Sister-in-law Sara: "When will @茶's attack mission start today?"

Ming: "Don't worry, wait for meow, I will call you meow when I'm done."

Sister-in-law Sara: "Hurry up, it's so boring, I'm going out to gain experience."

Dafeng: "When will Commander come back?"

Su Hao: "It's almost here, we've reached the Donghuang sea area, and we'll probably be home tomorrow."

Marriage-to-be Atago: "Fast forward to Commander coming to my bed."

Marriage Ship Assaulter: "Bah!"

Sister-in-law Sarah: "Bah!"

The lurkers in the port area are terrifying: "Bah!"

Marriage-to-be Atago: "??? I'm afraid you changed your name to this?"

The lurkers in the port area are awesome: "Hee hee~ It's fun, let's go with Sister Shengli."

Dunkirk: "I smell something unusual."

Joan of Arc: "That's because your Camaron is burnt... Also, why did you drag me into the group so early in the morning?"

Dunkirk: "Ah, I made a mistake, it was originally intended to pull Algeria."

Jean Bart: "..."

Do you still pay attention to me, the person in charge of the iris country?

Jean Bart: "When will you come back, Joan of Arc?"

Dunkirk: "What's the rush, wait until the meeting is over."

Jean Bart: "I didn't ask you."

Dunkirk: "@姐妹妹富维姆威姆, come out and have a look, your sister actually wants to poach someone from the port area."

Jean Bart: "???"

Sister bride: "Let's talk later, I'm cooking for Xiao Hao."

Jean Bart: "..."

[The group member asked Barr to withdraw from the chat group. 】

[Group member Dunkirk invites Barr to join the chat group. 】

[The group member asked Barr to withdraw from the chat group. 】


St.Louis: "Where are you going to sing this?"

Jean Bart: "He's in Iris, he just became the flagship, and he's gone into hiding."

Su Hao: "..."

Sister Bride: "Xiaohao, wait a minute, @婚船贾多 go to the storage room and get me a bottle of soy sauce."

Marriage Ship Dido: "Okay."

Dunkirk: "Tsk tsk tsk, the all-powerful Archbishop of the Iris Country, actually works as a cook in the kitchen. For our beloved Commander, the Archbishop is also doing his best, wholeheartedly, truly loving, without asking for anything in return, and confessing his heart..."

Sister bride: "Are you memorizing idioms here? If you have nothing to do, go to sea patrol."

Dunkirk: "I'm not going, @Commander I'm making macarons, wait in my room, I'll treat you to tea."

Marriage Ship Chicheng: "Why don't you buy me a drink."

Dunkirk: "Hehe~ It's okay, the three of you are together, I'm afraid you can't stand it."

Marriage Ship Chicheng: "I'm not afraid of another one."

Minato Lurker Victory: "..."

Marriage Ship Akagi: "???"

Su Hao: "..."

Dunkirk: "???"

Marriage Ship Tiancheng: "???"

Santiago: "Huh? Why is everyone sending question marks?"

Sister bride: "It's none of your business, go play."

Santiago: "Oh firefly, let's go snowball fight @firefly"

Firefly: "Wait a minute, I'm looking for my scarf."

There was a lively atmosphere in the group.

Here, Ming is still working with Yuzhang in the scientific research room.

Today's experience collection task did not start because their research encountered a problem.

Scientific research ship girls are different from ordinary ship girls. Because of their inherent instability, the requirements for the mental Rubik's Cube are more stringent, and the mental Rubik's Cube currently used in the world is not enough.

In other words, even if the data collection is completed, there is a high possibility that something will go wrong when waking up the ship girl in the last step.

Gascogne's birth mind has problems to a certain extent, so the requirements are not so high compared to the Rubik's Cube of the mind. Neither Ming nor Yubari had thought of it before, but fortunately they discovered it in time.

At this time, the two sat in a pile of machines and thought hard.

"What should I do, meow?"

If you want to solve this problem, you need a more advanced mental Rubik's Cube, which is equivalent to breaking the upper limit of the current research technology on ship girls. Many countries have not done it, and they have no confidence.


At this time, Yubari said: "If you want to upgrade the Rubik's Cube, you must understand it more comprehensively."

"Hoo meow~? So pinch?"

"You can try to open it and see."

Ming looked down at the Rubik's Cube beside him, and then stretched out a wrench from his sleeve.

"Knock it open?"

"You can try to bang it with your head."

After teasing each other about this obviously impossible thing, the two thought of it one after another.

"Cluster light emitting device meow!"

Yubari nodded, "But that thing is a bit dangerous, and it's not suitable to do it in the port area. It will be bad if the port area is blown up by an explosion."

Ming nodded straightly, only this is not acceptable.

How is it possible to blow up the port area?If it blows up, you will lose money, and if you lose money, you are taking money out, not taking money in!

Absolutely, no!

"Then the only thing we can do is go to a deserted island in the sea area of ​​​​A region and do an experiment."

After making up his mind, Ming called the ship girls in Shanggang District to go to District A to do things.


Here, after deciding to change the marching route, the Jagged Fleet has arrived at Donghuang one step ahead of Su Hao and the others.

Although somewhat surprised by Frederick the Great's decision, the girls in the ship girls had an idea in their hearts.

That is to see what is so special about this port area.

If they just go back like this, they will definitely not be reconciled.

Why didn't Bismarck leave?Why did Bismarck suddenly want to attend the joint meeting again?

Frederick the Great knew this very well, so she never thought that there would be objections to the proposal.

It is estimated that Tirpitz will be a little unhappy, after all, it is very likely that Bismarck has already planned everything.

But Bismarck did not say that Frederick the Great also had her own plan, and she wanted to dig out the secret to control the Black Rubik's Cube!

If Iron Blood can master this technology, it will be able to truly shout out: Iron Blood Technology is number one in the world!

She is not interested in these so-called glory, but she is very interested in the matter itself.

To some extent, Frederick the Great is a bit like Prince Eugen.

Of course, the two are completely different in temperament.

At this time, after the fleet entered the Donghuang sea area, it sailed all the way in a low-key manner without causing trouble, and soon arrived in Lingshui City smoothly.

"If you pass through here, you will enter the security area of ​​the port area. Do you want to rush over directly, or say hello to them first?"

In a sea area outside the port area, Prince Eugen stood on the deck of the yacht and said to Frederick the Great with a smile.

"The ship girl in this port area hasn't come back yet? What did we do in the past?"

"Ahh~ It's interesting if you don't come back, don't you want to see what the port area looks like when the Commander is not around?"

"I don't want to, compared to this, Prince Eugen, you take one bite at a time, Commander, do you also want to go to the port area? Hipper, look at the good sister you brought out."

"Huh? Deutsch, are you out of your mind?"

"You have no brains, you yellow hair and poor breasts."

"Huh? You're a dwarf, and you have the nerve to talk about me? Don't talk about Eugen, look at yourself, Earl Spey is worried about you!"

The two gritted their teeth and stared, and Frederick the Great directly chose to ignore this daily scene.

She waved her hand and said, "It's all here, let's go and have a look first."

In this way, the Jagged Legion set off.


Firefly, who finally found the scarf, ran out with Santiago and a few Minato friends.

The weather in January is considered to be the coldest time during this period. In the future, the temperature in Lingshui City will gradually rise, and there will be snow during the New Year's Eve, which may not be seen after the New Year's Eve.

So the favorite activities of the cuties in the port area these days are making snowmen and playing snowball fights.

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