The Duke of York, and that fox, the company is also here, what do you say?What about Nelson?

"Ah Lu Dong, I just remembered something."

When someone saw that something was wrong, he immediately ran away.

"My mother-in-law told me to go over for dinner."

"I am me too."

The circle of people who formed a circle quickly disappeared.

Even Zhu Qiao, who was going to save Su Hao, turned back on the same road.

Su Hao was stunned for a while, why are they all gone?He thought it was going to happen.

"You are..."

"Su Hao, let's talk later, I will find you later."

"Lu Dong, Lu Dong, come here."

"I won't go there, I'll go over there." Pointing to the black area.

Su Hao scratched his head, but before he could fully react, the Duke of York and Chicheng came in front of him.

"Oh? Duke of York, hello."

Seeing them appear, Su Hao suddenly understood.

Ship girls come to the rescue!

Leaving aside the Duke of York, Chicheng and the company will definitely help themselves.

"Commander~" Chicheng came over, then took Su Hao's arm, and gave the Duke of York a provocative look.

How can you beat me?

Chicheng felt that perhaps the vacant position of director of the Maritime Safety Bureau of Wujiang City gave the Duke of York inexplicable courage and confidence, making her a little blind to her own strength.

Although Akagi doesn't care at all, but if necessary, she also doesn't mind giving the other party a slap to make her realize the reality.

The Duke of York smiled and said nothing.

She suddenly reached out to Su Hao and made a gesture of invitation to the dance, "Commander Su Hao."

"Ah? I know." Of course Su Hao didn't forget what he promised before, "But the dance hasn't started yet."

"I'm just reminding you."

"Don't worry, I remember."

The two of them had a perfect tacit understanding, which stunned Chi Cheng beside him.

what's the situation?

"Commander, you..."

"Oh, I promised the Duke of York to be her dance partner after the ball."

At any rate, he was considered to be helping him, so reciprocity should be done, right, even though Su Hao felt that he should have taken advantage of it.

Akagi:? ? ?

Promised before?

She looked at the Duke of York sharply.

"You are cheating!"

The Duke of York smiled innocently: "I don't understand what you are talking about~"

"Pretend, just pretend!"

Make an appointment in advance, and then come over and bet with me.

Isn't this a trap waiting for her?

"No more gambling!" Chicheng snorted coldly.

"So, are you going to go back on your word?"

The Duke of York smiled, and this smile really deserved a lot of beating in Chicheng's eyes.

She swore that if she wasn't at the Maritime Safety Administration, if Su Hao wasn't around, she would definitely use the carrier-based aircraft to let the Duke of York have a good taste of the bomb on his face.

"Really? The famous first flight battle is also someone who can't afford to lose."

The Duke of York is happy now.

She doesn't have a good impression of Chicheng, it has nothing to do with her position, it's just that she doesn't like it.

What do you mean my sister is in the hands of your commander?

What is the Taiping Maritime Safety Administration?

You step on a try?

He smiles every day, looks generous, but is actually more stingy than anyone else in his heart.

This type is either a jealous maniac or a sickly maniac.

The Duke of York has made an accurate analysis of Chicheng,

"Who said I can't afford to lose?"

"Yu said."

"Isn't it because you can't afford to lose? Make an agreement with the Commander in advance, and take advantage of the Commander's sympathy—even a bug on the side of the road can't bear to kill it, hehe~ Duke of York, is this all you have to do?" ?”

Chicheng's provocation did not succeed, and the Duke of York didn't care what she said at all.

She still understands the principle of hitting a snake and hitting seven inches.

"Commander Su Hao, then, I will be looking forward to your invitation later."


"Impossible, Commander's dance partner is me."

Su Hao scratched his head helplessly, why did he quarrel over this matter again?

He can understand that Chicheng would make trouble, but he didn't expect the Duke of York to make trouble with him. This beautiful elf girl Su Hao still likes it very much. Whether it is in the game or here, it is different from the youthful appearance of the centaur. The Duke of York Obviously more mature.

Both physically and mentally.

Of course, Su Hao didn't like the Duke of York because he was big. Even if there was a part of the reason, it was a very small part.

Mainly, as a George V-class battleship, he is very powerful. As a commander, of course, he looks at both the inside and the outside. Children will only see a beautiful big sister and boki. He is a person who talks about connotations.

However, Chicheng had a dispute with the Duke of York, and the matter that he had promised the Duke of York before was not easy to handle.

This is not the Shura field, it is difficult for Su Hao to feel the taste of happiness.

Besides, the two women are ship mothers, and they are also powerful capital ships. If they really fight, it will not be as simple as pulling hair and clothes.

Although Su Hao really wanted to see such a fight scene.

At this time, he looked around, and the good brothers really couldn't look forward to it. They were standing far away watching the show. There was no other way. Su Hao could only turn his eyes to the enterprise for help.

The latter understands.

"Ahem ~ Duke of York." The company walked forward, Chicheng was difficult to communicate, and the director was still reasonable, she said: "I heard that a team from Donghuang has set out to intercept Iron Blood recently, is it true?"

"Huh? Really."

The topic of knowingly asking did not work very well, and the Duke of York continued to tear up with Akagi.

The company was helpless, and said: "It seems that no one goes to Bagui District."

"Everyone needs to rest."

Still continue to tear.

Enterprise frowned, she is a legendary ship girl, when has she been ignored like this?

A good temper does not mean that you are easy to bully, it is just that you are easy to be serious in business, and this is true of everything.

Seeing that the Duke of York and Chicheng are still staring at each other, they don't want to show face, okay, Enterprise walked up to Su Hao quickly, stretched out his hand and pulled him away.

"Hey, Enterprise!"

Enterprise turned around and said with a blank expression: "Commander, it's time to eat something... Besides, when the dance starts, he will dance with me."

Watching the two leave, not to mention Chicheng, even the Duke of York was stunned.

This girl, when did you become so stubborn?


It’s over.

Now how to do?

Looking at Su Hao, who was sitting aside and enjoying dinner, and the Duke of York and Chi Cheng, who were staring at them not far away, Enterprise's throat felt a little dry.

It wasn't because she was afraid of being retaliated by those two guys. Whoever came to beat her would go ahead, and it didn't matter who came.

The trouble is what to do next?

It's cool to be strong for a while, do you really want to dance with the commander later?

To be honest, she would never take part in any misunderstandings.

Even in White Eagle, when they came back to celebrate after a major attack, it was still a symbolic meal.

Dance?What is that, can you become stronger after jumping?

That said, businesses don't dance at all!

"That..." She felt the need to clarify with Su Hao, "Commander."


Su Hao shoved a piece of crab leg meat into his mouth and turned his head.

"what happened?"

"actually, I……"

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