The speed was so fast that even Nagato was taken aback. He thought why a monster was coming, and subconsciously wanted to shoot it with a naval gun, but it turned out that it was Akagi, and his eyes were puzzled.

Why did Chicheng stick to Su Hao?Shouldn't it be posted with Tiancheng?

"Master Nagato." Amagi greeted.

On the side, Kaga also greeted, and then glanced at Su Hao who showed a helpless expression, the corners of his mouth twitched, as if he wanted to laugh.

"sit down."

The reception room was not that big, it was temporary, so it seemed a bit crowded with so many people squeezed in at once.

Fortunately, there are big and small, and they are barely enough to complement each other.

At this time, the dark ship girl looked left and right.

Finally he spoke: "Where's Ming?"

"She's opening a shop there." Chicheng smiled coquettishly, "Ming is the most popular proprietress in the port area now."

Su Hao: ? ? ?

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Su Hao noticed that there was a slight emotional change on the ship girl's expressionless face.

"Shiranui, are you going to see her? Go out and go to the right, go along this road, after passing the big warehouse, walk another two hundred meters or so, hehe~ I think she will be very happy to see you .”

Su Hao: "..."

That's the case, no wonder you want to hit someone, feelings are profiteers.

Shiranui obviously wanted to go, but the reason why she came here was to find Ming.


Nagato nodded slightly.

The ghost floated away.

Su Hao looked at her back, and then heard Chicheng's whisper in his ear.

"Commander, Shiranui has already left, so don't keep staring at her~"

Su Hao was taken aback, feeling that Chicheng had always noticed his actions?

"Ahem~ Akagi, don't be too clingy to Commander." Richelieu coughed softly, "Be serious, Nagato must have something serious to say when he comes here."

"I'm very serious." Chicheng smiled, still holding Su Hao's arm, not minding inserting it between her towering two peaks, but said triumphantly: "Richelieu, if you want to, I won't." I'll mind."

Come on, woman!

The corner of Chicheng's mouth raised. Although this is the port area and Richelieu's battlefield, don't forget that the whole room is full of people on her side.

In this case, Chicheng's buffs are full, so he won't lose.

Richelieu frowned and did not speak.

Su Hao quickly changed the subject, "Speaking of which, Nagato must have something important to do when you come here, right? Tell me."

Nagato also reacted from a somewhat bewildered state, with a trace of strangeness in his eyes looking at Akagi, and even a trace of bewilderment in his gaze at Su Hao, Akagi, Richelieu, Tiancheng and others .

She can have an extremely keen eye and sense of smell for political affairs, and she doesn't panic in the face of big scenes, but she has never seen such a scene.

Is this the Chicheng I know?

Richelieu, the flagship of the Iris Kingdom, the former archbishop, seemed to be angry because of Chicheng's words just now?

Also, why is Kaga so calm?

Amagi had no intention of stopping it at all.


Su Hao's voice brought Nagato back to her soul, and she quickly tidied up her slightly messy thoughts.

"I'm here... I..."

Jiang Feng lowered his head and said something in a low voice, Nagato immediately reacted: "Well, I came here to invite you, Commander Su Hao, to participate in the New Year's event on Rimu Island."

"Ah?" Su Hao was stunned for a moment, "The New Year of Cherry Blossoms?"


"Wait, the New Year's Day is January 1st, right? It's not even October yet..." Su Hao was a little puzzled, "It's necessary to advance so much in advance, and even though it's the New Year's Day of the Double Cherry Blossom, it's not for us Say, it can be regarded as an important festival, is there any special reason?"

Nagato nodded, and turned his gaze to Amagi, "Before the New Year's Day, we will hold an internal exercise for Sakura. At that time, the ship girls of Sakura Headquarters and the ship girls of Higurashi Island will participate together. The purpose is naturally to enhance friendship and bond, and increase I have already contacted He, and Senior Mikasa, and now only Tiancheng is left, so I would like to ask Commander Su Hao to bring Tiancheng and the others together at that time."

"I see."

The appearance of Amagi is an opportunity. Higurashi Island's recent actions, while shifting its position, are also working hard to bring Sakura back to the past.

Then there will be a tripartite meeting during the New Year of Cherry Blossoms. With Amagi here, Kaga BB might have already started to cheer up—of course, Su Hao didn't know that Kaga BB had already reached some kind of agreement with Amagi.

But anyway, this matter is very important to Nagato, otherwise, as the Son of God, she would not take the initiative to come here.

"Don't worry, Commander Su Hao's safety will be fully guaranteed, but to the outside world, you are going to Rimu Island to participate in the New Year Festival as a guest of Rimu Island, even if other people know about it, you can't say anything."

"It doesn't matter..."

The relationship between Donghuang and Sakura in this world is not that bad. In fact, the general direction is the contradiction between Azur Lane and Red Axis.

It may be impossible for Sakura to join the team again, but if Sakura's position can be changed slightly, it will also be beneficial to Donghuang as a neighboring country.

Of course, from the standpoint of a Donghuang commander, this kind of behavior will inevitably cause some sensitive topics.

It doesn't matter if you go to a university or a novel, the key depends on what the top thinks.

However, it doesn't matter if Su Hao really insists on it. After all, judging from his current strength in the port area, he already has enough capital to make Donghuang give in.

"In that case, let's go."

Su Hao nodded his head and said, Nagato helped a lot this time. He said they were friends at the beginning, so it was true, right?Since it's a friend, it should be a favor.

Well, it's not for gaining Nagato's favor in order to salvage the boat.

As for Donghuang, when the time comes, Su Hao decides to talk to Yixian first. It's nothing to do with it. Yixian should be able to understand the situation if he takes the initiative to explain the situation.

don't understand?That can't be helped, anyway, Su Hao Port District has done a lot of things they can't understand so far, but no matter what, it's good for Su Hao to have a clear conscience in his heart.

There are many duties and obligations that should be done, and as a commander, he will try his best to do everything well.

Hearing that Su Hao agreed, Nagato also had a joyful expression on his face.

"Thank you." She bowed to Su Hao in a kneeling posture, and she was so polite that she couldn't tell she was a child at all—well, after all, Nagato only looks like a little lolita.

"How's Kaga going?" Amagi asked suddenly.

Nagato replied: "Everything is going well."

"In that case, this year's festival is indeed a good opportunity... Do you have any special arrangements for the exercise?"

Nagato shook his head: "I'm also worried about this."

Su Hao immediately said, "Competition comes first...ah no, friendship comes first, competition comes second."

Richelieu said suddenly: "Why don't we play a drill with Shige Sakura in Minato?"

Crowd: ? ? ?


Richelieu's daring proposal, although a little scary, is not impossible.

After all, as long as the purpose of the exercise is to make Sakura's ship girls more united, it is obviously a good choice to fight a certain 'enemy' together.

And challenging a national power with a port area will definitely arouse Shige Sakura's emotions. If they give them a blow at this time and win the victory, they can use the opportunity to start brainwashing.

But in this way, the Suhao port area will completely become an 'enemy'.

Of course not necessarily, for Jianniang, strength is enough to be convincing and admirable, and besides, there are Tiancheng and others on his side, who were also the people who came back to Sakura, maybe they can still take advantage of this opportunity...

Su Hao suddenly had several G plans in his mind.

However, although this proposal is good, it is obviously unrealistic to dispatch all of them. When a large force is sent to Chongying, people think that a war is really going to happen.

Finally, a group of people discussed and decided to pick out a few elite fleets, and when the time comes, they will bring their own golden fleets to attack Sakura, and win the first prize... er, win the exercise.

For Nagato, both victory and defeat are meaningful. She is better at giving speeches on big occasions than showing off her cuteness in daily life. She has already demonstrated her strength as a BIG SEVEN on the battlefield.

In this way, this heavyweight exercise, scheduled for 2 months, has been decided.

Not long after, Ayanami suddenly appeared at the door of the reception room.

She waved to Su Hao, who walked out with a puzzled expression.

"Commander, iron-blooded ship girl, Prince Eugen is here..."

"Ha ha!?"


PS: The 3 chapters have been updated, ask for tickets every day~

The second story of the heavy cherry blossoms will start. At that time, seniors, Tosa, and so on, many heavy cherry ship girls will appear on the stage, alas~ Unfortunately, Yamato did not land, and many ship girls who wanted to write did not even have a standing picture. Really weak.

PPS: I heard that there is going to be a link between life and death, prprprpr... So I just want to ask if there is any rich woman who can take care of her and send some money to buy skins?If there is something, let me know, I don't want to work hard.

Chapter 271 Prince Eugen: Chicheng, why don't you have a ring yet?

Here she comes, the woman comes!


Didn't I tell you to stay in a cool place?

Lingshui City is so big and has so many interesting places, why did it just come to the port area?

Although it was an accident, Su Hao couldn't help it. Nagato left it to Tiancheng to take care of it, and he didn't say anything about the reason, but the smart Tiancheng can obviously think of something—well, seeing the master and Richelieu hurrying The appearance of leaving must be to do something important, right?

In this regard, Akagi's thoughts are darker than Amagi's.

Damn it, it's daylight!

"Sister, I'm going to find the commander!"

While Tiancheng was thinking wildly, Chicheng flashed out of the room.

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