"of course not."

"Then you like him?"


Enterprise was silent for a long time, raised his head, and said firmly, "I will fight in my own way!"

"It's too late." 'Enterprise' shook his head, "The Black Rubik's Cube has already merged with you. This is the siren's plan and your destiny. Even if you try to resist it deliberately, it will not succeed. You have to What I have to do is to use this power to protect him, otherwise..."

"I will kill him!"


Enterprise drew its longbow and stared at each other sharply.

"Very good." Her anger did not arouse any emotional changes in the other party, 'Enterprise' said indifferently: "This is the momentum, otherwise, you will not be able to protect anything."

After speaking, she looked in the other direction.

"I have to go now."

Stepping forward, walking towards the enterprises face to face, passing each other, the body of the 'enterprise' was blown away by a gust of wind.


There were shouts all around.




Enterprise opened his eyes blankly, and what he saw was Su Hao's worried expression.

"Commander, I..."

"Huh~" Su Hao wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said happily, "You finally woke up, you scared me to death."

Business looks around.

The power of the Black Rubik's Cube remained in the room.

The walls of the room are intact, but the things inside, the table and chairs, and even the place where she was sitting, the whole bed has collapsed.

The company tried hard to recall the previous events, "This is..."

"The Black Rubik's Cube is out of control." Su Hao followed her words, but his tone was a little puzzled, "Why is there such a big reaction this time? When I entered your body just now...cough cough, the power flowing into your body...is not right, Well, it's when you check your body..."

Su Hao felt that this statement should be more reliable, and he continued: "I feel that your mental state is very unstable, but the Black Rubik's Cube still hasn't changed significantly, so I wonder if you haven't slept well recently or something?"

The Black Rubik's Cube has not changed much, but their mental state is unstable. Don't underestimate this. The mental state of the ship's mother is directly related to the physical condition. If the state is not good, their strength cannot be fully exerted.

"I..." Enterprise frowned.

"What happened to you before?"

"Before..." After recalling for a while, Enterprise suddenly blushed, "I was thinking about the commander."


Su Hao scratched his head, what the hell?Think about me, and then the Black Cube goes berserk?



"At first, I was thinking about the commander, and I felt a little weird, just thinking about the commander and Akagi... Then the whole person suddenly became strange, and then, it seemed to be summoned by something, I don't know what happened at all .”


Su Hao didn't even know what expression to use.

The company is thinking about itself and Akagi.

Wait, why is it getting weird?

"What call are you talking about..."

Enterprise shook his head.

Suddenly, her eyes turned to the window, and then quickly got up and walked to the window to look out.

"what happened?"

Su Hao followed, and everything outside was the same, but he didn't see anything special.

Moreover, if an enemy appears, the girls should be able to spot it immediately.

"Reaper." The enterprise suddenly said.

"What?" Su Hao raised his head subconsciously and looked up. Relying on the condition of his strengthened body, he could vaguely see a black spot slipping into the clouds, "Isn't that your bird... er, your eagle?"


As if to verify the company's words, after she finished speaking, an eagle's cry sounded in the sky.

Then, the chubby eagle appeared above the yacht.

"Eh? Two gods of death?" Su Hao asked subconsciously, "Isn't that the one from before?"

Eagles and the like, although rare, are not uncommon.

And it was so far away, Su Hao didn't see clearly at all.

Enterprise shook his head: "I don't know... I just feel that someone has been paying attention to us."

Su Hao rubbed his chin, thinking about this kind of thing can't reach a conclusion at all, so he smiled, held the hand of the enterprise and said, "Okay, don't think so much, if there are really enemies, so many of us, Still afraid of it?"

Feeling the warmth from the palm of his hand, Enterprise suddenly turned around and hugged Su Hao.

"Commander... thank you."

The voice of the enterprise is very soft, but the strength of the embrace is very strong.

Su Hao doesn't know what she went through just now, but it must not be simple to make the always strong company show this expression.

"Don't worry, no matter what happens, I will always be with you."

he said softly.


The locked door was opened by the key.

"That..." The assailant looked at the tragic situation in the room with a confused face, and opened his mouth, "Commander, you and the company... no matter how violent it is, you don't have to collapse the bed, right?"


Chapter 235 A Reliable Companion

What happened to the company, we don't know, even though Tartu said it was bad, the situation was urgent or something.

The ship girls only knew that when they opened the door, the tables and chairs in the room were damaged, and the bed collapsed, while Su Hao and Enterprise were hugging each other in ragged clothes.

And the happy smile and sweet blush on the face of the company are clearly signs of completion!

"We're late!" said the experienced raider. After a pause, she tilted her head and said something inexplicable, "I didn't expect the commander to be so fast."

Counting from the moment they entered the room, and then they opened the door, it would take ten minutes if they were fully charged.

But also, in such a fierce situation, how long can a human being survive?

And I heard that this kind of foreplay needs to be sufficient, otherwise I can't let go of it, and it's easy to just let it go.

So, thinking about it this way, the Assaulter felt that the company should not be.

"What are you talking about?" Cleveland scratched his head, "Why is it too late and too fast, what does this have to do with what happened just now?"

"Of course there is."

Looking at the curious sisters around, the attacker hooked his hands with a smile, and whispered to them.

On the other hand, Chicheng is undoubtedly the biggest in terms of reaction to this matter.

"Damn it, the company must have deceived the commander on purpose!"

It's just the two of you in the room, what can make the room so messy?

Obviously, she thinks of bad things, dry wood and fire, on the battlefield, even if it ends up like that, is it normal?

"Damn it, it was preempted by the company! That bitch!"


A hand knife knocked on her head.

Tiancheng was full of helplessness: "What are you thinking, how could the Lord do such a thing? You don't understand, this is..."

"Sister." Chicheng held her head a little aggrieved. She didn't listen to what Tiancheng was saying, but said: "I'm talking about the company, not the commander. How could the commander do such a thing? Didn't Tartu say that Is it? The company tricked him to go."

Tiancheng: "..."

Kaga couldn't help but said: "Sister, what Tartu said was that the company seemed to be in pain, so that's why she asked her to go to the commander."

Prior to this, Chicheng had called Tartu over to get a comprehensive understanding of the situation at that time.

As for the prestige of the big milk fox, although she would definitely not lose if it was a milk fight, but the difference in aura is almost one by one, so Tartu confessed everything without reservation.

"That's right." Akagi followed Kaga's words, "The company pretended to be in pain, and then asked Tartu to find the commander, right?"

Kaga sighed.

It's over, it's over, my sister who was so shrewd before has become stupid.

Sure enough, the port area is not a good place at all.

I will definitely never join Minato!

Tiancheng didn't bother to care about Chicheng's thoughts anymore, she was the only one among the three who knew exactly what happened.

The black magic cube in the corporate body is ultimately an unstable factor.

Is there any way to stabilize her...

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