He took over the tasks in the system and dealt with them according to the procedures. These days, the Hong Kong area is still relatively calm, except for a group of sirens who were inexplicably killed in the past two days, nothing else happened.

The siren seems to have other things all of a sudden, not as intense as it was when he first came here, but it's not calm, it's quite satisfactory.

After dealing with the matter at hand, everything that needs to be explained is clearly explained. Finally, Su Hao walked out of the office and summoned the girls to prepare for departure.

St. Louis came early in the morning. She was very helpless about this matter.

At this time Su Hao appeared, and she immediately ran over.

"Su Hao, I heard that you put Chicheng to sleep last night."


The word of the tiger!

The pure Aunt Sheng outside said such words, is it a distortion of human nature, or the fall of the world?

St. Louis seemed quite curious. She stared at Su Hao and said, "I don't think it's true. How dare you have the guts? That's Chicheng. Don't you eat up your bones?"

The corner of Su Hao's mouth twitched, "You know and still ask? It must not be true, nonsense, nonsense."

As soon as the words fell, Vockland suddenly rushed over.

"Commander." She stood in front of Su Hao with her waist thrust forward, and said with her lips pouted, "Commander, don't forget Sister Richelieu."


"Giggle~" St. Louis suddenly laughed coquettishly, "I'm looking forward to it now."

"What, what..."

"Tell me, when I see Richelieu and I tell her about this, what expression will she have?"


Su Hao was silent for a while, and said, "If you tell Sister Li, then I won't repay the money I borrowed from you."

The rich are the uncle, Aunt Sheng, do you understand?

Unexpectedly, St. Louis understood very well, and she immediately said, "If you don't pay it back, you won't pay it back. Anyway, I don't think you plan to pay it back."

Damn, how do you understand me so well?

In fact, Su Hao was planning to see if he could trick (cross out) St. Louis into the port area.


Suddenly a blue light flew past his cheek.

Then there was an explosion from behind.

Su Hao: ? ? ?

In the distance, Kaga clicked his tongue unhappily.

"Tch! Missed."

St. Louis said sympathetically, "Okay, you don't need to pay back my money. You should think about how to keep your life safe before you see Richelieu."

Su Hao covered his face.

do not talk.



Just when Su Hao was about to set off, the originally peaceful island became lively on Sunset Island, which was far away from the heavy cherry blossoms.

A little girl in a priestess costume ran around the shrine, the Kagura bell in her hand jingling.

"Sister, sister!"

She ran into the shrine, came to the apse, and after crossing the long cherry blossom road, she came to the towering sacred tree.


Mutsu yelled softly towards Nagato, who was guilty under the god tree.

Nagato opened his eyes, and the reflection of the falling cherry blossoms flashed in the beautiful golden eyes.

"Are you all ready?"

"Ready." Mutsu said with a smile, "Just wait for my sister to pass."

Nagato raised his head and glanced at the tall god tree, silently praying in his heart for a smooth journey.

"Where is Kaga?"

"Sister Kaga seems to know about our situation, but they didn't do anything. Mikasa-senpai came to inquire before, and now he has gone back." Mutsu blinked, "Sister, sister, are we going to act on our own in Higurashi Island this time?" ? Why don’t you ask Kaga-san and Mikasa-senpai for help?”

"We are here to help." Nagato turned around and walked out, "This time, we have something that must be done."

Mutsu tilted his head.

She didn't quite understand what Nagato was thinking.

She was very curious, but seeing Nagato's expression, it's better not to ask, my sister must have had a lot of troubles.

"Sister, should I check the No. [-] turret again?"

"Didn't I check it for you yesterday?"

"But... I always feel uneasy."

"Then I'll take a look for you later."

"Yeah, thank you sister." Lutsu laughed, "There shouldn't be any problems this time, it's great to be able to fight side by side with my sister."


"Doesn't sister like fighting?"

"I don't like it, I don't hate it, I just hope that what we do makes sense."

Mutsu's eyes flickered.

What my sister said is always hard to understand.

After a while, they walked out of the main hall of the shrine and came to the courtyard.

Headed by Xianghe Ruihe, the ship girls of Higurashi Island are ready to go.

Nagato stood in front of everyone, but his petite body contained infinite majesty.

"I am Nagato, Nagato of Sakura."

"Carrying the wishes of the lords, returning to the battlefield today is bound to triumph!"


Pascal Bay, the ruined fort area.

Prince Eugen stood on the reef, looking into the distance.


After receiving the news in the newsletter, a happy smile appeared on her face.


A figure came from behind.

"Why are you still here?" Hipper complained, "We have taken this place for several days, when will we leave?"

"Don't worry, sister."

"Huh? I'm not in a hurry. I just think that the royal group of idiots probably don't have the courage to come here. Didn't the information say that? They've already headed to the Senna Sea. When are we going to support the Iris Country?"

The corner of Prince Eugen's mouth slightly raised, "Let's go now."

"Huh? Are you... leaving?"

Hipper was a little unresponsive.

"Why, sister, do you want to stay here?"

"Idiot, who wants to stay here!" Hipper snorted, "It's just, what did we wait for so many days before?"

"Of course it's for our plan."

"So, what is our plan? Hmph! That guy Frederick the Great doesn't say anything, pretends to be mysterious, and don't cry when he's exhausted."

What, she is a dignified Admiral Hipper, why never tell her the action plan?

On the contrary, Prince Eugen, who is the younger sister, knows it clearly, please, I am the older sister, okay!

"Sister." Prince Eugen suddenly became serious, "Emperor Frederick is not easy to mess with, don't keep saying such things, and because of her joining, our iron-blooded fleet will usher in a new era."

"Tch~ I still like Bismarck better."

"Ah, then next time I see Bismarck, I'll tell her about it. My sister likes her the most."

"Ahhh! Eugene, what nonsense are you talking about!" Hipper panicked, "Idiot! That's not what I meant, don't talk nonsense!"

"Hehe~" Prince Eugen looked happy, "Sister is really cute."

"Hmm." Hipper puffed up his face, "Eugen!"

"Okay, okay, let's not talk." Prince Eugen said enough, "Inform the others, let's go."

"Okay, I can finally go to the Sea of ​​Senna to have a big fight!"

"Ah, when did I say I was going to the Senna Sea?"

"Huh?" Hipper, who was about to walk back, froze for a moment, "Aren't we going to support the Iris Kingdom?"

"Who said they were going to support the Iris Country?"

"..." Hipper was silent for a moment, "Then where are we going?"

Prince Eugen chuckled, "Of course I went to the royal family to collect some interest."


Chapter 232 Assaulter's transformation ambition

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