
PS: continue~

Chapter 274 I, Akagi, Eugen, and the Ship Girls Tragedy Shura Field

What about people?Where did you go?

Shengli and Kewei looked at each other, and immediately felt bad.

Just now I kept talking about Su Hao's 'crime'. This kind of thing can't be messed up. After all, this is his port area. If there is no way to produce evidence, the next thing will be miserable.

But now there is no one, just on the bench just now, the bench under the banyan tree is now empty, only a few lonely fallen leaves are lying on it.

"What about people?"

Shengli quickly looked around, if he had just left, he would not be far away.

Guanghui sighed softly: "Okay, okay, you guys have to be moderate when you joke, this is Donghuang, how can the iron-blooded ship girl be here?"

"Really, I'm not lying to you!" Shengli pouted, and was actually suspected by his sister, damn it!

"It's true." Kewei also nodded.

"Look for it, it must be nearby, Su Hao, Chicheng and Prince Eugen, the two of them almost got into a fight, does Shurachang know? That's how it is."

"It's too unreliable for you to say that. If Prince Eugen is really there, how could Richelieu not be there?" Guanghui discovered Huadian, and said at this time: "It is impossible for Richelieu to let the iron-blooded ship girl stay in Su Hao. Those around the commander are too dangerous."

That seems to be the case.

But, Victory and Terrible looked at each other.

"It doesn't matter, let's look for it, we will definitely find it right away, if not, then...just..."

After a couple of strokes, he didn't come out. In the end, he hesitated, and Shengli tried to pass the test.

Of course, the people here didn't pay much attention, except that Nelson wore a pair of pants with them, and even Guanghui didn't believe in the nonsense of victory.

Tiancheng believed it, but what she believed was that Prince Eugen might really be there, but how could it be possible that Prince Eugen liked the Lord?

But they were just going out for a walk, so they simply accompanied Shengli and Kewei, so the two led the way, and the old man guarded Lao Luo, and followed while scolding Portland for being heartless. As for Nagato, he looked left along the way. Look to the right and enjoy the scenery that is different from Rimu Island.

Walking all the way, I didn't see Su Hao, but met many ship girls.

Shengli greeted each other one by one, and then asked where Su Hao had gone.

"Commander, Phuket Island."

"Commander, go back to your room and sleep."

"It's possible to go to the office."

"Looks like I went out to do some shopping."

Relying on others is worse than relying on oneself, Shengli had a whim, and wanted to fly a carrier-based plane to find him, but was stopped by Guanghui.

"I'll give you another chance. If you can't find us, I won't make trouble with you."

Of course, the carrier-based aircraft can’t be left indiscriminately. After all, it’s someone else’s port area. At least the commander’s consent must be obtained here. Otherwise, even if the relationship is good, who would allow such a dangerous thing to dangle above his head?

Shengli discussed it with Kewei, and finally agreed: "Then let's go to the beach."

Then at the beach, they finally saw Su Hao.

"You are looking for me?"

Su Hao hugged Xiao Beifa, turned his head and asked curiously.


On the way to the beach, I picked up a little Guanghui and a little Beifa. When I asked about it, they said that the sisters seemed to have something to go away suddenly.

What's the important thing, leaving the cute little angel here.

Su Hao carried them to the beach.

"How about them?"


Shengli looked left and right, and said, "That's it, Prince Eugen."

It's been hidden, it's really bad, it seems that I must like it, and then, I'm worried that Iron Blood will be gossiping here...

"Oh, you said her, she went over there and chatted with z23."

victory:? ? ?

"You just... admit it?"

Su Hao looked puzzled: "Admit what?"

"Prince Eugen likes you or something..."

"Pfft~" Su Hao spat, hey hey hey, sister-in-law, where did you hear such strange words?

"Don't try to pretend, I and Kewei have heard it."

"Yeah, we heard it clearly, Prince Eugen said he likes you, Chicheng almost got into a fight with her."

The two sisters-in-law were gesturing to each other at the scene, and their tone of voice was quite well learned.

Su Hao put Xiao Beifa down, a little speechless: "What, she is deliberately angry with Chicheng, I met her for the first time, she said she likes me, do you think it is possible?"

Shengli looked around Su Hao.

Look here and there.

Stretch out and poke, there are muscles, where are the abs?I don't know, but it seems to feel very good. It looks great in terms of figure, right?I heard Chicheng say that something is very powerful, hum~ Don't think I don't understand anything!

The little devil of victory is not a pure snow lotus, the dirtiest sentence I have ever heard before is called 'there are all kinds of trees when the bird is big'.

Birds are big enough to drill into any woods.

Think about it, bah bah bah bah, human beings are really lsp, there are all kinds of nonsense.

So, in the influence of the increasingly developed Internet culture, whether it is victory or fear, there is a unique vision for this kind of thing.

Well, a unique vision is not a unique and keen vision, a vision is a vision, and a mistake is also a vision.

At least Shengli concluded that there must be some treasure hidden in Su Hao.

Well, right ship baby.

"What are you doing?" Su Hao felt an inexplicable chill in his heart. Didn't Shengli like to mess with Tirpitz?What am I doing?

The corner of Shengli's mouth grinned, and the smile gradually became presumptuous.



"You are guilty."

"What am I guilty of?"

"You are not guilty, why are you backing away?"

"You leaned over suddenly, of course I have to retreat."

"Come over and you will return? Don't men like women to come over on their own initiative?"

"Who said that?"

"I leaned over, you must like it in your heart, but you like it but back away, there must be ghosts in your heart, you are worried, so you are guilty."

Su Hao: "..."

Damn, such a powerful logic, girl, I am speechless at all!

"Enough." At this time, Guanghui stopped Shengli's indecent behavior, "Shengli, if you do this again, you can go back to the royal family alone."

My elder sister was angry, and Shengli arched his nose in dissatisfaction, but he still retreated obediently.

Kewei held her hand as if to comfort her, and then the two sister-in-laws began to bite their ears again.

"My lord, is Prince Eugen here for the sake of z23?"

Amagi, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke.

She didn't take the initiative to rescue Su Hao just now, she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Well, she brought Gascogne, in exchange for z23, as I said before."


"I asked Richelieu to take her to rest."

"Where's Akagi?" It was Kaga who asked the question.

"Uh, she..."

Before the words fell, a high-pitched voice came from the port area.


Wearing a bathing suit, Akagi ran towards this side waving his hands. The stalwart on his chest threw a series of big waves with the twisting movements of his body, which was truly spectacular!

"Commander~" I pounce!

Running in front of Su Hao, Chi Cheng threw himself into Su Hao's arms in front of everyone.

Everyone: "..."

"Look, Commander, is my swimsuit beautiful? Chicheng took a long time to choose it."

In the thin red bikini swimsuit, the double peaks on the chest are woven into a mesh structure with black ropes, and a beautiful bow is tied right below.

At this moment, Chicheng wrapped his arms around Su Hao's neck, staring straight at each other, his breasts pressed tightly against Su Hao's chest, bringing an unprecedented sense of oppression.

Although asked Su Hao to watch, his body still leaned against Su Hao, but his chest was vaguely raised, making the pressure more obvious.

"Ahem ~ Chicheng, there are outsiders here, be careful." Tiancheng coughed lightly to remind.

"Hee hee~ Elder sister, you can entertain outsiders, I'm going to play in the water with the commander."

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