Do you know that something will happen if you say that?

George V didn't know, she only knew that Chicheng had a good relationship with Su Hao, and also had a good relationship with Tiancheng. Since everyone has a good relationship, what can't be said?

Howe gently tugged on her sleeve.

"What's the matter?" asked George V.

Howe didn't speak, but winked at her.

George V: ? ? ?

Chicheng stared, "What are you doing sneakily?"

George V: ? ? ?

Where have I been sneaking?

"No, everyone is just enjoying the evening sun. By the way, I would like to share my combat experience. Akagi, you are the pillar of the Minato area and have rich combat experience. Why don't you come and give us some advice."

Akagi glanced at Hood.

She is not so easy to fool.

Somewhere, the light from the great commander told her that this matter is not that simple!

"No time, next time."

Akagi waved his hand, not intending to get entangled with them.

However, as soon as she finished speaking, she saw Su Hao walking over with Tiancheng in the distance.

They came over.

They walked over together, holding hands.

They walked over together, talking and laughing, and holding hands.

They were talking and laughing, holding hands, and the laughter was full of you and me, without her.

Akagi froze in place for a moment.



I was a little careless, and was actually discovered by Akagi at the last moment.

Originally, I just planned it casually this time, um, I can’t say it was plotting against Akagi, but considering the latter’s feelings for the Lord, it wouldn’t be beautiful if he was too impulsive and ruined the most precious moment.

For example, when Su Hao was about to put on the ring on Tiancheng, a Chicheng suddenly rushed out from the woods.

Even though Tiancheng knew that Chicheng wouldn't mind Su Hao giving him the ring, but the perfect atmosphere and perfect timing, a third party appeared, it couldn't be done.

Therefore, Tiancheng made a small plan.

It's a pity, I didn't expect Chicheng to react so quickly.

If she was found out, there was nothing she could do about it. She could only tell everyone frankly that she had become a married woman and showed off her ring.

The three of Hood didn't say anything, it's better to say that Hood had expected it long ago, Hao also half understood, and felt a little premonition, but George V wowed and said, Commander, you are amazing!

Then Chicheng didn't say anything, but looked a little lonely.

After dinner.

The sky is starry.

There is an evening wind blowing in the port area, the temperature has dropped several degrees today, and I can sleep comfortably under the quilt at night.

It's just that the time went back to an hour ago, and the atmosphere in the cafeteria was a little weird.

"Did you know? Elder sister Tiancheng is now married!"

"Wow! Who told you that?"

"Xili, she said it."

"Listen, Tiancheng is a wedding ship."

"It's what the kids say."

"What children say is unreliable, but I have seen it with my own eyes."

"Where is there? Huh, sister, look, the second wife has been preempted!"

"Gaga! Talk nonsense again, you don't want to eat!"

"Sister Guanghui, look, Tiancheng has a ring on his hand!"

"Wow! Amagi has a ring on his hand!"

The cafeteria is very lively.

Tiancheng has a ring on his hand, which is the most discussed topic.

They have always been very aware of the situation in the port area.

Richelieu became a wedding ship, as it should be, and no one has an opinion.

But sometimes everyone has nothing to do, and they will discuss it.

For example, who is the most powerful in the port area, who has the greatest voice, who has the largest European school and who has the smallest European school.

And, who will be the second wedding ship after Richelieu.

Some guessed it was Enterprise, some guessed it was Amagi, some guessed it was Akagi, and some even guessed Raiders.

Anyway, no money, just guess one.

Now that there are results, it’s not a surprise, it’s just an interesting topic for everyone to talk about after dinner

"You said, Tiancheng has a ring, what about Chicheng?"

This topic is somewhat wicked, after all, everyone knows how much Chicheng loves Tiancheng.

However, everyone also knows how much Akagi loves Commander.

In the end, Saratoga jumped out and laughed, "Haha! The defeated fox!"

Akagi rarely paid any attention to her.

Alas~ Sure enough, something went wrong.

Time back to an hour later.

At this time, Amagi was walking around in the port area.

Instead of going to the dormitory, she walked along the lawn road to the outside of the port area.

I raised my head and saw the watchtower. There was no one on it. I continued to walk until I reached the beach. The sea breeze was blowing the waves, quiet and noisy. On the distant pier, a figure sat at the junction of orange lights and black.

"What are you thinking about?"

Amagi walked over and said softly.

"elder sister."

Akagi's voice was a little lost.

Tiancheng sat down side by side with her, and said with a light smile, "It's not like you to be so lacklustre. Just now, the Lord asked me where you were, and I searched for a long time."

Chicheng's ears trembled, and then he became limp again, "The commander doesn't care where I am."

"Ah, ah, if you say this, the master will be sad, and Chicheng will be sad too. The master loves Chicheng the most." Tiancheng seemed to be comforting a child.

In her eyes, Akagi will always be a child.

Akagi stopped talking.

Amagi suddenly sighed.

"Sigh~ I saw the ring box in the master's hand just now, I don't know who to give it to, maybe whoever goes there first will give it to him."

"Sister, what did you just say!?" Chicheng immediately raised his head.

With just a few words, Amagi revived Akagi.


PS: 1.2w words!Keep going~ Rewards are being offered, gkd!

PPS: By the way, I got two mouse pads and found that there are too many mouse pads at home. Does anyone want them?

Chapter 377 Is the older sister who married the younger sister? [1.5w! 】

It's just weird.

How did Chicheng know that they were by the sea?

Because of a series of unexpected events—in summary, it was the sensation caused by a ring, thanks to this, Su Hao didn't have a good dinner, and finally fled the cafeteria in despair.

If you follow the normal process and give the ring, what should you do after becoming a wedding ship?

Bridal chamber×

Continue to attack and brush the favorability to 200√


Why do I still have to face this kind of fucking situation by myself in an empty room when I have come to reality and finally got together!

Speaking of which, Tiancheng didn't know where he ran to just now, and it's not very good to make a phone call at this time, if it is true that the bridal chamber will happen after the vow, it is not enough if he wants to.

Think about it wrong, this is not a marriage between human beings, even if it is a wedding, the issuance of a ring is a symbol of bondage, and there is no need for a bridal chamber.

After all, it is reasonable to say that there is no wedding.

So, to sum up, Su Hao felt that he probably only had the fifth girl to accompany him tonight.

But based on the commander's basic qualities, he wouldn't chat with Miss Wu until the other party was moved and cried and shed viscous liquid.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that I originally wanted to talk to Chicheng, but I couldn't find anyone.

Thinking that such a trace of Chicheng might blacken and turn into a really sick and delicate appearance, Su Hao felt a chill in his heart.

It's okay, it's just Chicheng, if it were Ron, I would really want GG.

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