Chapter 462 Happy New Year

Pretty bald.

Originally, Su Hao thought that Mikasa was probably angry because he took Shinano away.

But when he was about to take the ship's mother to the hotel to soak in the hot spring, the senior rushed over from a distance with a wind and snow, and the speed was out of proportion to her age.

The senior, who was depressed before, now put on a smile.

Like a sage.

Noble, gentle, sunny, and healing.

This is what seniors should look like!

Not long after Mikasa came out, she immediately began to arrange for the action of the ship girl at the ship girl headquarters.

During the New Year of Cherry Blossoms, the costumes have already been done before, and there are actually not many activities at night. December 12 is called "New Year's Eve", which is the New Year's Eve rather than the first night.

On New Year's Eve, all major temples will ring the New Year's bell at midnight, a total of 108 times, to drive away evil spirits and eliminate troubles.

In addition, they will go to the shrine to pray to the gods and spirits to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new.

However, these things have nothing to do with the headquarters of the ship. After all, the shrine is too crowded at this time. If you want to visit, you can do it tomorrow. Visiting at the beginning of the year is something that almost all Sakura people will do.

At this time, Mikasa focused on the New Year's cuisine.

There is a custom of eating buckwheat noodles on the night of heavy cherry blossoms. Of course, there are not only noodles, but also many other delicious dishes. Before returning, Fusang had already started cooking.

Su Hao didn't understand why Mikasa suddenly resurrected with full blood, but such a senior is great, optimistic and positive, and occasionally a little flustered looks unexpectedly cute.

I don't know if seniors in this world have the habit of collecting models. If so, Su Hao has a bold idea.

Mikasa is going to hold a party, and she will continue to visit the shrine tomorrow. Heard that there will be a fireworks display, and after discussing it, she seems to not plan to go. The main reason is that there are too many people, and they can only stay far away, which is not interesting.

Finally, St. Louis waved his hand, and a group of tool people who came out of nowhere brought a lot of fireworks one after another.

"Fireworks at the beach tonight," announced St. Louis.

Mikasa was stunned, she didn't prepare fireworks at first, after all there was a fireworks display, wouldn't the free fireworks be delicious?Isn't prostitution good?

But since St. Louis bought it, um, um, how can it be so embarrassing?Then I will be in charge of setting off the fireworks.

into the night.

A delicious dish was brought into the hall.

There are a lot of staff in the headquarters of the heavy cherry ship girl, but most of the human beings go back for the holidays, and the rest of the ship girl is here.

Su Hao was eating, and then received a call.

"Gu Ping?"

"Hello~ Happy New Year's Day!"

"New Year's Day, your sister, tomorrow is New Year's Day."

"It's the same, not bad for a few hours."

Gu Ping seemed to be very happy, and felt like his words drifted away after drinking.

"Are you at the academy?"

"No, the college is on vacation these days, I'm going home, and I'm taking my mother-in-law to meet my family, hehe~ Ugly daughter-in-law must always meet her in-laws."

Su Hao was speechless.

With the figure of your Warspite, you can do it?

You might as well take a little fat goose home!

"How's it going in the academy?" Su Hao didn't bother to care about this, at worst, he would go to the gendarmerie to find him. After all, he is a brother, so he can't be seen as a prison cell, right?

"It's okay, it feels more free than high school, and the task of the ship's mother assessment is relatively heavy, and there are joint missions between the commander and the ship's mother. I'm sick of reading it."

After finishing speaking, Gu Ping really threw up.


Su Hao's face was covered with black lines.

Nima, I can smell it through my phone

"Go away, I won't tell you anymore."

"Don't mind!" Gu Ping immediately shouted, "I'm going to Lingshui City for the holidays these days, and I'll go to your port area to see what the port area looks like in advance."

"Don't think about it, I'm not at home."

"Huh? During the Chinese New Year, you, a commander, don't stay in the port area?"

"What's the matter, it's not the first time."

"Then you don't want the port area anymore? The Maritime Safety Administration won't punish you? I heard that if the commander leaves his post without authorization, he will be blocked by the Maritime Safety Administration and points will be deducted from the assessment."

"Really? It doesn't matter, if you block it, you will block it."

"You're awesome." Gu Ping didn't know the relationship between Su Hao and Yixian. Anyway, he felt that the port area must listen to the Maritime Safety Administration. After all, it is the superior organization. .

Of course, under normal circumstances, the Maritime Safety Administration still has a high tolerance for the commanders who are delegated to the port area, as long as they can perform their duties properly.

Su Hao was surprised that he wasn't in the port area.

"Where are you now?"

"Sakura again."

"Huh!? What are you doing in Sakura?"

"It's the festival, the New Year's Eve of the Cherry Blossoms, I brought the girls over here to soak in the hot springs, and I booked a mixed bath together with dozens of girls."


Gu Ping became sour, he felt that what he ate was lemons, and what he drank was lemon juice.

Think about it, in the winter, you can book a hot spring with dozens of beautiful girls in a hotel full of cherry blossom style. In the semi-open-air hot spring pool, you can see the fluorescence falling from the dark night sky when you look up. Little by little, looking down, a group of gray, sexy and plump bodies passed by, and the air was filled with the smell of hormones.


The more I think about it, the more sour I get.

Not to mention, sour.

"Md, I won't tell you anymore, it's fine if you're not here, labor and management go drink."


Gu Ping hung up the phone.

Su Hao felt satisfied for a while.

Alright, after a wave of exposure, I feel better and my appetite has improved.

"The phone number of the Maritime Safety Administration?"

Richelieu came over with a wine glass and asked with a smile.

"No, it's Gu Ping's."

"Him?" Richelieu asked with a half-smile, "discussing the book with you?"

"Uh, no way, I just asked if I was at home, and said hello on New Year's Day. I guess I drank too much, and I'm still throwing up."

"Drinking too much alcohol is not a good habit."

Richelieu sat down beside Su Hao.

"I saw Mikasa chatting with Shinano just now."

"Oh, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, just to tell you something." Richelieu's mouth lightly curled up, "I see you care so much about Shinano."

"No, I care about everyone."

Su Hao smiled, and stretched out his hand to hold Richelieu's hand, "It's just that she is a newcomer, and she has a confused personality, and she will get lost if she doesn't have a feeling."

"Then I'll be a little more confused in the future."


I have to say that Sister Li who is jealous is quite cute.

It's just that being confused doesn't match the image of Richelieu at all, and in order to maintain the majesty of the eldest sister in the port area, not only can't be confused, but also must be strong and reliable.

Sometimes Su Hao feels distressed when he sees Sister Li working hard. Looking back on the years spent together in the past ten years, Sister Li also worked hard in society to take care of him.

Now in the port area, many places rely on Sister Li at the beginning. The port area has grown from scratch, from dilapidated to thriving. In nearly half a year, I have never seen Sister Li complain.

For herself, she is willing to do anything.

Su Hao hugged her gently.

"Huh?" Richelieu was a little surprised, and then he heard Su Hao whispering in his ear.

"Whether you are confused or not, you are my favorite, the person I love the most."

"Well, why are you saying this all of a sudden?"

"I just want to hold you."

Richelieu was startled, then leaned into Su Hao's arms, with a sweet smile on his lips.



Two pairs of malicious eyes came from the side.

Saratoga: "Victory, victory, look at them, look at the commander and Richelieu, they are about to show their affection in broad daylight."

Victory: "Sara Sara, I see it, and I feel like the two of us are glowing right now."

Saratoga: "Why?"

Victory: "A light bulb."

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