Well, it's pretty much the same as I guessed.

She has a childlike face and big breasts, and under her mature appearance, there is a childlike innocence that is not lost to Saratoga. In fact, there are many such girls.

Su Hao smiled and said, "Little Swan, welcome."

Little Swan blinked, and then looked at the girls behind Su Hao.

"Go, everyone is a good sister in Minato."

Little Swan nodded and walked into the crowd behind him.


It's the last one.

To be honest, Su Hao is quite satisfied with the construction this time.

Sirius, Bumblebee, Little Hiei, Little Swan.

Even if the last round of construction fails, he has no regrets.

But...who would want too much?Well, no flags, no flags.

In this way, he took the Rubik's Cube and walked towards the last hull.

As soon as it approached, the Mind Rubik's Cube responded immediately, and at the same time a strong mental wave came from the hull, conveying an emotion of can't wait.

Su Hao froze for a moment, this was the first time he encountered such a thing.

Even before we started building, we knew it was going to be a success.

What kind of ship girl is this, have you been lonely for a long time?So unbearable loneliness.

Su Hao shook his head and reached out to touch the hull.

brush! ~

He was in a trance for a moment, and was led into a magical space. Here, a long black haired girl with a charming face looked at him with a smile on her face.

Sexy, mature, voluptuous.

The moment she saw Su Hao, she rushed over directly.


The magical space was shattered, and the phantom condensed in front of him, before it could fully appear, it rushed forward.



Su Hao: ? ? ?

A strong sense of oppression came from his chest, and a very pleasant fragrance lingered at the tip of his nose.

The girl hugged Su Hao tightly, rubbed her head against his shoulder, and repeated with happiness on her face: "Ah~ this body's scorching heat, heart's agitation... It's finally time for you, Commander, Not Cai Taifeng, please give me more advice~?"

(Other pictures either did not find any good-looking ones, or they could not be reviewed. There is no way.)


PS: emmmm, yesterday’s last update was changed a bit later, I feel that it is better to be more stable, mainly because of a sudden whim, I will not write in the future, and I will definitely not write that kind of writing.

PPS: Thanks to the dark star emperor boss for the blade~~

Chapter 472 The Way of a Maid, Do You Understand Sirius?

Although Su Hao never treats the warship girls differently according to their strength, but this is also...

Come on, he came here with the attitude of just a boat from the beginning, but he didn't expect the result of this construction to be so European.

Wait, what's wrong with me being so European?

Sirius, Bumblebee, Little Hiei, Little Swan, Taiho.

This feeling of invincibility is quite bald.

Well, Yat-sen, this time he has a conscience.

The construction was a great success, and the ship girls just watched the fun, and then dispersed.

Sirius was taken away by Dido. As the first maid and marriage ship in the port area, she must be responsible for the education of Sirius.

Xiaobei's method can be relaxed, and the little maid can be done as long as she is cute, but Sirius is not good, after all, it is also a sister ship, how can she let her lose the face of a Dido-class cruiser?

After all, I am only a mere Dido class, and now I have managed to make some achievements in the port area, so I can't let my sister Sirius screw things up.

Bumblebee was directly taken away by the enterprise and York City. Although Su Hao thought it was a mistake, the two sisters thought it was right, so it didn't matter.

Little Hiei is naturally together with Little Kouki and the others. You must not let Hiei get too close. Let's be steady first. If you want to get close to the cute little guy, you have to pass your own test.

Little Swan left with Goddess of Destiny and Fox, everyone is the same kind of person, hey, Little Swan, let me tell you, in the future in the port area, be careful of that destroyer named Saratoga.

Everyone dispersed, but there was only one person who was in trouble.

big phoenix.

How should I put it, if we look at it according to the normal situation, the ship girl joined the port area, and the free ship girl who was brought over did not have such a high degree of favorability for the commander at the beginning.The construction is different. To build awakened ship girls, they will regard the commander as the only support in this world.

But even so, according to the statement in the game, it is estimated that the favorability is 70.

But Dafeng is different.

It's outrageous, it's outrageous when it's built, and it's even more outrageous when it's built.

Have you ever seen a girl you just met directly bump into her?

Coach, she hit the ball with the ball!

Su Hao reckoned that the favorability score was at least 90 or above.

Maybe it's all 100.


Here comes the problem.

How to escape from the entanglement of Akagi, Atago and Dafeng?

After the major construction is completed, it is the daily processing work. The things that have accumulated for a few days are processed within one day.

At the beginning, Dafeng was still very reserved. Seeing that Su Hao was working, he didn't bother him, so he stayed by his side.

Then as soon as the job is over.

"Commander, have you finished your work? Hey, hey, what's next...well, should I eat Dafeng, or should I take a bath with Dafeng, or...do some shameless things with Dafeng What about the matter?"

Dafeng's eyes were straightened.

She can seduce people, really can seduce people.

It's terrifying.

Can you imagine a woman who does nothing all day long and just watches over you?

Then as soon as you finish your work, I can't wait to play sports with you.

If others don't talk about it, let's talk about Chicheng, Su Hao is busy here, and she will be with Tiancheng and Kaga.

But Dafeng didn't have it, so she just guarded it.

The opening is to take a bath, not ashamed or impatient.


Su Hao felt a little helpless: "Dafeng."


Before she finished speaking, the enterprise came in and said, "Dafeng, the newcomer training has started, hurry up, you are the only one missing."

"Hey~ training or something, there's no need for this kind of thing, I just need to be with the commander."

Dafeng ran over to hug Su Hao, but one hundred and one thousand were unwilling.

Su Hao was also curious in his heart, the company really pinpointed it.

"I have no problem with being with the commander, but as a ship's wife, if you are in danger, do you want the commander to protect you?"

"I'll leave the battle to you guys. My responsibility is to take good care of the commander. Whether it's day or night, as long as it's something the commander wants to do, Dafeng will agree to everything."


Businesses are outraged.

It's reasonable to be a chicken, and you still want to go to the commander's room at night?

Su Hao has almost never seen the company get angry, but now he feels that the company is angry, and then walked over without saying a word, knocked unconscious, and dragged away.


Halo didn't faint, but the attributes of the enterprise completely crushed Dafeng, making her unable to resist at all.

In the end, Dafeng left the office amidst a BGM similar to life and death.

"Commander, I will be back soon!!"

"You can't come back!"

Su Hao: "..."

Call ~

Clean up.

If Sister Li hadn't gone to the Maritime Safety Administration to handle the year-end finishing work, Dafeng probably wouldn't have been able to be so presumptuous.

But how should I put it, for the sisters in the port area, Sister Li has always been very tolerant.

Then Su Hao turned his gaze.

It landed on a figure on the sofa.

A Shinano.

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