Why are Tiancheng and Enterprise not surprised at all?

Why is the little angel who was still acting like a baby in her arms just now standing aside calmly?

Is it the distortion of human nature or the corruption of morality?

With these doubts, after enjoying Dai Duo's black tea reception, Yixian decisively rejected Su Hao's lunch invitation, and hurried back with Ning Hai and Ping Hai.

The matter of the python should come to an end for the time being. It's not that Su Hao concealed it on purpose. Some things can't be explained clearly, and it will be more troublesome to speak out.

You can't give up Tiancheng, can you?

Anyway, it's easy to say, if you want to hit my ship girl's idea, labor and management will fight you desperately!

The matter here is tentatively settled, and Su Hao's full thoughts are on the Iris Country again.

After the last phone call, there has been no news from Richelieu, and the official website of the Maritime Safety Administration can't find any valuable news. What's going on? It's far away from Donghuang, so we need to learn about the Iris Country as soon as possible. Things are too difficult.

Su Hao suddenly remembered a sentence, death is not scary, only waiting for death is scary.

The result of death may be such a short second, but the waiting time is the longest and the most painful.

The state of cranky thinking will make himself a mess, but Su Hao really can't stop himself from thinking so much. After all, counting the time, he hasn't seen Richelieu for a long time.

"What happened to your commander?"

Pennsylvania looked at Su Hao who was lying in a daze on the grass not far away, and was slightly puzzled.

It just so happened that the siren appeared yesterday and experienced a small battle. Recalling yesterday's experience, I feel a little bit terrified. If it weren't for the ship girls in the Suhao port area who felt it in time, she and Atlanta and the others might be completely destroyed. Say goodbye to this world.

The rescuer was led by Mr. Assaulter. He used to be a colleague or a subordinate. He obviously only read novels lazily. When he appeared on the stage, he was actually very heroic. His arc was graceful. Pennsylvania couldn’t help feeling how much this guy had changed. .

I thanked the raiders and stopped by the port area to have a look.

This place is somewhat miraculous, and the mere fireflies have made rapid progress. Seeing the changes in the Raiders and Fireflies, it is impossible for Pennsylvania to say that they have no idea.

But when it comes to coming to the port area, I don’t have that kind of idea. It’s better to say that I can’t make up my mind and lack the momentum. From the perspective of fishing, it means lack of opportunity.

In fact, from Pennsylvania's point of view, Su Hao didn't even invite her, so what is he thinking about so much?

Stop by to have a look, and then drop by to bring back the Royal Ark tied under the tree outside the pier.

At this time, she and Atlanta were walking around under the leadership of the raiders, and then noticed Su Hao.

A few cuties were playing by themselves beside Su Hao, but Su Hao didn't make them happy as usual, Pennsylvania was surprised, did Lolicon have to reform?

"It must have been drained." The attacker said casually.

Of course it's nonsense, although Chicheng has always been clinging to the commander these days, and sneaked into the commander's room at night, but he will be picked up by Tiancheng soon, the time should not be so short, right?

Well, it shouldn't be so, after all, the Commander looks quite strong...

It's just that although Akagi probably didn't drain the commander, Kaga has been staring at the commander every day these days.

So it's stressful.

"Ah~ Commander, it's really not easy."

Pennsylvania: ? ? ?

"Su Hao, this is..."

Get sucked dry?

"Yes." The assailant looked sympathetic, "Akagi looks for the commander every day, and so does Kaga, but Kaga is not so easy to talk to, alas~ In the end, they have to be dealt with by Amagi."

"Speaking of which, since Akagi and Kaga came to our port area, the commander's state has been getting worse day by day. I always see him as if he is preoccupied and tired. And you don't know, Akagi has really changed a lot , I used to be indifferent to the commander, and even had a grudge, but after going out for a trip, I stick to the commander every day, and it really is like that of a fox."

The assailant seemed a little outspoken, but she was just summarizing the experience of reading novels.


Pennsylvania was too surprised to speak foul words.

She never thought that Su Hao was still such a person?


Etc., etc.

Pennsylvania frowned, recalling Su Hao's behavior after coming to Lingshui City, it's impossible, right?

"The fox you're talking about... Akagi and Kaga? The battle of Sakura?"

The assailant nodded as a matter of course: "Otherwise, what do you think?"

It was them, one suddenly pestered the commander, the other wished for the commander to die at the speed of light, alas~ the commander is really difficult.

"Actually, I also want to help. Unfortunately, I am too weak to do anything. It would be great if Li... ahem, Washington is here. It's a pity that she has not returned yet after she went out to carry out the mission."

"You want to too?" Pennsylvania widened her eyes, "What do you want to do?"

"Of course it helped the commander relax."


Pennsylvania felt its shipbuilding outlook was crumbling.

Are all the ship girls in the port area so scary?I used to think that the assaulter occasionally talked about pornographic jokes that I don’t know where to read, but it was already a H temperament worthy of her figure.

Now, she said it without blushing, but she still wants to do it!Really dare to do it!

too frightening.

"Assaulter...it's not a matter of being weak or not." Pennsylvania took a deep breath, "I think you can kill most ship girls in seconds."

"Really?" The raider tilted his head, "But I still don't think it's enough. There are too many excellent people in the main port area. Look at Washington, Tiancheng, and even Cleveland. Akagi Kaga, oh~"

"No, no, no matter how Cleveland looks at it..."

"Cleveland was great, the commanders praised her personally, that night."

Well, on the night when the submarine attacked, although the commander stepped forward, he kept praising Cleveland in order to avoid everyone blaming Cleveland.

Facts have proved that in the battle of Amos Bay, Cleveland did show admirable strength.

Pennsylvania: ? ? ?

That evening?

Pennsylvania walked back, holding her forehead.

"Eh? Where are you going, Pennsylvania?"

"Hold, I'm sorry, I have something to do... I will contact you next time."

Watching her leave, the Raider looked at Atlanta wonderingly.

"What's up with her?"

"Ah?" Atlanta has been paying attention to Su Hao's side from the beginning, and didn't hear what the two were talking about at all, "Who?"


"Huh?" Atlanta turned around, "I don't know, probably because yesterday's battle was too intense and I haven't slowed down yet."

"I see." Assaulter nodded, "Tiancheng recently sent me some good books, I'll take you to read them."

"what book?"

"Hmm... It's a book about a modern person traveling to a different world to become a lord. He's a little silly, and he still has a mobile phone, haha~"

"Oh~ Interesting, let's go."


The figures of the two gradually drifted away.

On the other side, Su Hao, who was staring blankly at the sky, suddenly saw a small head appear in his field of vision.

"Vicious? What's wrong?"


Vicious is small, but not silly.

If there was a question as to who was the smartest of the original malevolent trio, it was malevolent without a doubt.

Volkland is careless, Tartu is too simple and natural, although vicious is lazy, but it is reliable at critical times.

Vicious is not vicious, on the contrary it is still very cute.

At this moment, she dragged Su Hao to her secret base.

"What did you bring me here for?"

There is no one else in the secret base, because there is a sign of 'Vicious の Secret Base' hanging on the door, no one can enter without her own invitation.

Once Firefly entered by force and was beaten out viciously, with smoke coming out of his head.

At this time, the whole room has been decorated, and the style is similar to Su Hao's imagination. There are even drink machines and snacks. These things are supplied by Mingmiao's canteen for a long time, using Vicious's own pocket money.

The light grass floor is very comfortable for bare feet.

Green vines hang from the top of the head, forming a circle around it, and there are some plastic flowers. All the vines are finally wrapped around the front of the room and edited into a frame of an awning.

Under the shed, there is a hammock for resting.

Table, freezer, snack box.

"Sit here."

Viciously pulled Su Hao to the hammock.


"lie down."


Although she didn't know what Vicious was doing, she seemed abnormally tough, so Su Hao had no choice but to follow suit.

The hammock is big, wobbly but very stable, and with this slightly green style design, it is really quite comfortable after lying down.

It's not in vain that Su Hao spent 'this amount' on the decoration.

At this time, viciously tilted his head and asked, "Are you comfortable?"

"Ah? It's comfortable, but it's comfortable... What's wrong, it's like this all of a sudden."

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