This stance combined with the power of Su Hao's Black Cube, even if Richelieu and the company don't use the Black Cube, other forces won't have to fight!

Unless these national forces mobilize all their forces, this is obviously unrealistic. After all, they will not go to your own country to fight. With such a long route, considering the issue of supplies, it is impossible to bring too much combat power.

So this kind of encounter outside is itself a contest of elite forces.

So here comes the question, just this, just this, just this.

how to spell?

Just as he was thinking, a call came from outside the door.

"Sister Bismarck, come out to eat cake, Brother Su Hao made a cake!"

Bismarck responded.

Forget it, forget it.

Eat a piece of cake first to suppress your surprise.


PS: 12:[-]~

Chapter 488 Family Harmony 【Chapter】

From Donghuang to the North United, there is no such thing as a blink of an eye, so the question is, how can so many girls on the yacht live in harmony and reach their destination?

Although everything is going well so far, Su Hao has no idea.

So he wandered around the yacht now and then, so as not to cause problems.

At the beginning, everyone rested in their own rooms, and came out to chat occasionally. Now that we have been traveling for a long time, and the yacht is so big, we can’t see people looking up and looking down. We have to find some time to do it.

In the afternoon, Dunkirk came to suggest that Su Hao make a cake. Su Hao made some, and Dunkirk was satisfied and took it away for the girls in the Iris Kingdom. Then Su Hao thought it was wrong, you took it here , what do others think?

Then Su Hao felt that he had been fooled.

As a last resort, Su Hao could only start making cakes diligently.

"Dunkirk, she likes to play tricks, you should be wary of her."

Richelieu came over to help, and said Dunkirk, intentionally or unintentionally, let Su Hao be on guard.

"It's okay, Dunkirk's character is like that, I've been used to it for a long time."

Richelieu glanced at him and said, "She is such an obvious prank, and you still help her speak?"


Hearing that Sister Li was complaining, Su Hao smiled and said, "If it's Sister Li, no matter what you do to me, I will help you speak."

Richelieu blushed and stopped talking immediately.

My younger brother is getting more and more proficient in speaking.

This is probably the so-called growth. Unlike Jianniang, as human beings age, they experience more things, which will cause rapid and obvious changes in their mood.

That's it for now.

Thinking of this, Richelieu sighed lightly.

In the beginning, she only wanted to bring Su Hao here, to live a peaceful life in a small place, a small port area.

After all, with her strength, she could go to a bigger place, but she chose Lingshui City in the end.

Because Su Hao wants to become a commander, Richelieu's idea is to run a small port area, deal with daily work every day, fight when there is a battle, and rely on his own ability to protect Su Hao.

That's enough, she doesn't want Su Hao to get involved in too many things, no matter what it is, some things look beautiful, but it's not that simple to do.

Richelieu understands this very well. Even though the ship's mother doesn't have so many bad intentions, everyone is in a position where many things are beyond their control under the structure of this world.

That's why Bismarck felt that it was not enough to have only the ship's mother alone, and only the ship's mother could not change the current situation, but if there was a human commander as a hub, then everything would be different.

Because it is dominated by human beings, and the future guided by human beings is the future that this world should move towards.

Richelieu has also gradually understood this point recently, but in fact, in her heart, she is not very willing to see Su Hao become this hub.

Being special means great responsibility and great pressure.

It is not that simple for one person to shoulder the future destiny of the world.

After all, the savior is never easy to do.

Moreover, Su Hao's identity is very special. Richelieu couldn't even imagine it if it was exposed.

"what happened?"

Su Hao, who was making a cake, noticed the change in Richelieu's mood.

"Xiaohao... After this incident, let's not get involved in such matters in the future."

Richelieu said suddenly.

Su Hao was stunned for a moment, then looked at Richelieu, the latter's eyes conveyed a message of worry, and he soon understood.

"I think so too, but..."

"Sometimes you can be tougher. Don't feel bad about refusing or being unable to refuse. You have the right and ability to refuse, because everyone is your backing. Of course, I don't want you to refuse everything. You can choose, as a commander. Do your job, but just be a commander, do you understand me when I say that?"

Just as an ordinary commander, not a savior or a big shot.

Whether it's a siren or a human being, it doesn't matter what your identity is if it doesn't involve so many words.

"Ah, of course I know, Sister Li, you are worried about me."

Su Hao smiled and looked at Richelieu, "Well, in fact, I was also thinking, whether it was at the beginning or now, I want to live as an ordinary commander and manage our port area well without involving So many…”

"However, even as a purely commander, what I have to consider is not only my own affairs, but also yours, especially this time, everyone is more or less involved, otherwise I will not come gone."

"I'm thinking...Maybe after this time, I can live the kind of life you mentioned, Sister Li. I hope things will go well this time. If we take the joint meeting as an opportunity, it would be nice for everyone to have a good talk. "

"But it seems that I am in a great position again, haha~ maybe this is what I need to do."

Richelieu sighed: "I knew you would say that."

"Well, don't be discouraged, as long as you keep working hard, the road will always go on forever, won't it?"

Richelieu chuckled and nodded.

"But you have to pay more attention to your identity in the future, like what happened to Bismarck this time, try not to do it in the future."


Actually, Su Hao knew exactly what Richelieu was worried about.

And what Richelieu hoped for was not the life he wanted to live?

I am afraid that what every commander thinks about when playing the game is that one day he can live in the port area as a commander, and live in peace and stability (without shame or impatience) with the ship girls.

A normal, peaceful life is fine, because that's what it gives meaning to, and that's the kind of life we ​​want.

Who said that a man's dream is to drive a Gundam to conquer the stars and the sea?

No, the macho's dream is to live peacefully with a group of cute, well-behaved, sexy, beautiful and generous girls.

However, Su Hao felt that the reason why he was able to be the one chosen by many commanders must be because of his existence.

The ship girls in this world are cute, well-behaved, beautiful, and sexy, not only in their own port area, but also in many, many, many, whether they are from other port areas or free ship girls, Su Hao also wants to fight for them. A better living environment.

Well, let me state first that this is not a Tauren statement.

It was purely something that Su Hao wanted to do for Jian Niang living in this world.

So, if you can do it yourself, then try your best.


The cakes were baked one after another, and there was a spacious lounge on the yacht, and the Guanghui sisters took this as an opportunity to hold a tea party here.

At this time, all the people sitting inside were big bosses.

Su Hao brought the cake in and said triumphantly, "Commander, that's enough, you should sit down together."

"Is it enough?"

"Enough is enough, it's not for dinner, just try a little."

"Sister Shengli, you feel sorry for the commander, but you won't help."

"Why don't you go?"

I fearfully thought that I would have gone there, but Richelieu stayed inside, and the husband and wife were bothered by you and me, so what a shame.

Ever since he bumped into Su Hao and Shengli ox, Kewei automatically made up an indescribable picture when he saw Su Hao with the wedding couple.

After some brainstorming, she was completely abnormal.

Sigh~ think about it, how hard it is for a girl in the prime of life to make up her mind to do that in the middle of the night, right?

"Sit here, sit here."

Shengli didn't care what Kewei was thinking at all, and moved his buttocks to free up a seat for Su Hao.

"Commander here."

Akagi said, "Shengli, you are not a marriage ship. What are you doing so close to the commander? This kind of thing is done by our marriage ship."

Shengli curled his lips, thought for a while and decided not to say, how happy it is to steal a chicken.

Isn't there a saying?A wife is worse than a concubine, a wife is worse than stealing, and stealing is worse than not being able to steal.

But since she is a ship girl, she must be able to steal it.

Thinking about the victory in this way, I heard Saratoga say: "What's so great about the wedding ship, the wedding ship is finished, you are now a wedding ship, the commander has nothing new about you, now it's our world, Chicheng, go to yourself Shut up."

"I want to shut myself up?"

Chicheng pulled Su Hao to sit beside him, puffed out his chest and leaned against Su Hao's, proudly looked at Saratoga: "Am I going to be autistic?"

Saratoga whimpered, and said loudly: "This is the only time you can be proud, hum! I don't have to do it myself at all, Guanghui, hurry up!"

If it's fighting milk, they will definitely not lose when they send out Guanghui.

"Teacher Sara, you..."

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