"Ahhhh~ Commander Su Hao, how can you make a girl sad." Guanghui smiled softly, looked at Xiao Guanghui and said, "Of course it's not like this, your commander is too late to like you, he must I also want to be with you forever."

"Really?" Xiao Guanghui was puzzled, "Then why didn't the commander marry me?"

"If you get married...the Maritime Safety Administration has a rule that adults and adults can do it, just like your commander and Richelieu, adults and children can only be together for the rest of their lives to take care of you, but they cannot get married. do you know?"

"This, that..." Little Guanghui looked at Su Hao, then at Guanghui, and suddenly said excitedly: "Sister Guanghui, you can marry the commander instead of me. You are the Guanghui, and I am also the Guanghui. In this way It's as if Xiao Guanghui is marrying the commander!"

"Eh?" Guanghui was stunned, how could it be like this?

Su Hao was also stunned.

Little Guanghui, you really... did a great job, I'll add chicken legs to your dinner!

But no matter how much I think about it in my heart, just think about it for a while, and go back to eat a peach, I still have to be down-to-earth.

"Little Guanghui, marriage is irreplaceable." Su Hao said with a straight face, "Oath is a sacred ceremony, not just a relationship between a ring, but also a symbol of the sublimation of two people's feelings, not just a joke. "

"Of course, even if I can't marry you, Xiao Guanghui, I will still take care of you for the rest of my life. After all, you are my mother-in-law and my family. Of course, we will be together for the rest of my life. Don't worry."

"Oh." Little Guanghui seems to understand, but anyway, we will not be separated in the future, so that's fine, "Then can't Commander and Sister Guanghui get married in the future? I also want to be with Sister Guanghui for the rest of my life."

"Uh, this..." Su Hao looked at Guanghui.

Guanghui is also very difficult to deal with. I thought to myself, what do I do, isn't this kind of problem obvious?

"Unicorns, unicorns... also want to be with Sister Guanghui for the rest of their lives!" Unicorn, who had been watching silently, suddenly summoned up his courage.

"That's great!" Xiao Guanghui patted his little hands and laughed, "Let's be together from now on, Unicorn, and Sister Guanghui, Commander and I, we'll be together in the port area. Separate, unicorn, do you agree?"

The unicorn hesitated for a moment, and looked at Guanghui.

Su Hao looked at Guanghui, the unicorn looked at Guanghui, and little Guanghui looked at Guanghui.

Huh huh?what is the rhythm! ?

Why are you all looking at me!


PS: The three major chapters have been updated, please ask for tickets~

Recently, I have been working hard on the liver 12-4. I have a hunch that Chokai will come out within this month!

Chapter 265 The commander returned home and found that the port area had undergone major changes, so he gave an order...

Little Guanghui is a little angel, there is no doubt about that.

It's just that the little angel can also embarrass people, Guanghui thinks, those words must not be said by the little cutie on purpose, after all, he is so innocent and lively, how could he correct these meandering thoughts?

Of course, embarrassment is embarrassment, and Guanghui is not Mengxin. I really don’t know what to say, so I just laugh, anyway, it’s definitely right to laugh.

A gentle smile, a smile with holy brilliance, with such a smile, there will be no troubles, no troubles.

Well, at least the cuteness passed the test.

Find a reason (similar to the gas not turned off at home) and leave in a hurry, and when you return to the room, you will encounter the victory and fear that just came back.

The two seemed to be still discussing the volleyball match just now.

Seeing Guanghui's appearance, he was suddenly curious.

"Sister Guanghui, what's wrong with you? You seem nervous."

"No, nothing."

"By the way, where's the unicorn? Why haven't you seen her? I wanted to ask her to play volleyball just now."

"Unicorn... Well, it's playing with Xiao Guanghui, don't worry about it."

Guanghui suddenly pulled Victory and Terrible into the room, and slammed the door shut.

"Victory, awesome, I tell you... blah blah blah blah..."


The time at sea was fast, and with such a big family, it was impossible to wander around. When I went back, I stopped in several big cities along the coast to buy some things.

Although it is not uncommon for ship girls to be seen by the sea, so many of them came all at once, especially when the giant luxury yacht St. Louis entered the port, every time it attracted all kinds of surprised eyes.

Let’s say it’s a passenger ship, it seems a bit small, let’s say it’s a yacht, I’ve never seen such a big one in my life.

Then a group of beautiful girls disembarked, making people reluctant to blink, but soon these people discovered that there was actually a man among the group of beautiful girls!

It's a man, a boy, a man, look at his smug look, that look of happiness, look at him being hugged by a girl with nine tails, and beside him is a handsome blonde girl talking, two Beautiful girls are arguing over an ugly guy.

At this time, the mood is generally changed, and the eyes that appreciate beauty have become weapons that emit death rays.

If eyes could kill, Su Hao would have died ten thousand times long ago.

Generally, when this kind of formation comes, it is the commander who brings his own ship girl to wander around. Ordinary people just look at it. For the commander's line of work, although envy is envy, there is also some respect. People who live along the coast know a port. the importance of the area.

The more ship mothers, it proves that the status of the family is higher, and they have made great contributions to the coast to achieve today's achievements.

But having said that, this guy is too young and handsome, right?

Of course, not everyone respects them, there are so many people, there are all kinds of birds in the forest, and there are quite a few people who intentionally cause trouble, scolding others, Su Hao doesn't care about it at all, and directly asks Dido to send the other party away , thrown into the roadside garbage dump, or thrown directly into the sea.

Not caring is of course what people say, but you don’t need to think too much about your behavior. As a commander, of course you can’t hesitate at this time. Whether it’s out of selfishness or as a commander’s obligation, it’s Su Hao’s responsibility to protect the ship’s mother from criticism. One of the responsibilities.

What?Want to make trouble?Call the police?

Come, come, come to Lingshui City to find me, I'll wait.

In this way, he stopped and stopped in several cities along the way, and finally arrived at the waters of Lingshui City.

Standing on the deck, Su Hao introduced the situation on his side to Sister Guanghui.

"As you can see, Lingshui City is a small city and a small place. It used to be quite stable. I don't know why the number of sirens has become frequent recently."

"But it doesn't matter. Anyway, it's okay for our port area. Some time ago, the Maritime Safety Administration moved our safety line here, almost to the area of ​​B, which is not much worse than those big cities. The safety of the sea area has improved. Naturally, people are willing to come, whether it is tourism or business, if there are people, the economy will pick up, I feel that our Lingshui City may surpass Wujiang City in a few years."

"By the way, St. Louis has also built a water park here, and it will drive a lot of economy by then, but it may not be until next year when it is completed."

Blah blah, Su Hao said a lot, and then remembered that he should call George V.

Shengli said with a smile: "You have said so much, how long has it been? Your port area seems to be new, right? It is very big inside, but there is nothing. I have heard from St. Louis that it is all wasteland and very dilapidated. "

"No way." Su Hao wanted to argue, but unfortunately he lacked confidence, "Well, there will always be in the future, isn't this getting better and better?"

"Hmm..." Shengli suddenly leaned over, glanced at St. Louis who was talking to Cleveland not far away, and then asked in a low voice, "You are so good with St. Louis, did you already have plans?"

Su Hao was stunned for a moment: "What plan?"

"Of course I want to bring St. Louis into the port area. Then you won't have to work hard for the rest of your life."

Su Hao was startled: "How is it possible? Even if St. Louis is my wife, I will always work hard!"

"Haha~ It looks so fake, I feel that's what you think."

Sister-in-law of victory, little devil of victory, as expected, this is the taste of victory.

The little devil also wanted to say that she was pulled away by Guanghui, who knew her character and was worried about any misunderstanding caused by nonsense.

Chatting along the way, when the yacht passed the pier, the outline of the port area was gradually visible.

"Look, that's my port area." Su Hao pointed to the pier in the distance, "Go up from there."

After so many days of construction, the wharf has already taken shape, the dilapidated parts have been repaired, and it has been expanded, sand dredged, and the land area expanded, which is many times better than the original one.

At this time, there were several figures standing on the pier waiting.

The leader is the blond-haired Royal Sister, with long legs and big chest, no doubt about George V.

The silver-haired little loli sitting on the pier, yawning and unable to lift her spirits, is obviously Nicholas.

Orlik stood beside her, nervously and excitedly watching the yacht slowly approaching.

Huh?Wait a minute, who is that long-legged man next to George V?

And, that little, little...

Yacht docked.

George V said loudly: "Commander, and everyone, welcome back!"

"I'm back, I'm back... Ah no, George V, this..."

Su Hao stood on the deck and looked down at the pier, and the blonde girl beside George V was also looking at him.

And, at this time, a small, cute girl wearing a maid headband and a maid outfit with a white skirt held the ends of the skirt with both hands, and performed an elegant courtesy to Su Hao.

"Master, welcome back, apprentice maid Belfast, please take care of me."

Su Hao and Guanghui: "Huh?"


The commander returned home and found that the port area had undergone major changes, so he gave an order...

Howe, the sister ship of the George V class, temporarily stayed in the port area to help because of the help of George V.

As for Xiao Beifa, I heard that it exploded after going out to fight.


When did the drop rate of free ship girls become so high?

Wait, why is it a little girl again?

This is simply... undeniable!

"Sister Guanghui, have you noticed a problem?"

A group of people who were walking towards the port area, at this time, Shengli was close to Guanghui, looking at Su Hao who was chatting happily with Xiao Beifa with his head down.

"Huh? What?"

Guanghui was also watching, but seemed a little absent-minded.

"I found that there are a lot of little girls in this port area."

Guanghui turned his head to look at her, "What's so strange about this, there are also many little girls in other port areas."

"Miss Shengli doesn't mean that." Ke Wei reminded, "In other port areas, it's not that there are more girls, but there are more destroyers. Su Hao's side is full of girls, and it's strange, it's girls who aren't destroyers, and girls The girl is not a destroyer, isn't this a perfect way to circumvent the regulations of the Maritime Safety Administration?"

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