At the beginning, I was just talking about it casually, but I really mentioned it casually. I didn't expect that the three guys of Lafite are so powerful.

Although Su Hao also felt that it was inappropriate to get the ship's wife from the Royal Maritime Bureau, but you can see that the friendship lasts forever, and the four of them are not easy to break up together, right?

So, after thinking about it, Su Hao still had to find a way to bring the javelin to the port area, not for himself, but mainly for Lafite and the others, and for the girls.

Alas~ The great commander is so silently glowing and glowing.

It just so happens that the yacht will arrive in a few days, so we can take advantage of this time to deepen the communication and explore the depth.

It is rare to come to the north to unite once, and Su Hao is still looking forward to the scenery here.

When it comes to the Northern Union, it is naturally impossible to only have vodka, although it feels like this so far, and then Su Hao mentioned it to Soviet Rosia, and the latter said that he could let people take the ship girls around.

But even if you want to go out, it is impossible for so many people to go together. In the end, everyone dispersed and set off in a team. Su Hao paid for what he wanted to buy.

Lafite got a lot of money and became rich. The three of them went out with javelins, saying they were buying snacks, and they brought Vicious to buy Coke, games and dolls. .

"Where does comrade-chan want to go? Tashkent can take you there. As a reward, comrade-chan just buys me a drink."

Said the lovely Tashkent.

Su Hao didn't particularly want to go, and then Elizabeth suddenly came over with Warspite and Befa.

"Su Hao, didn't you say you're going back to Donghuang? Why hasn't there been any movement for so long?"

Elizabeth is ready and posing, and is waiting to have a good look at Su Hao's port area.

As a result, I just heard that I will leave in a few days, what is it?Who do you think I am, Queen Elizabeth!You make me wait a few more days with millions of dollars every minute?

"Ah, yes, the yacht I drove over sank this time, and my ship's wife prepared a new one for me, and it took a few days to deliver it."

Elizabeth was suspicious: "The yacht blew up? Why are you fine?"

Su Hao was speechless: "You still expect me to have an accident?"

"Huh? This king is not that boring. Although this king is dissatisfied with you taking Guanghui and the others away, who is this king? Tell me if you are tired of fighting."

"Of course it's Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, who has a big heart. How could she be angry about this kind of thing? Your Majesty is magnanimous and will not care about Commander Su Hao."

As a loyal supporter of Her Majesty the Queen at the age of 11, the old lady has never been stingy with her compliments on Elizabeth.

But this time she met her match.

"What's the use of fussing? I don't quite understand what you said, War-weary Your Excellency." Dido tilted her head, "Master, as the commander, he conquered the Guanghui sisters with his personality charm, and used his excellent character Isn't it natural for He Style to prove himself and then be recognized? Although the sisters are excellent whether they are brilliant or victorious, the master is the best. I don't know how many ship girls want to join our port area? .”

"Ha! Dido, how dare you say that although the king admits that Su Hao is capable, no matter what, under the same circumstances, Guanghui and the others in the circle of the ship's mother must be stronger than Su Hao in the circle of the commander. Are you famous?"

"No, Miss Elizabeth, the owner is a unique existence, but even if it's rare, you can see the Radiance in other places, right?"

"Ah, this, it seems...wrong! Human beings are unique!"

"Ah~ Ms. Elizabeth, what you were thinking just now should be that my master's existence as a commander is unique and excellent? Even if you don't say this, everyone knows, otherwise, whether it is Mistress Richelieu or Mistress Entrepreneur, Then they won’t gather around Master. Also, Master is so good, I say there is nothing wrong with conquering, even Guanghui and the others must love Master in their hearts.”

Dido said in a natural tone.

Is there any need to discuss this kind of thing?

"Bah, bah, bah! This king, this king didn't admit it!"

Elizabeth is in a hurry, she is a little anxious, what, your master is your master, your master is so handsome that he is peerless in heaven and earth, so handsome?

She looked at Dido angrily, and retorted: "How could Guanghui and the others love this guy? Let alone Guanghui, he won't even be victorious and awesome!"

Guanghui is a calm type, fearful of victory, and more aggressive. Needless to say, the unicorn will go wherever Guanghui goes.

You say that you want to live in a different environment because you think the port area is not bad. Elizabeth believes this kind of thing, but she doesn't believe it if you talk about being conquered or admiring it!

Dido said with a smile on her face, "Elizabeth seems to have no confidence."

"Hmph! How could this king be without confidence? This king bets you that if Guanghui and the others fall in love with Su Hao, this king will... this king will..."

Elizabeth stayed for a long time without knowing what happened, and finally she had a flash of inspiration and said, "I don't care about you taking them away! But if it's wrong, then I will take Guanghui and the others back, how about it? "

Su Hao: ? ? ?

So after talking for a long time, you just want to prostitute for nothing, right!

Dido stopped talking.

War-weary tugged on Elizabeth's sleeve, and leaned into her ear in embarrassment and whispered something.

Immediately, Elizabeth also realized that as the flagship of the royal family and Her Majesty the Queen, it seemed a little too petty to say such words?

Elizabeth hastily said again: "Of course, it should be like this. As a condition of betting, you will pardon Su Hao for your crimes, but you will definitely not be convinced in your heart, and you will slander the king in your heart, hehe~ That's it, Guanghui and the others really Now that I admire you, this king will give you Battle Weariness and ask her to help your port area fight, if you lose, this king will take Guanghui and them away, how about it?"

Hmph~ The bet of 1 for 4 has a big advantage in terms of conditions, as expected of me, ahahahahaha~

Elizabeth laughed wildly in her heart, and beside her, said war-weary: "Your Majesty is wise, as expected of His Majesty, I thought of it easily... eh? What did you just say, Your Majesty?"

Eyes widened in war weariness.

Elizabeth comforted: "Don't worry, do you think Guanghui will fall in love with a human man in such a short time?"

"Ah this..."

Thinking about war weariness is also ah.

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

Guanghui's heart is as calm as she looks on the surface, and she will not be easily shaken.

"It still doesn't work." Dido shook her head, "This condition is not equal... well, let's not mention this, but for a type like Guanghui, even if you ask her, it is impossible to say it openly. Not to mention the unicorn, she is the most shy, even if she likes her master, she won't say it."

"Then it's just the victory and the fearsome head office? They are straightforward, if they like it, they like it, and if they don't like it, they don't like it. How about it?"

Dido smiled now.

"This is fine."

After finishing speaking, she blinked at Su Hao, "Master, what do you think?"

Su Hao has been silent, silent, thinking and analyzing for a while.

Fuck, I can't analyze this wave.

Dido Dido, what did you mean when you looked at me just now?


PS: 12 o'clock, rush~

Chapter 515 Great Progress in Scientific Research

Elizabeth studs, and even brought out the war exhaustion.

But she didn't think she would lose. Although Victory and Awesomeness were sometimes mischievous, their behavioral policy was always based on Guanghui. Unless Guanghui fell in love with Su Hao, there would be no play at all.

But how could Guanghui fall in love with Su Hao?Even Elizabeth has to admit Guanghui's stability, which is an existence that is easily and impossible to shake.

According to Elizabeth's understanding of the Guanghui sisters, after many years of friendship, will they lose to a mere human?

And she is very smart, very smart, and specially added that she needs both, and she can't just like one.

Just like that, how could the flying dragon lose?

She is confident, yet there are concerns.

Needless to say, war weariness, I feel as if I have been sold. The problem is that what Elizabeth said makes sense, and she also thinks it is impossible.

There is one more concern.

"Your Majesty, I don't think this kind of gamble is very good."

Belfast persuaded in a low voice, "The Guanghui sisters stayed here on their own will. Even if His Majesty wins, do you want to take them back against their will? If His Majesty loses, it will be even worse. Even if you are tired of war, you have to stay." In the port area."

Belfa is a rationalist, and she sees it more thoroughly than Elizabeth.

When Elizabeth heard it, Kukuku laughed softly, with a look of complacency.

"Befah, Befah, you're still too young."

Befa: ? ? ?

Elizabeth continued: "How could this king not have considered what you said? But, have you ever thought that if Guanghui and the others stay, they must still approve of Su Hao in their hearts, but if Su Hao loses them because of a bet? Now, if you were Guanghui, how would you feel in your heart? You must be disheartened, right? Let’s go and comfort you at that time, once Guanghui is touched, you will definitely come back, haha~"

"Your Majesty is wise!"

War-weary nodded his praise, "Your Majesty is very thoughtful, it is indeed possible in this situation, you want to think about it again, for example, if you really lose, how about giving Commander Su Hao some supplies as compensation?" Like? This is to say to the outside world that it is because Commander Su Hao helped us this time."

"Even if we win, we can still come up with some supplies. One is to thank and the other is to thank Commander Su Hao for taking care of Guanghui and the others for so long. How about it?"


Elizabeth was a little confused.

It's true to be war-weary.

Rather, it made sense, more sense than she had thought before.

However, the gamble has already begun, and there is no turning back.

Thinking of this, Elizabeth said with a serious face: "War-weary, the royal family is one-size-fits-all. Although we didn't think of the best plan at the beginning, battles are like this. The situation of the battle changes rapidly, and you will not be given time to prepare. No matter what the situation is, We all have to uphold the royal will to fight, you know?"

War-weary and solemn: "Yes, Your Majesty!"

Belfa sighed in his heart, alas~ Didn't your Majesty create the situation yourself?

However, she didn't really think she would lose.

In this way, although I was a little worried, I started.

Su Hao's side is actually not very good. Although he has had substantive exchanges with Shengli and Kewei, the relationship between the three has not been made public. After all, there have been a lot of things recently, although he has thought about it.

And when she communicated with Shengli last time, she still said that this is very good, and so is Kewei. The two sisters seem to have similar ideas, and then Su Hao asked when will it be made public?He already had the ring ready.

In the end, Shengli and Kewei had a discussion, and they said, Commander, when will you finish Miss Guanghui, let's make it public.

Obviously, the two sisters care about Guanghui's feelings the most. It would be too pitiful if the younger sister flew away and only the older sister was left in place, because they even specially created a chance for Su Hao and Guanghui to get along alone on the boat before. It's a pity that this opportunity was exchanged for Guanghui to invite Su Hao to drink tea all afternoon.

So Su Hao is not sure, what if the two sisters of Shengli say something against their will in order to keep it secret?

Su Hao: "Where are you?"

On the mobile phone, in a small chat group called 'Sister Raiders Group', Su Hao sent a message.

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