Poor z23, it was just sold by my best friend Lafite.

Su Hao left the room, followed the dynamics in the group, and then walked towards the room where Bismarck was.

When he reached the door, he knocked on the door, and Bismarck was reading a book in the room.

She almost developed an interest similar to that of Tirpitz, but compared to Tirpitz, Bismarck read books just to immerse herself in the mood.

"Su Hao, is there something wrong?"

Bismarck raised his head, with deep doubts on his brows.

On the boat, she and Su Hao also tried to avoid as little contact as possible.

The main reason is that the joint meeting has not yet been held. Before Bismarck found Su Hao, directly contacted the port area and said that he wanted to participate in the joint meeting. .

So during this period of time, you can have less contact, no, it is best to have less alone contact.

"Emperor Frederick the Great took the iron-blooded fleet to Donghuang."


Bismarck was slightly taken aback, "When did it happen?"

"Just now."

Su Hao unfolded the information on the phone and showed it to her.

Bismarck was obviously surprised. This expression was not faked, which proved that she really didn't know it before.

Su Hao was a little helpless, "What the hell is this guy thinking? He is wandering around Donghuang with so many ship girls. If Donghuang Maritime Safety Bureau finds out about this, they won't fight?"

But then again, Jian Niang does things quite straightforwardly, of course they sometimes don't hide their thoughts, telling Su Hao 'I'm coming' with such fanfare, it shouldn't be a troublesome thing.

So even if you tell Yixian, at most you will send someone over to watch, and then issue a condemnation internationally.

Besides, Frederick the Great also had valid reasons.

"Fight?" Bismarck pondered slightly, "Is it a drill..."

"Do you know what her purpose is?"

Su Hao couldn't believe that it was the emperor who came to him because he was feeling paralyzed.

Forgive such a big circle, in order to play a drill?And anyone with a discerning eye can see that there is still a gap in strength between the two sides. Even if Bismarck is allowed to participate, with a powerful ship girl like Frederick the Great, there is no chance of a fight.

Of course, Bismarck will definitely think that there is no chance, and others may think that they can still fight.

Su Hao doesn't think so, Iron Blood, even without him, Sister Li and the others don't need the power of the Black Rubik's Cube, and Iron Blood has no chance to win.

How high do you expect the fleet to be able to win a direct confrontation exercise with a fleet that can't even get a sail?

Moreover, the air defense of the iron-blooded ship girl is also a problem. At most, there are iron-blooded high-tech enhancements in this world that Su Hao does not know, but without air dominance, it is equivalent to being treated as a target. Only beatings.

"This... I may have guessed it."

Bismarck suddenly hesitated.

"If it's hard to say, forget it." Su Hao smiled, "As long as it doesn't have any harmful intentions to my port area, otherwise, you know me, and everything else is easy to say, except for hurting my mother-in-law. It is absolutely impossible."

Bismarck nodded slightly.

Although Su Hao was laughing, if he really did something he couldn't accept, his ashes would definitely be thrown away in the next second.

"Actually, Emperor Frederick did this probably to collect data."

Bismarck said suddenly.

"Data collection?"

"Well, you should know that the existence of Frederick the Great has not been made public before. It stands to reason that if such a powerful ship girl joins the iron-blooded camp, the outside world should be able to get the news."

Su Hao thought for a moment, then asked, "Is it scientific research?"

Bismarck replied: "Yes, it is like a scientific research existence like Gascogne, except that Frederick the Great was more perfect in terms of data improvement and the evolution of the Rubik's Cube, and her power is based on iron-blood technology. So so far, under normal circumstances, no one can beat her alone."

"You can't either?"

"I can't do it either. Even if I use the power of the Black Rubik's Cube, I might be able to draw a tie, but that was in the past."

Previously, the Black Cube was unstable.

Now, it's different with Su Hao here.

Of course, she is not Su Hao's wife, so this cannot be relied upon.

"I see."

Su Hao was a little surprised, he didn't expect the great emperor Mama to be so powerful in this world.

It stands to reason that even if she is strong, she should not be stronger than Bismarck with the Black Rubik's Cube.

"Wait, the Rubik's Cube used to wake up Frederick the Great shouldn't be an ordinary Mind Rubik's Cube?"

Bismarck glanced at Su Hao and nodded: "Yes, this is the secret of Iron Blood."

The reason why I told Su Hao this is because I don't want Su Hao to be hostile to Sangvis, and even if I know this kind of thing, I can't do it. It's better to say that all countries in the world are trying, but only Sangvis has succeeded so far.

But Su Hao didn't think so anymore.

Collect data and wake up the ship girl.

Isn't this what they are doing in the port area?

Wait, so to speak, if there is no way to have a higher-level mental Rubik's Cube, then even if the research ship girl is awakened, there will be a significant gap in strength compared to Frederick the Great?

Thinking of this, Su Hao sent a message to Ming to ask.

"Huh? The Commander also knows meow? Yubari and I are trying to analyze the mental Rubik's Cube, meow, wait..."

The news suddenly stopped.

Su Hao: ? ? ?

What are you doing?

Just as he was thinking, Ming suddenly received a bombardment with news.

"Hoo meow???? Meow meow meow!! Commander is bad, explode, explode meow!!"


PS: continue~

Chapter 531 The visitor from another dimension, Neptune!

"The 256th mental cube structure analysis experiment, start!"

"Wait meow, didn't you just conduct less than 10 experiments? Why did it become 256 times meow?"

"I don't know, I just want to shout this sentence."

"Hoo meow? Yubari, you are so weird meow."

On a deserted island outside the waters of Area A, there is a temporary experimental base built by Ming and Yubari and several ship girls in the port area.

At this time, Ming and Yubari were ready to continue the experiment.

"Aha~ You guys should hurry up."

Saratoga yawned and looked at them bored, "Why do you have to be in such a hurry, can't you come here after building a decent laboratory first?"

"No way, meow, the opportunity to experiment waits for no one, if you seize the inspiration, if you don't verify it, the inspiration will disappear in a flash, meow!"

"What, I don't know what you're talking about."

"Haha~ I think it's pretty good here."

Bumblebee stood beside the temporary base, looking into the distance on a cliff, "Look, how beautiful the scenery is, when we go back and insert the flag from the port area, it will be regarded as our port area has occupied a piece of territory."

"You dare to do this, wait for brother-in-law to come back and tear you down."

Of course Bumblebee didn't dare to do that, she just said something and looked at Saratoga curiously.

"Sara, your sister is not a married woman, why do you keep calling the commander brother-in-law?"

"Leave me alone."

Saratoga pouted, "If you care about this, you might as well drag your sister to the port area."

"Isn't my sister in the port area?"

"I'm not talking about the business, I'm talking about York City!"

"Oh, Miss York City." Bumblebee was taken aback, and then blinked again, "Isn't my sister in the port area?"

Saratoga: ? ? ?

"Okay, meow, the 256th mental Rubik's cube structure analysis experiment has started meow!"

"Another 256 times? Didn't you say less than 10 times just now?"

"I don't know, I want to say that too, meow."

Saying so, the two activated a huge energy device.

"Be careful meow, shoot it, don't shoot anyone."

"Know it."

"Yubari, be more serious. Is it really okay to look like you haven't woken up?"

"Know it."

Yubari yawned and began to adjust the parameters on the device.

"Hoo meow? Your lord commander has contacted me meow."

"Maybe it's because of the iron and blood side? Really, they must know that I'm not in the port area, so they went there."

Bumblebee wondered: "Why?"

"what why?"

"Whether you are in the port area, Sara, does it matter whether they go or not? Anyway, you can't beat them."

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