a deeper circle indistinctly.

Su Hao looked at a certain location, the commanders there, Su Hao remember, they are named Liu Jian, Du Tao, Lu Fei, etc. At a glance, it seems that the air around them is black .

In contrast, there is a golden one next to it, which is the golden yellow seen by Dajian Yibo, a holy place.

In this way, the circle at this level is called Europeans and Africans.

"What are you looking at?" Seeing Su Hao approaching unhurriedly, Lu Dong looked over at him and immediately understood, "Where do you want to go?"

"Ah, no, no, I know you. Let me say hello later."

"Just say hello, there is a saying that 'this place is not suitable for staying for long'."


"Do you know the law of conservation of Europe and Africa? If you reach a balance point with someone, his anger will smear your face. Don't believe it, it's always true, and you don't need money. How do you want to talk to them after the banquet is over?" It’s okay to be close, but not now, this is experience.”


Su Hao didn't bother to care where this wonderful experience came from.

But he never worried about whether he was right or wrong.

"Speaking of..." The companion's eyes signaled that Lu Dong was still pushed out, and he slammed his mouth and asked: "Speaking of which, why has the company followed you?"

"She's in my port area now."

"Is something wrong?"

"Well...not at all, just stay in my port area for a few days."

People look over.

Surprised, puzzled, puzzled, some flashes of light.

Then Lu Dong asked: "Why do you only live in your port area for a few days? She is not your ship's wife."

The Cheetah Squad will never be slaves!

Su Hao felt the crisis, so he shook his head and said, "Of course not my wife, I don't have that blessing."

"Really? Why do I feel that you are laughing? I don't believe it. Do you believe it?"

The crowd shook their heads.

Su Hao was speechless: "Really, who lied to you, puppy, how about it?"

Lu Dong smiled, and patted Su Hao on the shoulder: "It's okay, everyone just ask casually, no matter how you think about it, you know it's impossible, and even if it's possible, it doesn't matter, we are all good brothers."

Saying this, the enterprise walked over with a dinner plate.

"Commander, here, let's eat something before we talk, don't be hungry."

Everyone looked over again.


PS: The 4 chapters have been updated. In the last two days at the end of the month, let's get some monthly tickets and blades, and we will count the rewards later.

Rua!If you don’t believe me, I D3 produced Hermione in the early hours of this morning, Sanfa produced Heroism, and single produced Hao, I graduated, and now, all the staff stood up and said: My sister who cooks wine is the emperor of Europe! !

Chapter 220 The Landscape at the Banquet

Actually, I think... well, everything can be explained. ——Su Hao doesn't seem to need to explain, even though the company called out, the smiles on the faces of Lu Dong and others didn't change, but they were very enthusiastic.

"That's right, Su Hao, let's talk after we have something to eat. You can see how much your company cares about you."

"It's your first time to attend this kind of banquet, but we forgot. We should remind you to eat. If you are late, all the delicious food will be eaten up by the ship's mother. It's because your company is thoughtful."

"My fault, my fault, Su Hao, eat something first, we'll wait, don't let your company wait, go and eat."

We are all good brothers!

Su Hao was moved. Sure enough, the commanders are a group of kind-hearted guys. Even if they are envious, they will never be jealous. They will only give their blessings to good things.

"Then I'll leave it to you, commanders." The company didn't intend to get involved, it was just a communication between commanders.

After saying this, she handed the things to Su Hao and left.

"Haha~ Don't worry, leave it to us, walk slowly."

"Enterprises go slow."

A group of big men sent off the beautiful girl with a smile.

After the company left, Lu Dong suddenly said inexplicably: "Brothers, what should I do?"

"No need to say, knives, forks, spears."

Su Hao: ? ? ?

"How about some more cow blood?"


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