"It's been expected for a long time." Dunkirk said indifferently, she didn't care about Iron Blood's behavior at all, "Richelieu tried his best to stop him when he cooperated with Iron Blood, and she never believed that Iron Blood would be the real one. ally."

"Now is not the time to say that."

Jean Barr waved his hand.

"The purpose of the Iron Blood is obvious. They just want us to hold back the royal people, and then take the opportunity to take Pascal Bay. As for now..."

Algeria frowned, pointed to the map in front of everyone, and said, "The investigation found that they bypassed the Seine Sea, and instead headed towards the royal land."

"What are they trying to do?"

"Capture the royal family?"

"There is only one fleet, and the specific strength is unknown, but is this kind of thing possible? At most, it will cause a little trouble for the royal family."

"The key is the reaction of the royal family. They don't seem to have any plans to retreat, but instead attack more frequently and swiftly."

"I'm in a hurry to return to defense... Besides, the royal family has quite a few allies."

The ship girls had a heated discussion.

Jean Barr stared at the several battle lines drawn on the map and fell into deep thought.

Iron Blood didn't plan to help them directly, but it put some pressure on the royal family, otherwise the royal family couldn't suddenly become anxious.

If you bypass the frontal attack of the Royal Fleet and fight in a roundabout way, it will be easy to delay this period of crisis.

But this is the last line of defense of the Iris Kingdom stationed in the Sea of ​​Seine. If it is breached here, it will directly face the holy church of the Holy See...

The headquarters has repeatedly emphasized the need to protect the sanctuary.

However, if they confronted head-on, they had no chance of winning at all.


After thinking for a moment, let Barr stop the discussion.

"We can't expect Sangvis to do anything, but since the royal family is in such a hurry, we might as well take advantage of it."

"Algeria, you bring Triumph, Forbin and Lemar to fight guerrilla warfare. The main target is the transport ship in the rear of the royal family. If you can find that their transport route is the best, they are attacking so fiercely during this period, and the supplies they need Not less."

"Bearn, you cooperate to determine the position of the royal transport ship, and fight with the main goal of destroying the transport ship."

"Dunkirk, you and Reckless are stubbornly holding on to the route to Fort No. [-]."

"Ah?" Dunkirk raised his brows, "How long can we hold off with this little combat power? Can't it be like before?"

"Who told you to lose the vicious ones?"

"How could I expect this to happen."

"Okay, let's ignore them. This time the royal school is smart and has changed their tactics. I feel that their goal is not us." Jean Bart said in a deep voice, "Dunkirk, you put the amount of the first and second echelons Take all the production models with you."

"Are you crazy!?" Dunkirk was shocked, "I'll take them all away, and there's only one mass-produced team left. How can you stop it here?"

"It's okay not to."

"Then it can't be stopped in the end?" Algeria is a rationalist, she doesn't think that everything can be done with a momentum, "Don't forget there are sirens."

"If you can't stop it in the end, all the staff will enter the sanctuary and activate the wall of aurora!"



The sky was gloomy, as if before the rainstorm came, the clear sea surface was surging with an undercurrent, and the crashing waves continued to raise heights, with a threatening momentum.

It was unclear whether it was gunpowder smoke or dark clouds, but a moment later there was rumbling thunder in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a group of carrier-based aircraft suddenly emerged from the dark clouds and swooped down. Machine guns fired, orange sparks burst out, and bullets poured down like heavy rain.

At the same time, rows of battleships on the sea fired salvos of anti-aircraft guns, and the sound of explosions continued under the collision of firepower.


After the carrier-based aircraft dived to a certain height, it pulled up sharply, and dropped torpedoes and bombs at the lowest point of the pause and turning.

In an instant, the blast wave engulfed the resisting warships.



The flames were raging, the sound of explosions came and went, accompanied by bursts of thunder, continuous raindrops fell, and then gathered into particles, and the raindrops turned into torrential rain, crackling on the sea surface, and the whole sea suddenly became lively like fried beans.

The rain splashed the mist, and the hot air wave suddenly turned into a icy sea breeze, hitting the faces of the girls on the ship.

"It's stronger than expected."

On the surface of the sea, the girl twisted her rain-wet clothes, and the white skirt that was originally bulged by the air waves was also tightly attached to her skin due to the wet water.

The long white hair, the delicate and gentle facial lines outline the girl's flawless temperament, and the delicate clavicle goes down, which is the terrifying twin peaks that make countless people daunted.

Any man who sees it, probably wants to show his strength between these two peaks.

At this time, she looked into the distance. The sudden rainstorm had already blocked her vision ahead, but relying on the induction of the carrier-based aircraft, she could still see the situation on the battlefield clearly.

"They are tenacious, but there is no going back."

A girl who was not inferior to her figure stood beside her and said.

The battle was fierce, but they were surprisingly relaxed.

There is no way, the aviation capabilities of the Fleet of the Iris Kingdom are too poor. Even if they have many mass-produced aircraft carriers, they are still not the enemy of their sisters.

"Sister, after we take this place, we will be a step further away from where the holy church of Iris Kingdom is located."

"That's right." The woman called Sister sighed and said, "If you take down the Holy Church, all the support of the Iris Kingdom will be gone. At that time, I believe they will have a wiser judgment."

"Tch~ Iron Blood really doesn't care whether Iris Kingdom is dead or alive."

"Perhaps they knew that it would be far from easy to fight head-on, so they simply took the opportunity to win Pascal Bay and use it as a springboard. It will be difficult to restrict Iron Blood in the future."

"Even so, I feel a little sad for the Iris Country." The girl blinked, and suddenly asked curiously: "Sister, you said that the Sakura...would take action?"

"Probably not, at least no news has been received so far."

"Sister, I heard that there was an accident in Baiying's operation on the side of Sakura this time, neither Baiying nor Sakura, even the iron and blood didn't benefit, and they were all destroyed by a commander in the end... oops~ really Curious about what earth-shattering things that guy did."

"Why are you so concerned about things over there?"

"Hee hee~ It was a bit boring a while ago. The headquarters has been communicating with Iris Nation. I used to be wary of Iron Blood, but now I can't help it. What kind of plan is Iron Blood thinking? Your Majesty has already guessed it. Hehe~ Wait for the matter here When it's over, let's take down Pascal Bay and see what Sangvis will do."

"Don't be careless, Iron Blood is not as weak as you think..." The plump white-haired girl covered her eyes with her hands to avoid the impact of the scorching air, and then said seriously: "It's awesome, I'm serious about the enemy."

Kewei smiled confidently: "Sister Guanghui, look at mine~"

drop drop~

Guanghui received a communication from the rear.

After a while, she said to Kewei: "The Iron Blood Fleet has indeed appeared on our supply route. The Battle Spite side wants us to make a quick decision. The Iron Blood capital ship appears. Your Majesty means to take the opportunity to turn around them and drive back the Iron Blood first." Besides, lest they make trouble at critical times."

"What about the Sirens?"

"The fleet that intercepted Iron Blood from Donghuang has come to support them, and they will be responsible for holding down the sirens temporarily."


The battle in the Sea of ​​Senna was far more chaotic than imagined.

The royal family attacked ferociously, while the iris kingdom resisted tenaciously. The siren was not the main character but was powerful. They frequently harassed and made troubles from time to time. Both the iris kingdom and the royal family were quite troubled.

And the iron blood that suddenly appeared did not come to support the Iris Kingdom, but went straight to the royal supply line, trying to snatch the supplies to achieve the goal of besieging Wei and saving Zhao (?).

Of course, both the Iris Kingdom and the royal family are skeptical about this reason, but no matter whether it succeeds or not, Sangvis has enough excuses to show that he has worked hard.

As for the Royal and Donghuang Fleets that initially went to intercept Iron Blood, the former was ordered to double-team the Iron Blood team, while the latter shifted its target to contain the Sirens.

The small Senna sea area accommodated the great melee of five factions for a while, and it became a mess.

Just as they were fighting in full swing, Richelieu, who had come from the mainland of Iris Country, appeared somewhere behind the battlefield.

She raised her head and glanced at the huge and magnificent building in front of her. The true feeling from her heart had never been so clear and strong.

"Holy Church..."

Ignoring the obstacles of the defense system, Richelieu stepped firmly into the church.


PS: keep going~

Chapter 237 Gascogne

"Alarm! Alert! An intruder is found, and the defense system is automatically activated."

"Alarm! Alert! An intruder is found, and the defense system is automatically activated."


Inside the huge building made of ice-cold metal, the red alarm lights were constantly flashing in the dark environment, and at the same time, the cold mechanical sirens were constantly sounding.

However, the alarm subsided after a while.

Afterwards, the staff members who were still inside the church showed expressions of surprise, not knowing what happened.

Da, da, da, da, da...

The sound of crisp footsteps echoed in the corridor.

Richelieu looked at this area with his eyes, and the places he passed seemed to overlap with the pictures in his memory.

"Ten years... and nothing has changed."

But she is very clear that no changes are just superficial. After ten years of preparation, relying on the power of Jagged Technology, the Aurora Wall project has reached the final stage.

Richelieu clearly felt the changes here, and she guessed that it was probably because of this that the royal attack became so intense.

However, she didn't think about going to the frontal battlefield to support, firstly, her role was limited, and secondly, it would be somewhat troublesome for her to participate in frontal combat with her current identity.

And under the traction of the black magic cube in her heart, she finally came here.

What puzzled her was that the defense system inside did not seem to delete her authority.

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