After speaking, she jumped off the pier and sailed towards the port.

Atlanta glanced at the spray under the pier, hesitated for a moment and followed George V.


Ark Royal's head popped out of the water with a depressed face.

"If you didn't come back, you didn't come back. Why did you hit me?"


"Are you going to the port too?"

Seeing Atlanta following, George V was a little surprised.

"Well, go shopping." After Atlanta finished speaking, he couldn't help but glance at George V.


"No, nothing."

Even if they are newcomers, some ship girls are born with a strong aura. If it is not when they are foodies, George V's majesty does not seem to be lower than Richelieu.

Seeing her, Atlanta subconsciously thought of Richelieu.

Not to mention, the impression they gave her was quite similar.

"It's said that the commander really hasn't come back." George V said suddenly.

"Ah no, I..." Atlanta tossed his hair with his fingers, hesitated for a moment and said, "Is this mission going well? I heard that the battle situation in Iris Country is very unstable, so..."

"It's okay." George V waved his hand, "The commander has contacted me and is preparing to come back. I'll be there in a few days."

Atlanta looked happy: "Really?"

George V looked at her suspiciously: "Why do you care so much about the commander? Don't you want to come to our port area?"

"No, no, no such thing, no, no, no..."

Atlanta waved his hands hastily.

The more she denies, the more suspicious George V becomes.

"If there is, there is no such thing as a lie." She smiled indifferently, "You are a free ship girl, and you are not a ship girl in any port area. Of course you have the right to choose where to go. You want to come If so, I will definitely welcome it, and so will others.”

"Ah... I, um..." Atlanta looked a little uneasy, "Actually, I don't know, but I have been restless these days, thinking about Su Hao's affairs all the time. What's the problem?"

George V asked back: "You don't care, how can you care about these?"

"Yes... is it?"

The young girl was a little ignorant, the elder brother laughed and patted her on the shoulder, "It must be, our ship girl just wants to do whatever, like me, when the commander and the others are not there when I want to eat, then I will It doesn't matter if you do it yourself or learn it yourself."

Atlanta thought your analogy was weird, aren’t you just a foodie?

"I heard from the commander that you gave him a lot of help when he first came here, right? You can be regarded as an old friend." George V touched his chin and continued, "Well...the commander is so good, can you It is also necessary to attract our attention. If you care about him so much, you must have some ideas, right? I think you might as well come to the port area and forget it, and then you don’t have to quit your job at the Maritime Safety Administration. You'll think about it too much, won't you?"

"Ha... this is..."

Is the Port Area Maritime Safety Administration a family?

Atlanta was taken aback, how dare you say such a thing.

"Don't hesitate, it's right to listen to me, haha~ the ship girl should obey her heart." George V laughed, "I will treat you to eat when I arrive at the port, and you listen to me and join our port area, how about it? "

"Ah this?"

Can it still be like this?Do you want to be so straightforward?

However, Atlanta wondered that he didn't instinctively want to refuse?

Is it really what George V said?

I only care about it because I care about it. I will join the port area in the future and continue to work in the Maritime Safety Administration?

Atlanta's mind was in turmoil.

"Huh? Something happened at the port?"


Chapter 259 Howard!

The port of Lingshui City, the wharf has not been this lively for a long time.

Lively is of course not the scene of people coming and going, but the noisy noise.

The theatergoers formed a circle and pointed at the people in the crowd.

"What happened?"

George V stood on tiptoe, but although she was not short, she could not see the innermost part.

"What's the matter?" Atlanta also stood on tiptoe, but she was shorter and gave up quickly, and then asked the people around her, "What happened inside?"

"I don't know, it seems to be a ship girl."

The elder brother in front turned around and said, "It's a ship boss who just entered the port, and there seems to be a dispute with that ship girl."

"What dispute?"

"Can't hear clearly."

Atlanta immediately took out his employee card of the Maritime Safety Administration and said, "I'm from the Lingshui Maritime Safety Administration. Let me go in and have a look."

"Oh, please."

The matter of the ship's mother is left to the ship's mother. The gendarmerie is not there, and so are the others. Anyway, the people from the Maritime Safety Administration are fine.

George V followed Atlanta in, and soon, the two came to the innermost by virtue of their identities.

Two groups of people.

One side is headed by a middle-aged man from the Mediterranean, with a few younger brothers.

On the other side there is only one beautiful girl.

The raw ocher hair is extremely eye-catching, and the emerald green eyes are dotted on the delicate and flawless face, which is simply perfect.

The girl is tall and tall, with protruding front and back. If an experienced commander is here, she will definitely sigh "big boat".

The girl is obviously a ship's wife. Although everyone can't be sure, as long as you see a beautiful and perfect girl in the port and say she is a ship's girl, the probability of being right is higher than the probability of being wrong.

At this moment, a look of annoyance appeared on the girl's pretty face.

After listening for a while, George V knew what was going on.

It turned out to be about commission fees.

Although this situation does not happen often, in coastal cities, the sum of the odds and zeros is quite a lot.

"You didn't do anything along the way, you lived on my own, and I reduced the commission fee according to the situation, what's the problem?"

"This is what was agreed before departure!"

"There are accidents even if it is agreed? With so many agreed contracts, accidents often happen. Although you are a ship girl, don't be so rigid. According to us humans, this is called specific analysis of specific situations, yes no?"

The people around the boss of the boat immediately agreed.


The girl's quarrel skills are obviously not as high as the opponent's. It's better to say that most ship girls are not good at quarreling, they are better at fighting.

She looked annoyed, and took a step, and the boat boss and others immediately retreated.

"What?" He exaggerated, "You want to hit someone? You want to hit someone because you are a ship's wife? I'm trying to reason with you, but you just want to hit someone. Can you do whatever you want as a ship's wife? Is it? Everyone come to judge, this girl is going to hit someone with her hand, it is too unreasonable!"

Shifting the focus of the topic, arousing public anger, and elevating the issue to another level, this ship boss is obviously very good at this, and it is not the first time he has done this kind of thing.

But it happened unexpectedly.

He asked everyone to comment, but everyone around him remained silent.

After a while, someone finally spoke.

"I've been watching for so long, but I haven't seen her hitting you, but you've always been aggressive. How can you be reasonable?"

"That's right, looking at your situation, I'm familiar with it, isn't it the first time I've done this?"

"Brother, you're new to me, are you from outside?"

The boss of the boat froze for a moment, "Yes, I'm from outside... wait, she's going to hit me, the ship's mother is going to hit a human!"

"Isn't this a fight yet? When you hit you, there will naturally be laws to punish her. Why panic. But you, please explain the specifics clearly. We have listened for so long, and we have heard a general idea. You can tell the details Yes, let's judge."

The boat boss's face turned black.

Hey, you don't care if the ship's mother hit someone, what do you care about?

Was beaten and punished by law?After this punch, labor and management are paralyzed, so what's the use of punishing her?

When the girl heard that someone was helping, she was also taken aback for a moment.

She didn't expect that these humans would actually help her.

After all, no matter how beautiful the ship girl is said to be, she is not a race creature like humans, and coupled with the strength of the ship girl, it is inevitable that some people will have ideas.

In fact, she has encountered many similar situations.

Humans still help humans a lot.

"You guys..." The girl was a little moved, and she immediately gained confidence with the support. She took a big step forward, and the boss of the boat was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground.

"You, you, don't come here!"

"Tch~ You look like a bear, and they didn't treat you well. If it were me, with such a beautiful girl approaching, I wouldn't even have time to smile."

"9494, bear, you can tell at a glance that it's not a bad person, it must be a bad person."

Most of the people who spoke were from Lingshui City, and their work was related to going to sea.

In the less than three months since Su Hao took office, the safety of Lingshui City's sea area has been greatly improved. People who depend on the sea for their livelihoods naturally have a good impression of Jian Niang.

It is better to do more than to say more.

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