Su Hao spread his hands: "If you don't believe me, you can ask Chicheng and Kaga, they were both present at the time."

Xuefeng believed it a little bit, but she was arrogant and couldn't admit it.

Turning his head away, Xuefeng looked aside, "Anyway, I don't believe it."

Su Hao smiled: "In this case, let's hand over the victory to the frontal battlefield. If my girls can defeat Nagato, then I will win, otherwise I will lose."

Xuefeng snorted and smiled: "Don't be complacent, I still have companions."

As soon as the voice fell, a person came out of the woods.

The maid Dido returned with a child in her hand.

I saw that Yi 25 and Yi 26 were covered with dye, which was sticky.

Especially Yi 25, her figure is not bad at all compared with U47. After being stained with dye at this moment, the whole person looks wrong.

At this time, the two of them were depressed, and they hung their heads and did not speak.

"Master, I'm back." Dido said with a smile.

Xuefeng stared wide-eyed.

"What's going on with you two!?"

Yi 26 scratched his head in embarrassment: "Hey~ I can't help it, the enemy is too strong, so..."

"Senior's expectations, you guys just let it down, good water!"

Xuefeng put her waist down and raised her head, completely forgetting the way she gritted her teeth and was powerless against Su Hao's shield just now.

"You guys are submarines. Shouldn't submarines just stay under the water? They actually ran to land to fight other ship girls. You're so stupid." "Who told Xuefeng that you didn't come back for so long?" , we went up to take a look, and finally met her."

Yi 26 was a little unconvinced, "Then what are you doing, Xuefeng?"

"I'm... I'm..."

The snow wind is embarrassing.

She didn't have the face to say that she just stood here and beat her up for a long time.

Ship girls vs. humans, can't even break the defense.

Hey wait.

I didn't break the defense, but I didn't lose either!

Yes, not lost!

Thinking of this, Xuefeng suddenly became proud again, and she said, "I am watching Su Hao here, waiting for the fatal blow at the critical moment."

Yi 26 became anxious: "Then you should do it quickly!"

Please, didn't you see that both I and Yi 25 were killed?You are the hope of the whole village!

Su Hao looked at Xuefeng and didn't speak. The latter faltered and finally thought of what to say.

"I suddenly feel that this is not good. What do you think, we are ship girls, don't we want to protect human beings? The exercise battle is a matter between ship girls and ship girls. Since there is a contest, it must be a fair fight. What is it to bully a human being, right?"

"It seems to make sense... Ah bah! That's not what you said before the senior!"

Yi 26 was stunned, she didn't understand why Xuefeng suddenly changed her mind, when she set off, the senior had clearly told her to complete the task, and Xuefeng also patted her plump naizi to promise.

So what are you doing now?

"I didn't think about it before, but now I think about it, the matter of the ship's mother should be solved in the way of the ship's mother, why should a human being be involved?"

Xue Feng nodded his head self-consciously, um, that's it, as expected of me, now I'm not embarrassed at all.

Yi 2526 looked at each other.

What happened to the snow wind today?


When the Xuefeng Squad attacked Yameng Island, the frontal battlefield was also in full swing.

I have to say that the contest between high-level ship girls is not as simple as in the game, just shoot each other.

The distance of one screen in the game is quite far apart here. According to the situation, use specific methods to attack, whether it is naval guns, carrier-based aircraft, or even punching and kicking.

But in this kind of contest, the role played by the aircraft carrier is obviously much greater.

They can lock the opponent's position in the air, can harass, provide assistance to the vanguard who is fighting head-on, and can accurately drop bombs from a long distance, but the premise of all this is to seize the air supremacy.

At this time, the port fleet has a big advantage.

Enterprise, Victory, Saratoga, Akagi, Kaga, each is a powerful aircraft carrier in its own right.

The first flight battle vs. the second flight battle, the enterprise victory vs. the fifth flight battle, and Saratoga's ambush and harassment. Gradually, the advantages became more and more obvious.

In the distance, Mikasa was a little anxious.

She has not yet received word of the battle victory.

What are Xuefeng and the others doing?

"No, Mutsu, you come here too!" Mikasa said immediately.


"Because I can't beat it!"

"Why can't I win? Senior Mikasa, didn't you say that you have the chance to win?"

Mikasa twitched, wanting to say something, but didn't know how to say it.

Fortunately, Nagato helped her out.

"Mutsu, go over and support me, I'm fine here."

"Good sister."

Mikasa couldn't help but said: "Be careful, don't expose Nagato's position, the opponent's Richelieu has not appeared so far, there must be a conspiracy. If we really can't fight head-on and the plan doesn't succeed, then we will withdraw first and adjust our status before coming back. "

If Xuefeng didn't succeed, there must have been an accident.

But as long as there is nothing wrong with Nagato, the exercise will not be over.

At this time, on the side of Nagato's hidden island, Mutsu set off from here, and then went to the battlefield.

Not long after she left, Richelieu, Ayanami, and Atago appeared near the island.

"Amagi, as you expected, Mutsu is here."

"Hehe~ Now there should be only Jiang Feng and Nagato-sama left on the island. Ayanami, you restrain Jiang Feng, Richelieu and Atago, you deal with Nagato-sama, be careful, Nagato-sama is very powerful."

The corner of Richelieu's mouth raised: "Don't worry, Xiao Hao is here, I won't lose."

After finishing speaking, she asked again: "Enterprise, how is the situation on the frontal battlefield?"

"The supremacy of the air is almost in our hands. As long as the opponent's aircraft carrier formation is completely defeated, the remaining battleships are nothing to worry about...Huh? Wait, whose carrier-based aircraft is that!?"

The enterprise raised its head, and in the sky, a fleet of carrier-based aircraft flew over in vain from the direction of Yameng Island.


PS: I love fishing in a dream ヾ(?°?°?)? ?

Chapter 451

Su Hao also received news of the changes on the frontal battlefield.

Under the confrontation of frontal strength, without the absolute main force of Nagato, how could the others be the opponents of Minato under the leadership of Mikasa-senpai?

However, when it was about to win, Victory shouted loudly.

"Where did these carrier-based aircraft come from, and why are they so powerful?"

"Just now I saw that they flew over from Yameng Island."

"Yameng Island? Sakura's ship girl still has the main force in Yameng Island?"

Su Hao was also taken aback.

Apart from a few ship girls on his side, there are only ship girls stationed in the base on the island.

But they should not join the battlefield.

Moreover, those who can make the aircraft carrier on their side feel troublesome prove that their strength is already quite high.

"Where did the aircraft carrier come from?"

Su Hao looked at Xuefeng and the others.

"Is anyone else here?"

Yi 26: "I don't know, just guess."

Xuefeng: "No."

Yi 25: "..."

Su Hao firmly believed in Xuefeng.

"Then is there a powerful aircraft carrier in the base stationed here?"

"do not know."



Su Hao decisively believed in Xuefeng again.

"It should be the second hand of the heavy cherry fleet. Maybe some ship girl went to the rear and deliberately confused us... Enterprise, how is your situation?"

"Not too good, the opponent is very strong."

"Even you are not an opponent?"

"If you only compete with fighter jets, it's about the same."

"Sister Enterprise, get on the plane and shoot them down with arrows!"

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