"Let's go too."

There are only three people in the port area, and the three meals a day are much simpler. Yorktown and Lexington take turns to cook, which is harmonious and happy.

It's just that when the two of them approached the cafeteria, they saw Lexington standing at the door eagerly.

Even the ship suits are unfolded.


Lexington glanced back and took a few steps back, his vigilance was evident at a glance.

In the port area, who is on guard?

York City looked in and was stunned.

There are people in the cafeteria.

To be exact, a ship girl.

One, the ship girl they knew.

Prince Eugen!

York City was stunned.

Harman immediately blew up, and imitated Lexington to unfold the ship.

After a while, York City was not in a hurry, "Why is she here?"

"I don't know." Lexington shook his head, "It was already there when I came."

In the cafeteria, Prince Eugen twisted his buttocks.

From the kitchen she brought out some dinner plates with some food on them.

Bread, eggs, bacon, sausage, and a large glass of milk.

I don't know whether it is intentional or not, but there is a sausage between the two eggs, which looks quite magical.

"Hehe~ Why do you put on such a vigilant look? As you can see, I'm not a bad person."

The three people standing at the gate of the Eugen Dynasty said with a smile.

"Hard to say."

Lexington did not intend to relax her vigilance in the slightest. She was from the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration... At least in the past, it was too suspicious that the iron-blooded ship lady suddenly came to Commander Donghuang's port area.

Although z23 can be considered.

But z23... It's hard to say.

At least Lexington doesn't think that an abandoned house can start a war between the two countries, but this guy in front of him is definitely capable of doing so.

"What's your purpose?"

"Purpose? Come here to make a delicious breakfast for the girl who is alone in the port area. I don't know if it counts?" Prince Eugen said with a smile, "Well, come by and ask, when will our dear Commander come back? .”


Lexington and Yorktown exchanged glances.

I am afraid that the latter purpose is the key point.

Sure enough, countries all over the world are now staring at this place.

The main reason is that the ship girls gathered here are too much to be concerned about. In addition, the iron blood was deflated last time, and they probably thought that the iron blood would definitely take action.

But what the hell is going on with Prince Eugen?

York City smiled and waved, signaling Lexington and Harman to put away the ship.

She went inside, and Harman immediately cried out.

"Sister York City, be careful, that smiling woman is not a good person at first sight! Harman beat her away before you go in."

"Don't worry, this is our territory, even if there is any conspiracy, she won't carry it out here."

York City walked in generously, Harman hurriedly followed, Lexington hesitated, sent a message to Su Hao, and followed in.

There should be no problem at present, but there is no guarantee that Prince Eugen will not do anything.

Prince Eugen sat down with a smile, not caring what Lexington did at all.

After all, she wasn't malicious, was she?

It's just that I'm just curious about the so-called human commander's ability to stabilize the Black Rubik's Cube.

After z23 comes back, it should bring me a lot of surprises, hehe~


Here, Su Hao, who was leading the ship ladies to carry out the battle against Sunset Island, suddenly received a private message from Lexington.

Prince Eugen is here.

Su Hao was dumbfounded.

Wait, didn't you say Bismarck was here?

Oh, it's Vanguard.

After all, as the iron-blooded Prime Minister Bismarck, Tirpitz must of course pay attention to it.

But Su Hao still couldn't help shaking his head, Tirpitz, Tirpitz, you are too young, how can you tell Prince Eugen such an important matter?

This is obviously going to cause trouble.

Tell me, isn't z46 fragrant?Isn't Zeppelin good?If it doesn't work, let's reluctantly accept it, right?

Prince Eugen's words, one can tell at a glance that he will definitely not be honest.

But... forget it.

"It's okay, let her go, there will be no problem."

Su Hao replied.

Anyway, I must wait for Bismarck to pass by, let's investigate in advance.

It is probably worried that he will gather firepower to capture Bismarck or something, which is understandable.

"Su Hao said don't worry, it seems that he already knows."

Lexington whispered to Yorktown.

"This is better, so rest assured to eat."

York City smiled slightly, enjoying the breakfast made by Prince Eugen.

Lexington pursed his lips.

She always felt something was wrong.

An iron-blooded ship girl, contacting Commander Donghuang at any time, and suddenly ran to the port area, the commander didn't care at all, this...

What is Sangvis doing with Hong Kong?

Lexington couldn't help but start to make up all kinds of brains.

Su Hao didn't think too much about it. At this time, he visited the Sunset Shrine with the ship girls, and then came to the town to enjoy the customs and customs here.

The last time I came here to walk with Xili a few times, the town is not big, and the folk customs are simple, even if you are a stranger, the townspeople will smile at the girls when you walk by.

After all, this place is protected by the ship girls on Rimu Island. For the townspeople, the ship girls are lovely guardian elves sent by the gods. They will express their kindness to every ship girl who comes to the island.

Walking around the town, senior and Nagato stayed by his side all the time, especially senior, Su Hao always felt that she had something to say.

Could it be that you still want to ask Shinano from yourself?

Shinano didn't come out, she slept in the shrine, but now Shinano can travel too far, and she is stronger when she is asleep than when she is awake.

Su Hao was somewhat looking forward to how confused those who lined up with her would be when she went to the battlefield to fight the enemy.

I ate something in the town at noon, and casually sent a message to Tirpitz, asking when she would come.

As a result, there will be a reply soon.


Then came another message.

"At present, only the four of us know the news. Commander Su Hao, please don't disclose the news to others, even if they have no ill intentions towards us."



Su Hao's typing action paused in mid-air.


Tirpitz, U556, myself, Ayanami, four people?

Where is Prince Eugen?

Su Hao: "???"

Tirpitz: "What's wrong?"

Su Hao: "Don't Prince Eugen know?"

Tirpitz: "???"


PS: 12 o'clock, rush~

Chapter 467

Tirpitz had an ominous premonition.

The guy who always likes to make trouble is going to make trouble again.

After receiving Su Hao's message, Tirpitz immediately contacted Prince Eugen.

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