She went back to a tea room, where there were Amagi Kaga and the others, and when she said this, Chicheng's expression was quite angry for a while.

The cooperation on the battlefield does not affect their fighting wits and courage in private. The port area is a place with rich life. If you feel that it is not rich enough, it must be because you have not fully integrated into it.

At this time, she came back here, saw Amagi drinking tea leisurely, and then looked at Kaga and Tosa who was sitting cross-legged on the mat and eating carelessly.

"Sister, you are doing this again."

Kaga put down the teacup and said, compared to Akagi, her temperament is cooler.

Of course, with a cold appearance and a hot heart, she prefers strong...ah no, strong people.

"Sister Kaga, you should get used to it. Akagi-sama is now a little girl in love, although from a human point of view, she should be a married yellow-faced woman."

Tosa was glared at by Akagi.

But Chicheng is not incompetent and furious, she is capable, and quite capable, both in terms of strength and other capital are very strong.

Sit down at this moment and look at Tiancheng.

"What's wrong?" Tiancheng asked with a smile, "Didn't you go to the Lord?"

"I went looking for it."

"and then?"

"Then Richelieu is here." Chicheng was a little displeased, "Why, she is a marriage ship, and I am also a marriage ship. Why can she occupy the commander alone?"

"Isn't she still the commander's sister?" Tosa said.

Chicheng ignored it directly: "Miss Tiancheng, as a ship's wife, I think you should be the number one marriage ship in the port area."

"Ah, why do you care about this kind of thing?" Tiancheng smiled lightly, "The so-called first or second is meaningless. In the heart of the Lord, everyone is the same."

"That's what I said, but in fact, we still have to rank among the ranks." Tosa said again.

Then Kaga pulled her a few times without leaving any trace, and gestured with his eyes.

Don't talk about you, if you talk about it, you will be beaten into a mental Rubik's cube.

Sure enough, Amagi glanced at her.

But in the end he didn't say anything, he just turned his head and looked at Akagi.

"Miss Tiancheng."

Akagi suddenly leaned over and whispered something in Amagi's ear.

She is planning a big event recently.

A major event that made Su Hao unable to do without them.

If she alone, or Tiancheng's one, is not enough, then wouldn't the two be enough?


A mere Richelieu, a matter of minutes.

Fox, cos, naizi, sister, 嫐.

No way, no one can refuse such a thing, right?

This is a killer move!


Tiancheng wasn't shy or surprised, just tilted his head slightly, "Will the Lord like it?"

Akagi said with great certainty: "Absolutely! Sister, we have an advantage now, we must make good use of it, so as not to be preempted by others."

High-level kills are bound to die.

Take a closer look at the wedding ships in the port area, neither Richelieu nor Enterprise, not to mention the Assaulter, and Dido too. The city is still wandering on the edge of the port area, and Sirius is a newcomer, which is even more impossible.

In this way, Akagi feels that he has a huge advantage.

This is a new trick that others can't play, how could the commander refuse it?


Tosa clicked his tongue from the side.

She didn't hear what Akagi said, but she felt that it must be very colorful.

Jia He didn't care much, she wasn't that interested in this kind of thing, compared to this, she wanted to have a discussion with Su Hao after going back, but recently she felt that she had made great progress.

If you take a step forward and take a big step forward, you will be very confident.

"That's it." Tiancheng smiled, "If you want to try it, then try it, but don't embarrass the Lord, if he doesn't agree, then you can't."

Akagi smiled.

No one understands Su Hao better than her!


Just when Akagi was thinking about the big plan, here, Shengli and Kewei also left the tea party.

It was said to be a tea party, but in fact they kept drinking and drinking endlessly. The two of them were not so patient, let alone have other things.

On the contrary, the two guys, the Purifier and the Cleaner, actually became loyal participants of the tea party, because they could eat delicious snacks that they had never tasted in their entire lives.

Because of this, no matter how Elizabeth drives them away, it's useless. After all, people are shameless and invincible. Unless Elizabeth doesn't hold a tea party, the two of them will definitely come.

It is very invincible, whether it is a purifier or a clearer, it is clearly stated that either you kill me, or I will mess around.

Elizabeth, of course, can't help it. After all, they are Su Hao's captives and not the royal captives. Even if they are to be dealt with in the end, it still depends on the opinions of the Donghuang Maritime Safety Administration, unless the Maritime Safety Administration headquarters personally intervene.

In this way, under the normal performance of the Purifier and the Cleaner, the relationship between everyone suddenly became delicate.

At this moment, Victory and Terrible returned to the room.

"Sister Shengli, let me tell you."

"what's up?"

"Your Majesty, don't you think His Majesty is really strange?"

Elizabeth is so strange, of course victory can be seen, but in fact, if you think about it carefully, Queen Elizabeth is strange, what is so strange about it.

"I always feel that her attitude towards the commander is very unusual. Have you ever seen her treat a commander so well?"

Victory shook his head.

This has never been seen before.

"Let's not talk about that, what does Miss Guanghui mean when she kept laughing at the tea party just now? The commander was there just now."

"Phuket, I'm thinking now..."

The fearful tone changed, and Elizabeth lost everything first. When she saw Shengli and looked over, she said, "I was thinking, when can I have the title of a married ship, and I can walk with the commander in a fair manner. .”

Unlike Shengli, she doesn't like being a lurker that much.

Of course, she doesn't care if it's a little exciting. Speaking of which, the level of fear is not lower than that of victory, but it's just that fear is more concerned about the status of identity.

"You have to wait for sister Guanghui first. Didn't you say that before? The three sisters are together, and sister Guanghui agrees."

"Isn't that a joke?"


Kewei suddenly felt helpless, and fell down on the bed with a thud. The huge Oupai trembled up and down due to the elastic force. He glanced at Shengli, and then looked down at himself. She was the only one among the three who couldn't do it, and it wasn't that she couldn't, it was just that there was an obvious gap. , suddenly she missed Saratoga a little.

It would be great if Saratoga was here at this time.

After thinking about it for three seconds, and then throwing it away immediately, a bold idea suddenly appeared in Shengli's mind.



"let me tell you……"

Shengli lay beside Kewei, and whispered, "Let's go here and there together..."

Kewei's eyes lit up, and then he doubted again: "Will Sister Guanghui agree?"

Shengli asked back: "Didn't you never think about agreeing before?"

Terrible thought I thought about it, but I didn't say it.

Huh?and many more.

Maybe Miss Guanghui thought about it too?

Kewei suddenly felt very reasonable, and what was not said did not necessarily not exist.

The three sisters are heart-to-heart, and everyone's hobbies must be similar.

Well, it must be so!

Shengli continued, talking more and more vigorously, and even laughed, "Think about it, someday in the future, when our three sisters jump out together, are you scared by 'surprise'? Isn't it interesting?"

Kewei immediately said: "Then how about the four sisters jumping out together, it will definitely scare them silly."


Sister, are you better than me?

"No, unicorns are so easy to be shy, definitely not." Shengli immediately denied the awesome and bold proposal, "Besides, unicorns are still children."

"Yes, but what should I do?"

"I don't know, I think about it now."

In this way, the two sisters lay on the bed and began to plan this plan that Chicheng wanted to beat someone after hearing it.


At night, the fleet stopped near a deserted island.

The weather will change suddenly tonight, and the waves will be too rough, so accidents may happen if we force our way.

It's not about the safety of life, but mainly about the safety of the yacht.

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