"Go to Sister Guanghui, she must be very troubled now, as a commander, you don't solve her troubles, it's a waste."

Saying so, Shengli pulled Su Hao out of bed, and wanted to go to the door, but there was a knock on the door.

The two fell silent immediately.

Without speaking, they looked at each other, paused and Su Hao asked, "Who is it?"


Victory: It's Amagi!

Victory panicked.

Sky City is coming Sky City is coming!

It doesn't matter if other people come, but Tiancheng will definitely see something.

Victory: what to do?

Su Hao looked at the wardrobe, and then at the bottom of the bed.

Victory: [○? `Д'? ○]

Su Hao: ┓(?′?.?)┏

Victory: o(>﹏

Su Hao: ┐(?~?)┌

Victory: Balcony!

Su Hao: Where is the balcony on the yacht?

"My lord, can you open the door?"

Fortunately, Tiancheng, if it were someone else, would probably open the door directly, after all, the door was not locked.

However, Tiancheng is very particular about etiquette and pays attention to Su Hao's opinion.


Su Hao hurriedly waved his hands to make Victory hurry up.

With no choice, Shengli had to rush to the closet, but when he opened it, it was full of clothes.

(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

Why are there so many clothes in the wardrobe on the yacht?

Dido: Do ​​you have an opinion?

Unable to hide in the closet, Shengli had no choice but to get under the bed with a sliding shovel.

Su Hao pretended to wash his hands from the toilet and came out.

Open the door again, Tiancheng is just outside the door.

"Just got my hands dirty and was washing my hands."

Su Hao explained with a smile, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I just want to come and accompany the Lord."

Amagi didn't hide her intentions at all.

After all, this is not something to hide, is it?

They are all old couples.

"Ah, is it today?"

"Isn't it convenient for the Lord?"

Tiancheng glanced inside, and then said: "Don't worry, my lord, I have already greeted the others."


How to do?

How to do?

Play ball.

This situation is the rhythm of frying pans.


"Ah, I mean, do you want to go to your room?"

Tiancheng said with a strange expression: "But my room is with Chicheng and the others, it's a bit inconvenient..."

The design of this yacht is very clever. Some rooms are spacious single rooms, some are double rooms, and there are even sleepers like student dormitories, just to accommodate more people.

Anyway, there are some little guys, or sister ships, and everyone doesn't mind living together, and bunk beds are more interesting.

But although it's very interesting, you and your wife can't love each other on the upper bunk, and a big brother sleeps on the lower bunk, right?

It's a bit...

Su Hao really wanted to give himself a big-eared melon seed.

He almost forgot about it.

Sensing Tiancheng's gradually suspicious emotions, Su Hao immediately opened the door and led her in.

"That's right, I almost forgot, this yacht is different from the previous ones."

It's over.

Su Hao wailed in his heart.

Victory, victory, what do you think you have been doing for so long, why don't you go out early?

Look, you can't go now, can you?

"Have you taken a bath, my lord?"

Amagi lifted the long hair at the back of his head, tied it up, and then slowly took off his clothes.

"My lord, Tiancheng will serve you."

"Uh... well."

Su Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

It's okay, okay, you can take a shower first, and Shengli can take advantage of this time to sneak out.

It's really okay, otherwise, when he and Tiancheng are doing business on the bed, and there is a victory hidden under the bed, this...

Isn't this the classic picture of stealing Q in reality?

At this time, Tiancheng took off the clothes on her body, and turned to undress Su Hao. She smiled lightly and said, "My lord, this trip to the Northern Union is finally over."

"Well, yes, after being out for so long, it's finally over."

"Hehe~ Your lord also misses the days in the port area, right?"

"Of course, the golden nest and the silver nest are not as good as the dog kennel at home. It's more comfortable at home."

"That's right, it's the same with Tiancheng." The beautiful girl stood in front of her and said softly, her tone was extraordinarily gentle, "But Tiancheng, no matter where it is, as long as it can stay by the Lord's side... ...My lord, Tiancheng has prepared a special gift for you after tiring travel this time."

Su Hao was puzzled: "What gift?"

Tiancheng said playfully, "You will find out after the Lord has finished taking a bath."

After speaking, Tiancheng pulled Su Hao into the bathroom.

The sound of rushing water, as well as some special, inexplicable sounds came from inside.

Under the bed, Shengli, who planned to leave immediately, suddenly didn't want to leave.

special gift?

What special gift?

I really want to know!

Kewei: "Sister Shengli, how is it? Are you back?"

Victory: "The plan has changed, and the action has been cancelled."

Terrible: "???"

Victory: "I'll tell you when I get back."

After thinking about it, she decided to go back, but before she could crawl out from under the bed, the door of the room was suddenly opened again.


Victory OVO

Then, she saw a beautiful girl with a brown tail walking in lightly.


PS: I counted the debts, and there are still 5k words left, emmm, I can pay it off in two days, hey!

By the way, there are still people who always ask me if I have not graduated, the labor-management Dido has built it, and I just wait for 1wpt to get the glory! !

Chapter 526

Victory swears that she really intends to leave.

It's not because of a strange xp attack, I want to stay and experience it.

But why did another fox come in all of a sudden?

Even if he didn't see the face of the opponent, Shengli knew that the guy who came in at this time must be Akagi.

Etc., etc.

Mingcheng is coming, why is Chicheng also running over at this time?

Victory was a little confused for a while.

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