I don't know why, but the three words "Green Green" of Prince Eugen always make people feel strange.

"So what do you want to do here?" Sitting down on a bench, Su Hao hit a straight ball attack, "First of all, I don't have any information about the temple. In the previous battle, you left Not long after, the royals arrived at the sanctuary and conducted a search of the inside."

"Even if there is any technology, I think they have taken it."

"I know, the technology of the sanctuary...hehe~ is actually not that important to us, what we care about is the results displayed by the technology." Prince Eugen chuckled, "However, I am more interested in another thing. Interested."

"What?" Su Hao asked calmly.

"The boa constrictor." Prince Eugen raised his mouth slightly, and looked at Chicheng, who put his legs on the bench and his junior leaned on Su Hao's shoulder. Ren's stuff."

"I don't know." Chicheng replied indifferently, "Hey, Prince Eugen, can you please disappear from me and the commander immediately? You are an eyesore here."

"Hee hee~ Commander should be happier with two people than alone, right?"

Su Hao twitched, Prince Eugen, what do you mean by that, can you please explain clearly?

"How is it possible? Of course the commander likes to be with Akagi the most. When did you lose your mind, Prince Eugen? Even if there are two of you, Miss Amagi and Kaga, which one is not more attractive than you?"

"Hehe~ This sentence, Chicheng, you should say to yourself, I am looking forward to it, you said that one day, if you go to Tiancheng, and you open the door and see Commander and Tiancheng making out in the room... you will What kind of expression is it? Ah~ I really look forward to it when I think about it.”

Prince Eugen's bad taste made Su Hao's heart tighten, and he immediately said: "Prince Eugen, you can't say such nonsense!"

"Ah~ Don't you plan to take action against Amagi, Commander? Although I haven't had direct contact with her, as far as I know, Akagi is better than Akagi in every aspect, right? Ah, of course I'm not saying that Akagi is not. Well, it’s just that, Tiancheng who is gentle and temperamental, strong and strategic, Chicheng, tell me yourself, can you compare with Tiancheng?”

Su Hao was silent.

Akagi was silent.

Prince Eugen double kill.


"Can you hear what they're saying?"

"I can't hear you clearly, it's too far away, or let's go behind the tree where they are sitting."

"No, how can the two of us hide that 'little' tree?"

Kewei looked at the thick banyan tree surrounded by several people, was silent for a moment, and said: "Otherwise, I will go alone, sister Shengli, are you waiting here?"

"Not good, if both of us are found, there is an excuse that we are playing a game, and you are found alone, it is obvious that you are eavesdropping."

"Then what to do, I can't hear it now... But looking at them, Chicheng has such a good relationship with Su Hao? Isn't the person Su Hao likes Richelieu? Also, Prince Eugen is also very close Well, why?"

Kewei didn't understand, didn't it mean that when Su Hao and Richelieu stayed in the church, a world famous painting came?

Akagi, who fought in the First Battle of the Cherry Blossoms, is in the port area. Could it have something to do with the current situation?

Does Chicheng like Su Hao?Is this... a distortion of personality, or a loss of morality?

"I don't know." Shengli pondered for a moment, then suddenly said thoughtfully: "Do you think that Su Hao is their backer behind this iron-blooded operation? In name, the iron-blooded retreated, but in fact, behind the scenes Su Hao took away all the technology, and now Iron Blood is here to retrieve the technology of the temple?"

"But wasn't Iris Kingdom there at the time? They couldn't possibly let Su Hao take away the technology, right?"

"That's why Iris Kingdom is also with Iron Blood."

"..." Kewei fell silent, then fell silent again, "Sister Shengli, this..."

"Ah, it can't be, eh..." Sheng Holmes Lee thought for a moment, his eyes lit up, and said, "That means Su Hao got the technology of the holy hall, Iron Blood knows it, so he wants to come here to get it now, but the Iris Kingdom I also know, but firstly, they don't want this technology because it will cause trouble, and secondly, Richelieu, who is the bishop, is the ship's wife of Suhao Port, so it makes sense for both public and private use!"

"And then, Tie Xue knew that Su Hao had swallowed the technology of the holy hall, and now he came to threaten him, probably saying, 'huh! Human commander, if you don't hand over the technology, believe it or not, I will give you an order, and there will be no Lingshui Port in Donghuang from now on. Area!'."

Shengli started to cheer himself up, but Kewei immediately twisted his nose and waved his hands, with a look of disgust on his face: "This smell is too much, Miss Shengli, you are messing with things in other people's videos again."

Shengli blinked his eyes: "Where is there any chaos, I think it makes sense."

"Anyway, I don't think it's possible. Don't say anything else, just the enterprise alone will not be able to pass."

Shengli tilted her head, yes, she forgot about the enterprise.

"Then what did you say?"

"Don't guess, let's go to Kangkang, that tree...well, maybe it can be covered by a squeeze."

"you sure?"

The two sneaked, crawled and crawled from the grass behind the banyan tree, climbed to the edge of the grass, covered their bodies through the bushes, and then slipped quietly behind the tree.

The two stood side by side, but the rest of the parts were okay, but the chest was too high, and the victory and fear were about the same height, so standing up like this became a tense and exciting milk fighting session.

After standing for a while, I felt that it was inappropriate, and turned my back to back, but there was still too much exposed area, and finally, triumphantly, I threw Kewei directly on the banyan tree.

"That's it."

Terrible blinked.

"Shh~ I heard it."


Prince Eugen wanted a double kill, but she still underestimated Su Hao and Chicheng after all.

Needless to say, Su Hao, he is a man who has experienced "multiple marriages". Anyway, he is not a scumbag, but likes everyone.

As for Chicheng, would she be defeated so easily?

"Hehe~ If one day when I was looking for Sister Tiancheng, I ran into her making out with the commander, of course I would take the initiative to join. Prince Eugen, with your personality, you will probably choose this way."

"Ahem!" Chicheng's answer made Su Hao choke.

Prince Eugen's originally smiling face also restrained himself at this moment.

"join in?"

Prince Eugen did not expect Akagi to be so bold.

Of course, she didn't say that Chicheng was shameless, after all, Jianniang's behavior is not new.

At this moment, she looked at Su Hao and asked suspiciously: "Even if you want to join, can he bear it?"

"Ahem!" Su Hao was choked again.

Seeing this, the smile on Prince Eugen's face gradually became presumptuous, "No matter what, Commander is just a human being, no matter how powerful a human being is, there is a limit. You and Tiancheng are both ship girls, and they are both capital ships. They are very cruel. If we really want to go together, I am afraid that the Commander will not be able to bear it? By then, I will probably be crowned with the reputation of a 'fox spirit draining the Commander'."

Su Hao: "..."

Well, actually, I want to say that I am not human.

"Hmph! The commander is not as bad as you said!" Chicheng insisted on the supremacy of the commander, she said disdainfully: "The commander is different from other people, the commander is special, even on the battlefield, you can pass his The ability to protect us, even the naval guns that confront you head-on, do you think the commander will not be able to handle it?"

"Ah, ah, is Commander so powerful?" Prince Eugen pretended to be surprised, "Can he protect you on the battlefield, and resist the frontal attack of the ship's mother?"

"Of course, hehe~ My commander is the most powerful, let alone me and Amagi-san, even Kaga is fine!"

Su Hao: "..."

Chicheng, you are usually very smart, why didn't you see it?

This guy is clearly here to trick you!

"Hey, you two are enough, let's stop this topic." Su Hao blushed, even though he knew Prince Eugen's thoughts, he didn't bother to care about it at this time, "Prince Eugen, This is a matter of our port area, so don't ask so much, just tell me, what is your purpose for coming here."

"Hee hee~ I still can't fool you." Prince Eugen smiled, and then became a little shy under Su Hao's gaze. At this time, her face was rosy, and there was an inexplicable expectation in her eyes looking at Su Hao .

Su Hao: ? ? ?

"Actually... I have been paying attention to the Commander since I heard about the deeds of the Commander in Elmos Bay last time. This time the Senna Sea area is also the same. It is a pity that I did not have a good chat with the Commander. So...Eugen is here now, just to say something to Commander..."

"Commander, Eugen likes you~"

Su Hao: ? ? ?

Akagi:? ? ?



"Sister, did you hear that? Did you hear that?"

"I heard, this Prince Eugen actually..." Shengli opened his eyes wide, and said with a face full of disbelief: "She actually likes Su Hao!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect that it wasn't Tie Xue colluding with Su Hao, but Prince Eugen himself liked Su Hao, so that's why he came here."

Sheng Holmes Lee suddenly came to his senses, "Could it be because Su Hao has some kind of ability that makes Jian Niang have a good impression of him? Whether it's Richelieu or the company, plus Akagi and Kaga, these shouldn't be All the ship girls in the general port area are here, maybe that's it...so that's the case, I completely understand!"

"Dreadful, let's go!"

"Eh? Where are you going???"

"Go and tell Sister Guanghui what we found!"


PS: continue~

Chapter 273 Anecdotes About Su Hao's Special Means to Attract Shipgirls

If Su Hao knew what Shengli was thinking, he would definitely vomit blood.

If I had such a convenient ability, would I still be this dick?

Just go out and walk around, and you can bring a large group of ship girls back.

Go to the Maritime Safety Administration and visit other countries, and you will be able to fill the illustrated book without doing anything.

When the time comes, elites from all over the world will gather in the port area, who would dare to call his attention?

It's a pity that I don't have such ability.

After all, he is just an 'ordinary person' with time travel attribute and siren label.

Hearing Prince Eugen's words at this time, Su Hao said dumbly: "You might as well say that Bismarck asked you to come here to assassinate me. Such words are much more credible."

Seeing that the lie was exposed, Prince Eugen immediately returned to smiling.

"Ah, isn't your lord Commander so unconfident about your own charm?"

"No, I just have a clear definition of the word 'like'. Sister Li likes me, I like Sister Li; Chicheng likes me, I like Chicheng; we have experienced many things together, because These things create a bond, and through a long time together, this relationship ferments and becomes stronger."

"Even human beings don't really believe in love at first sight, let alone the ship girl, although this possibility is not ruled out, after all, the ship girl has a variety of personalities... But I think at least you are not in this category, Prince Eugen people?"

"Although it looks very casual, careless, and careless, it is actually easy to handle, careful and bold, and cautious and sharp. I think this is the reason why Bismarck let you come with confidence. While bringing back z23, try to find out about my situation? Well, maybe Bismarck didn't say it directly, but she guessed you would."

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