Kirov was a little dumbfounded.

"Why are you so perverted in the port area?"

"Hehe~ It's okay." Tiancheng smiled slightly, "It will become even more powerful in the future. I wonder if Ms. Kirov is interested in joining?"

"Eh? Can I? I...wait, wait!"

Just as he was about to say 'Okay', Kirov realized, no, he didn't come here for this.

However, the port area is really powerful.

Kirov didn't feel that Amagi was lying to her, after all, many things had been mentioned in bits and pieces by others before.

It's just that I didn't expect that after hearing Tiancheng's words, I realized that what the Northern Joint Investigation found was simply too superficial!

Superficial!The idea is too superficial.

Rosia, no, I can't do it.

Amagi chuckled, and without waiting for Kirov to speak, he continued: "Actually, it's nothing. After the joint meeting is held, the ship girls of the Northern Union can join the port area in a form independent of the Northern Union. There has actually been a precedent for this." Yes, like... Richelieu."

"Richelieu?" Kirov was attracted again.

"Have you ever heard of Liberty Iris?"

"Well, I heard that I read the news from the Maritime Safety Administration some time ago. Richelieu specially established Liberty Iris. This is a force independent of the Iris Kingdom. It protects the Iris Kingdom but is not controlled by the Iris Kingdom. Richelieu has already joined your port area."

"Yes, and it's not just Richelieu." Tiancheng kept a smile on his face, "The other ship girls are also, but they didn't make it public for the sake of the Iris Kingdom. You should have seen it, Joan of Arc, Dunke Erke, there are quite a few shipwives from the Iris Kingdom are here."

"Oh oh oh!" Kirov suddenly realized, no wonder, no wonder, she wondered why the ship girl from Iris Country was there.

It turned out to be joining the port area.

It turned out that Bismarck was captured.

Iris country ship girl joined the port area to fight.

"What about Sakura? I think Nagato is also here."

"Master Nagato." Tiancheng chuckled, "I won't talk about this, after listening to what I said before, people who understand should understand it? If you don't understand, then I won't say more."

Kirov understood.

It seems that Nagato has also joined the port area.

Otherwise, why did they come all the way to support them?

Heavy cherry blossoms, Northern United, these eight poles can't beat one piece.

It's because Comrade Commander, I understand, I understand, I understand completely.

As for why everyone is not clear, after all, it is necessary to take into account the situation on Sakura's side, so there is no official announcement.

Seeing her expression, Tiancheng said, "Miss Kirov, I'm only telling you these things. Many of them are important secrets, so please don't tell them."

"Don't worry." Kirov patted his chest, "I won't talk nonsense."

After speaking, her cell phone rang.

"Kirov, come back quickly!"


PS: 12:[-]~

Chapter 504

Although I can't hear what Kirov said to Amagi, but looking at Kirov's appearance, how can she have the upper hand? If she can be invincible in the competition with Naiko, then in the confrontation with Amagi, the advantage brought by Naiko Far from being enough to make up for the gap in IQ.

It's not that Kirov is an idiot, it's just that she doesn't have much thoughtfulness as a ship's wife, and she is several levels behind the strategist Amagi.

Realizing this, Soviet Rosia immediately called.

"That ship girl is Tiancheng, I know her."

Without explaining too much, in the distance, Kirov came back.

At this time they won a little far, but just in case Soviet Rosia let everyone hide.

"It's my turn."

Chapayev said impatiently.

Soviet Rosia didn't speak, and after a while, Kirov came here.

"Huh? Why are you all here?"

She was a little surprised, "Didn't you say there is a mission?"

Tashkent shook his head and said, "Sister Kirov, you're broken."

Kirov: ? ? ?

"Come back in disgrace."

"Minsk, what do you mean, please explain clearly."

Kirov wondered, why did he break down?

"My fault." Soviet Rosia sighed, "I didn't tell you clearly, but who thought you were so anxious? You shouldn't have gone to this kind of thing."

Kirov raised his brows: "So what are you guys talking about? Don't treat me like an idiot. If I do this again, I will lose my face."

"Sister Kirov, everyone is looking to see if you can keep Comrade Commander in the Northern Union."

Nuan Baobao raised her head majestically and said, but her sight was completely blocked by Kirov's big hat, so she could only take a few steps back to let Kirov see her.

"Didn't you just bring it up? I said it too. I mentioned it when I was chatting with Comrade Commander just now."

Having said that, Chapayev spread his hands: "Look, what did I say? She didn't care at all."

Soviet Rosia sighed and didn't want to say more.

I don't want to say, it failed, and the problem also aroused the suspicion of the marriage ship.

This is difficult to do.

Then she raised her head, saw Chapayev walking forward, and immediately grabbed him.

"What are you doing?"

"Of course it's to bring the situation back."

Chabayev said without hesitation, "This is also a battlefield, and it is full of gunpowder smoke. Anyway, the extreme north has not yet started fighting, so it is a warm-up scene before the good show begins."

Soviet Rosia thought about it, but he didn't stop it. Anyway, let's try, but the situation is probably not very optimistic right now.

"Kirov, what did Amagi tell you just now?"

"Tiancheng said..."

Kirov fell silent suddenly.


"Forgot, it's very powerful anyway."


Kirov, sister is so disappointed in you.


Just when Su Hao's fleet girls arrived at the frontline base, after a period of testing in the extreme north, the Royal Fleet changed its strategy.

It is no longer necessary to continue to explore. The defense around the crown is more troublesome than they imagined. In the case of loss of signal communication, there is no guarantee of vision, which is extremely disadvantageous in both detection and combat.

If this continues, material issues will arise sooner or later, so the royal family directly chose to join the White Eagle Fleet and temporarily form an alliance.

The white eagle and the royal family united, and their combat power was directly doubled, so they didn't intend to entangle, and directly chose to attack from the front.

Iron Blood next door saw the situation and was not in a hurry to make a move. He just waited for Bai Ying and Huang Huang to fight their way so that they could pick up ready-made ones.

Then, the siren next door was immediately happy, let's fight, the more lively the fight, the better for my side.

Of course, this idea is not from the purifiers and scavengers, but from the builders. After the cracking device is arranged, the builders are not in a hurry. They will wait for the royal family and White Eagle to do something, and then they will secretly give Ember a fatal blow. hit.

Unexpectedly, when the builder came back after arranging the cracking device, the purifier and the clearer had already brought a large army of sirens to kill them.

For a moment, the United Fleet, which was at war with the Iceberg Fortress, saw this posture, and immediately switched their firepower to fight the Sirens.

It doesn't matter if it's such a big one, Tie Xue is speechless, they are still waiting for Bai Ying and Huang Huang to fight their way out.

So hoo, the iron-blooded Frederick the Great gave an order, and all the members attacked to attack the United Fleet!

Yes, instead of playing the siren, hit the royal and white eagle, forcing them to retreat temporarily and put their energy back on the crown.

Faced with the pincer attack of Sangvis and the Sirens, the United Fleet had no choice but to retreat temporarily.

Seeing this, the Siren immediately chased after him, but was stopped by Sangvis again. The latter did not fight directly with Sangvis, but dragged the Purifiers and Cleaners who were half dead with anger, and the two sides fought farther and farther. It was so small that Royal and Bai Ying were taken aback for a while.

After thinking about it, the two lunatics fought together, nothing to do with them, so they continued to deal with the iceberg fortress.

The firepower on both sides was fully fired, and the iceberg fortress on the periphery of the crown fell down one after another.

After advancing all the way, the United Fleet entered the crown.


problem occurs.


Chapayev went up with A, and Chapayev played GG.

Then it was the second day after the failure of the Northern United Fleet to attack the port area, and the base ushered in a few special guests.

"Javelin, do you really want to come here? The relationship between the Northern Union and us is not very good."

Outside the base, several figures appeared on the sea.

This is what stayed outside the crown after the Royal and White Eagle formed a joint fleet to attack.

After all, it is necessary to prevent accidents from happening. If they all go in, if something happens, there will always be someone in charge of tipping off the news.

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