Atlanta rolled her eyes, she wasn't interested.

"Eh? Me? Then...then I won't be polite."

Howe was a little flattered by George V's hospitality.

She opened the menu and couldn't help muttering when she saw the price: "It's so expensive."

"Haha~ It's okay, I have money."

Su Hao gave her the bank card when he left, saying that he could buy whatever he wanted, but King George V decided not to be polite to him. During this time, he did not know how much he swiped. It was only spent at Ming's, probably Five digits, right?

It doesn't matter, it's the Commander's money anyway.

Isn't it natural for the ship's wife to spend the commander's money?

"Speaking of which, Hao, you came to Lingshui City alone?"


"Liberty ship girl?"

"That's right."

If it weren't for Liberty Ship Girl, she wouldn't have accepted this kind of commission.

If the port area accepted the commission and let the ship's mother carry it out, how could the ship's boss dare to be so arrogant.

"It's hard work, wandering outside alone."

I'm coming.

Atlanta knew George V's purpose without a second thought.

The ship girl in the Suhao port area has her own skill: boat fishing.

To be honest, such a good opportunity, George V is not stupid, a super powerful battleship, Liberty Ship Mother, or his own sister ship, and also has kindness to others.

Where to find such an opportunity.

Watching the discussion between the two sisters and sisters, Atlanta picked up the chopsticks on the dining table and knocked boredly.

Why hasn't the food come up yet?


On the other side, the surveillance room in the port area.

As a young rookie, Olick was entrusted with a heavy responsibility by the eldest sister George V today.

"Well, you must be more careful."

"Check and check more... Well, it seems that there is nothing to check."

"This okay, also okay? What else?"

"Let's have a snack."

The radar equipment operates on its own, and the task of a monitor is nothing more than to look here and there, and the monitoring of several areas can be seen at once.

The monitoring is fine, so it's time to eat snacks.

In order to make the ship girl in the monitoring room not so boring, there are a lot of snacks and books here.

Originally, Su Hao planned to put a game console, but at that time Richelieu said that playing games is easy to distract, and if something happens to the monitoring side, it will be over.

So I gave up in the end, and under normal circumstances, the little girl would not be assigned to be on duty here.

George V is also big-hearted, but there is no way, who makes the port area less crowded now?

Of course, Olick is a good boy, if it was Nicholas, George V would definitely not let her come.

"Huh? Is there a red dot? What is the red dot... an alarm? Yes, yes, it is the enemy!"

After discovering the abnormal display on the radar equipment, Olick suddenly panicked.

"Telephone call!"

She grabbed the phone in the monitoring room, found the contact information left by King George V, dialed, and beeped.

"Hey, sister George V, it's not good, the siren has appeared!"



I only had a few mouthfuls of lunch, and the siren came, not happy!

Extremely upset!

Big Brother is accumulating strength.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh The Siren Appeared? You have to tell the Maritime Safety Administration immediately!"

Atlanta sprang into action.

"No need." George V waved his hand, "Olik said the number of enemies is not many."

"Not many on the surface, maybe there will be more in the future? I still have to report." Atlanta shook his head and took out his mobile phone to contact the Maritime Safety Administration.

In the final analysis, the large troops in Su Hao Port area were not there, otherwise she wouldn't be so nervous.

The safety line in the sea area of ​​Lingshui City has just been rolled out, and the safety accidents in the past few months are the lowest in the entire Bagui District. She doesn't want any accidents to happen again.

Atlanta insisted, but George V said nothing.

"Hao, I'm sorry, I didn't enjoy the meal, but there's nothing I can do if the enemy appears, I'll treat you to something delicious after the matter here is resolved.

"Ah no, Sister George V, you can eat at any time. If there are enemies, you have to deal with them first." Hao waved his hand, paused and said, "How about this, I will help too."

"You?" George V laughed, "Haha~ that's fine, we sisters go to the battlefield together, let's fight together."

I'm coming.

Seeing this, Atlanta, who was reporting the situation to the Maritime Safety Administration, thought to himself that they had just met, so how could it be his sister.

But, come to think of it, this girl looks like she is in the port area.

Atlanta reported the situation, and George V ran to pay the bill. Although he didn't eat much, he still had to pay.

After giving the money, the three of them immediately set off from the pier and met Olik and Nicholas outside the port area.

At this time, Olik was pulling Nicholas to this side.

"The commander took most of the people in the port area out to perform important tasks, so there are few people in the port area during this period, and there are only a few newcomers like us left." George V explained, although he said newcomers, his face was completely I can't see the childishness of the newcomer, but after arriving at sea, he becomes extremely handsome and confident, "Of course, even if it's a newcomer, the sirens don't want to break through our defense!"

"Nicholas, Orlik, the commander is not here, the safety of the sea area is up to us to guard."

"set off!"

So handsome.

Looking at the golden back shining brightly in the sun, Hao's eyes were full of longing and admiration.

This is the so-called charisma.

Some people are born leaders, high-ranking ones. Maybe Howe's strength at this time is no worse than George V, but she definitely does not have the courage of George V.

It's great to see you here.

The corner of Hao's mouth lightly raised, and he quickly followed.

Orlik was right, it was only a small group of sirens that appeared in the A-0 sea area.

Of course, the appearance of the enemy is a threat, and the threat must be taken seriously, it has nothing to do with the number of people.

"Nicholas, cheer up, be careful and don't get hurt."

"You take the two of them with you in Atlanta. They are newbies. You should take care of them. The main goal is to entangle their wives."

"Hao, you cooperate with me and kill that battleship first, and then the other Siren battleships. The Siren ships are left for the end. They are too flexible, and our shelling is easy to miss."

George V called the shots.

As the eldest brother, she has the unyielding command right.

"I really want to go home..." Nicholas rubbed his eyes and yawned, but he perked up after seeing the enemy appear. "Well, after the battle, go back to sleep in the vicious secret base."

"Don't, don't, don't, don't worry, Nicholas, it's okay!" Olick's voice trembled, as if he was comforting Nicholas, but in fact he was terribly scared.

"Aha~" Nicholas tilted his head.

"Don't worry you two, it's actually very simple, there are only a few enemies."

Atlanta sailed over for comfort.

Indeed, the battle was as she said, with the cooperation of George V and Howe, the Siren's battleship was quickly sunk, and the fleet lost its firepower, only one Siren was left, and was finally killed by George V Dashing shelling away.

The good thing about fighting Sirens is that without intelligent units, their attack patterns become very templated.

The entire battle lasted less than half an hour.

"It's over." George V scanned the battlefield, "Look at the trophies, mosquitoes have small legs and are meat, take some if there is... huh?"

"Sister George V, over there." Hao pointed to a small figure on a broken battleship in the distance and said, "There seems to be someone there."

George V froze for a moment.

I fished the boat?


PS: Who am I? (BGM sounds)

Chapter 261 Nelson, your sister is fine, don't call again

George V turned into a boat fishing maniac, and Su Hao was still feeling emotional on this new luxury yacht.

"Oh, it's nice to have money."

This yacht is several meters longer than the previous one.

How many meters the yacht is, it is not a matter of how many meters the train is.

In short, it feels different. Even with the addition of the three glorious sisters and the unicorn, the room is enough.

But they follow back, someone always has an idea.

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