Sometimes being conscientious is not really a matter of course, just like people working in ordinary companies who are serious and capable of conscientiously and conscientiously will also have the opportunity to be promoted. Although Su Hao has not been a commander for a long time, but Yixian felt that it was time to do so.

However, Su Hao quickly said something that surprised her.

"Yixian, are you interested in working in our port area?"

This sentence immediately made Yixian a little dumbfounded.

Please, I'm the person in charge of the Donghuang Maritime Safety Bureau. I'm going to work in your port area. I don't want my position?

Yixian didn't like the rights brought by the so-called person in charge, it was entirely because she never thought about what it would be like to leave this position one day, because she felt that she appeared in this world just to make people feel happy. Donghuang has become even better.

Now Su Hao asked her to take a job in the port area. She wanted to laugh, but she refused very seriously.

It's not that I don't like Su Hao's port area, on the contrary, it's better to say that I like it, but what I like and what I want to do are two different things.

"Then when you change your mind, you can come to me at any time, and the gate of the port area is always open for you."

Yixian was speechless, and she felt that she shouldn't have said what she just said.

"Then you can open it up, and wait until I change my mind."

After finishing the communication, she stood there and watched for a while. After two hours, the cargo ship team entered Lingshui City.

Compared to the city that doesn't seem to have anything special, compared to the places he saw along the way, Yixian wondered why such an ordinary city could produce such amazing people.

At this time, she straightened her hair and clothes that were blown by the sea breeze, and the speed of the cargo ship slowed down. When passing by the port, she saw many ships entering, including passenger ships and cargo ships, and the huge gantry cranes were working. Lively, the sea area is safe, and the benefits to the city are indeed huge.

Soon after arriving near the port area, a patrolling ship lady came over immediately, and seeing that she was an acquaintance, she let her go.

The cargo ship docked at the pier, and Su Hao came from the port area.

"Arriving so soon?"

He took Xiao Guanghui by the hand, and when he walked over, he sized him up, "Why is the Maritime Safety Administration so generous this time?"

In the past, it was loaded on one cargo ship, but now there are three. Don't worry about how many things are loaded, even if it is all materials, it will make a fortune.

"Give it all to me? Or did you bring me a little along the way?"

"Of course it's all for you." Yixian said angrily, "Do you think there are other port areas worthy of my escorting supplies?"

This time she came here to deliver supplies, and also as the host, to entertain the ship girls from other camps.

In fact, it is reasonable to say that such a big event should be carried out in the Donghuang Maritime Safety Bureau. Who knows why when Donghuang is mentioned now, everyone will say "ah, it is the country where the commander is", and Yixian is very depressed.

Not only that, whether it's the ship's wife or the commander, there are too many topics about Lingshui City's port area in the current circle.

So much so that many naval academies even took the initiative to contact Yixian and asked her to help talk to Su Hao to see if they could go to their academies to give a speech.

After thinking about it for a while, Yat-sen can name several famous naval academies.

There is no way, these colleges can't contact Su Hao, so they can only come to her.

"It's just too much, I'm a little scared."

"What have you done yourself that you are not afraid of?"

"what did I do?"

Yixian asked someone to remove the thing from above, and said without looking back: "What did you do, you drove away the embers in the extreme north, frightened the iron blood, and captured the siren, What did you say you did?"

"Uh... who said that?"

Yixian finally looked over, and she said curiously: "Didn't you read it yourself? The official website of the Maritime Safety Administration."


How can Su Hao have time to visit the official website recently? There are so many big bosses in the family, and all the major camps are here. Every day, he runs here or anywhere. If he has time to browse the official website, why not chat with a few girls.

What?You ask Su Hao if he is running around to gain favor?

Of course not.

The commander's matter, the ship's mother's matter, can that be called brushing?

Su Hao took out his mobile phone and took a look. It happened that the report of this incident was hung on the official website with a big banner, so you can see it when you enter.

"Huh? This... is Gridley again?"

Seeing the name of the editor of the report, Su Hao was stunned for a moment. Isn't this guy in his port area recently?

"That's right, Gridley's. Although her reports are sometimes outrageous, leaving aside those exaggerated descriptions with personal factors and some useless nonsense, you can usually dig out the truth of the whole incident from it."

In short, as long as it is a report sent by Gridley, there are definitely things you want to see and are correct, but you need to remove those things you don't want to see but are imposed.

"It's true, but it's a bit exaggerated. I didn't fight Ember away, and I didn't scare Iron Blood."

Yixian saw that the ship girls were moving things down into the port area, and she was sure there was no problem. She asked, "Is the iron-blooded person back?"

"Well, the fleet has already returned, and there are still a few."

"Where is Bismarck?"


Yixian suddenly became curious.

She stared at Su Hao fiercely, her exquisite appearance was full of confusion, she felt a little embarrassed to see Su Hao from this distance.

As we all know, Su Hao is relatively introverted and easily shy.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"It's nothing, I just think... why did Bismarck come to you all of a sudden?"

Intuition told Yixian that there must be something tricky in it, but she would not think of the reason. In fact, the reason is not important now. The important thing is that the original joint meeting was only a meeting of Azur Lane. Outside of the empire, other forces from the Red Axis have come.

"I contacted the Sardinian Empire before I set off, but unfortunately their person in charge replied that they couldn't spare the time."

Yixian didn't pursue the relationship between Su Hao and Bismarck. At this time, he looked at the fairly spacious pier, "Your side is really good."

"So-so, all the money has been spent, and we are waiting for relief from the Maritime Safety Administration."

Su Hao smiled, and asked under Yixian's white eyes: "The person in charge of the Sardinian Empire, who is it?"

"Of course it's Veneto, otherwise who else do you think?"


After chatting for a while, almost everything was moved in, and two figures came from a distance.

"Sister Yixian, everything has been taken down."

"Then let them drive the cargo ship back."


Su Hao smiled and said, "Ning Hai Ping Hai, how are you all?"

Shuang Hai greeted Su Hao politely.

Soon after everyone went inside, Yixian handed the list of rewards to Su Hao and asked him to count it himself.

Su Hao, who was counting something, was too lazy to do it. After all, Yixian had delivered it himself, so it was impossible for something to go wrong. He cared more about rewards than this.

In fact, it is nothing more than materials, Rubik's Cube, ship hull, etc. Of course, there is money, but Yixian just allocated a large sum of money a few days ago, and it seems to be part of it, and the rest of the rewards are mostly materials. Surprisingly, there are 6 of them.

"Anyway, they are all small hulls, and it's useless to give them to others, so I might as well give them to you."

Yixian has given up his plan to study the small hull.

It just so happens that other people can't use it, so it's good to reward Su Hao. Anyway, Su Hao has a lot of warship girls, and she would be numb if there are more.

Come on, come on, I'll give you all, let's see where you can go.

It is said that it is not good to put eggs in one basket, but this is not the basket but the mouth of the abyss, and it is impossible to overturn it.

"That's a good feeling. Do you have any more? Send them together?"

"Think beautifully."


Su Hao smiled, but he didn't take it seriously. Although his port area is still far away from the ship's great cause, he is not in a hurry. Fishing for a ship is not a task. It would be meaningless to treat the relationship with the ship's wife as a task. .

Walking in, Yixian asked about the recent situation in the port area, mainly about the affairs of the various camps.

Recently, everyone has also received a notice from the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration. Anyway, there is only half a month left, and the right is a holiday. Baiying is very quiet. Essex and a few ship girls go to various parts of Lingshui City every day except for training. Turns out, the big mackerel doesn't go anywhere, and looks for Dafeng in the port area every day. The latter suggested to Su Hao several times to kick the big mackerel out of the port area, but how can this be, right?

Needless to say, the royal family is drinking tea, chatting and sleeping, but the javelin is having a lot of fun recently. I saw them playing a game called Yuanshen together a few days ago. Su Hao remembered that z23 must have been cheated, and then suddenly heard a ' Ou Huang' cried out, looking extremely happy.

Northern United, Su Hao didn't want to.

"What happened to the Northern Union?"

"They drank all the wine in my port area."

"Ha... sorry."


The situation of Iron Blood is basically clear. Although Bismarck stayed to participate as a representative, no one has a clue about what kind of attitude will be when the meeting actually starts.

"By the way, there is one more thing for you."

Walking into the port area, Yixian stopped suddenly, and then took out a rather delicate badge from his pocket.


"Five-star general badge."


Chapter 539 What kind of family conditions is this?

In fact, the battle merits were only counted before, and it stands to reason that there is no need to count again in such a short period of time, but because of the special approval of the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration, Yixian just did it.

Marshal is unlikely, it's too young. Although Yixian really wants to get someone with the position of marshal for Donghuang, let alone other people, even Yatsen himself finds it difficult to accept, so take a step back and start Let's have a five-star general.

"This thing? Is it suitable for me?"

"There's nothing inappropriate. You have the ability, but it's not that you don't have the ability. If you don't have the ability, you ask me and I won't give it."

Yixian is very happy, because this kind of title is not limited to Donghuang. Now, judging from Su Hao's identity, after wearing the badge of the five-star general, as long as it is within the sphere of influence of Azur Lane, he can privileged.

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