Hei Kaohsiung immediately looked over.

Eye to eye.

The enterprise frowned slightly: "We... haven't we met somewhere?"


PS: emmmmm, I finished writing in one breath, it's almost twelve o'clock, it's too late to slip away.

Nima's 60 rounds are only Tashkent and Dafeng, there are no supplies, play with Nima's stick hammer!

Chapter 509 Mystery

Enterprises have a very strong sense of déjà vu.

When she saw Kaohsiung fighting, what appeared in her mind was an intermittent battle scene.

She 'sees' the flames of war burning, and the surroundings are in despair and chaos. The companions are fighting one by one, fighting with enemies who don't know where they come from. These enemies are not sirens or embers, but they also have ship girls. the power of.

Afterwards, Enterprise saw the person who often appeared in her dreams, as if she was herself, leading Kaohsiung to fight against each other.

The surroundings seem to be the end of the world, and there is no light except for fighting.

With such a short scene, when she looked back again, Hei Kaohsiung was about to threaten Su Hao.

"We... Have we met somewhere?"

Enterprise asked with a bow and arrow in hand.

Hei Kaohsiung had a silent expression, as if he didn't intend to answer the company's questions.

After a few seconds, she said, "You don't want to know."

"I want to know, are you my companion or my enemy?" Enterprise's eyes are firm, "If it is an enemy, I will fight you without hesitation, but I feel that you have the same philosophy as me, embers and sirens Opposition, then what is the purpose of your existence?"

Hei Kaohsiung opened his mouth, and just about to say something, a figure fell from high in the sky and stood on the sea beside her.

"say no more."

The black enterprise fell, "Kaohsiung, you go over there, leave this to me."

She didn't blame Hei Kaohsiung for acting without authorization, and she even expected that Hei Kaohsiung would come.

Black Kaohsiung nodded.

"Be careful."


Hei Kaohsiung left, and the eyes of Hei Enterprise turned to other people.

Seeing the builder, then seeing Bismarck and the enterprise, and finally looking at Su Hao.

A very familiar feeling.

"Is it really you..." she muttered to herself.

Su Hao was a little puzzled immediately. He also felt a sense of familiarity from the black enterprise, but he just couldn't remember where he saw it.

Maybe it can be said that it has been seen in the game, but this is not counted, right?Recalling the ten years since he came to this world, Su Hao swore that he had never seen a black enterprise.

But where did this sense of familiarity come from?

"Have we met?" he asked.

The black enterprise did not answer, but looked at the enterprise, "You still chose this path, and chose the person who is your commander. If that is the case, then fight with the belief of swearing to the death."

"It's you."

Enterprise saw clearly that the other party was the existence who had been appearing in her dreams, the person of Ember, and also the existence who inherited the will of the battleship Enterprise.

"It's me, am I surprised?"

The black enterprise came step by step from a distance, and stopped in front of the ice.

Enterprise frowned, but she didn't speak, but came to Su Hao and looked at the black enterprise in full battle.

Strong, very strong.

The enterprise has a feeling that even if she is desperate and fully fired, she may not be the opponent of the black enterprise.

There was a dangerous signal on the other side all the time, and those black flocs surrounding it were like flames brought out from the battlefield, which made the company feel that the other side existed for fighting.


The black enterprise looked at Su Hao and suddenly called out.

At this moment, all the girls including Su Hao were stunned for a moment.

Ember's member is called Commander Su Hao?

Ignoring everyone's surprise, the black enterprise continued: "Do you believe in sirens?"

What do you mean?

Send a proposition?

Su Hao didn't know what the question of black enterprises meant.

But obviously there is something involved in this, no matter whether the other party really knows him or mistaken the person, but now Su Hao feels that his position is very important.

"I trust my own judgment."

He said very firmly.

"Whether it is a siren or a human being, all decisions are not made by anyone who knows the answer first, so any choice may lead to irreversible disasters, but it may also lead to a better future than the present, I believe My own judgment, if this choice is right, then I will do it even if everyone opposes it.”

"Same answer, same choice."

The black enterprise is basically sure that Su Hao is the person she is looking for.

"No wonder the Siren will come to you, that's why, then Commander, what are you doing here? Is it to destroy the crown?"

Su Hao looked at the Crown Fortress without denying it, and was a little puzzled at this moment: "Why did you call me Commander?"

The black enterprise looked at Su Hao quietly, not ready to answer this question.

"Okay, let me change the question. You asked me just now, so you should answer my question now, right?"

Su Hao changed the topic, "What's the relationship between you and the Sirens?"

Judging from the current information, Ember has the same technology as Siren, and even Siren can't do anything against her in the combat capability of Black Enterprise. If Siren comes from a certain point in the future, then Ember must also be .

But Su Hao didn't quite understand the relationship between the two.

He knew that Ember and Siren were not on the same side, and should even be said to be hostile. Why?

Su Hao felt that there was an answer that he and even other countries wanted to know.

"Now you will not understand. Since you believe in your judgment, then use your will to find the answer you want. I think in the near future, you will understand everything and understand why Kaohsiung hated you just now. , will also understand our relationship with the Sirens."

The black enterprise shook her head slightly. She came here mainly to see what kind of person Su Hao was, and to confirm whether he was the person she was looking for.

This has now been achieved.

"This place is for you."

The black enterprise suddenly turned around, "As a gift for our 'reunion', I think whether it is the Siren or Azur Lane, I hope it can disappear. If so, then..."

As soon as the words fell, a black spot suddenly appeared in the space above the crown. The black spot gradually enlarged and slowly turned into a black hole, disintegrating and absorbing the iceberg above the crown layer by layer.

Boom! ~

The entire sea suddenly shook violently.

The ice is crumbling, the waves are raging, and the wind and snow are roaring.

According to rumors, black companies can create singularities in space similar to black holes with their own abilities. When Su Hao checked the information about Ember, he even saw several places with records, but this time he saw it with his own eyes. Still can't help but be shocked to what kind of ghost power is this? Is this still a ship girl?

If this is head-on, how to fight?

No wonder even the Sirens can't do anything about black companies.

In the wind and snow, the shadow of black companies gradually disappeared.

"Commander, goodbye, we are like scum in the ashes, I hope you can lead mankind to a better future..."


Su Hao's heart was in a mess and he didn't know what it was like, he felt as if he was involved in something extraordinary.

In the distance, the collapse of the crown continued. This place that made all the camps frantically want to get close, but it completely collapsed in the black enterprise's thought.

"It's too strong." Bismarck's tone was a bit complicated, "We are completely vulnerable in front of her."

It is still possible to fight against black Kaohsiung, but Bismarck has no confidence at all in the face of black companies.

"That's not it either."

Su Hao smiled, "Although there is no chance of winning now, it may not be the case in the future."

Just now, Su Hao has scanned and recorded the data of the black Kaohsiung and the black enterprise through the black magic cube.

This is a function of his Black Rubik's Cube to automatically collect data. Su Hao is not sure if he can analyze the data this time. If he can analyze it, he can at least get a better understanding of the power of the black enterprise on the ship and use it to give If your own ship girl is strengthened and blessed, the combat effectiveness can definitely be improved by two levels.

Well, take it back to Ming and ask her to study it carefully.

"You are very confident." Bismarck shook his head lightly.

She was confident at first, but now...

The more I stay with Su Hao, the less confident I feel.

However, this feeling is not annoying, because he is aware of his own weakness, so he has the determination to become stronger, which is what Bismarck has always wanted to seek.

"If you want to move forward, you need confidence to support you, don't you?"

Su Hao smiled and said, then looked at the enterprise, and comforted: "Okay, she is her, you are you, no matter what she thinks, we only need to do our own things well."

The enterprise recovered and nodded.

"However, I didn't expect Ember to be so powerful. Even with the Black Rubik's Cube, I don't think she can match her at all."

"Because the source of power they use is not from this era."

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