In the distance, Elizabeth tilted her head and asked, "Curaçao, isn't this ship girl from the royal camp?"

Belfa looked at the maid standing with Saratoga and the others in a daze.


"Ah? Your Majesty, what's the matter?"

"My king is asking you about Curacao."

Elizabeth was a little curious, "What's the matter with you, Befa? Unlike you, you can actually lose your mind."

Befa smiled apologetically and said nothing.

Elizabeth didn't ask any further questions, she looked at the location of Su Hao's building in the distance, and with a flash of light, it was done again.


She made a question mark because it really happened again.

Befa beside him also raised question marks, because...

Another maid! !

Befa is dumbfounded ⊙▃⊙

What, a maid came here just now and now another maid is here?Biffa felt like he was living in a dream.

No way, no one can build a maid ship in a row, right?

Not to mention her, the girls around her also became curious after seeing her.

Saratoga frowned, feeling that this matter was no small matter, two ship girls came out, Opie was actually older than her, can you believe it?

Nevada continued to eat melon seeds, but nothing seemed wrong.

"Great, Commander, come on!"

She yelled twice, and then saw Su Hao turning his head to look at her. That look was definitely not 'love', which made Nevada shut his mouth subconsciously.

Su Hao turned around with a strange expression.

"you are?"

The girl saluted gracefully.

"Gui'an, the royal maid team, the curlew is reporting to you. It is the maid's duty to supervise the master's etiquette. I will help you become a royal gentleman from the inside out. Please work hard for it."

Sure enough, it was the maid again.

Su Hao looked back at Curacao.

Looking at the curlew again, his mind fell into silence for a while.

Did I stab the maid? ? ?


PS: continue~

Chapter 544 Attack, Royal Maids!

Curlew is another maid ship, and it is also a sister ship with Curacao.

Beffa's mind was a little confused for a while.

Although everyone was very surprised and surprised, Elizabeth even jumped up and said why it was a cruiser again, but the one who was most shocked was Befa.

The maid saw the maid again, and she felt that she had set a great flag earlier.

There are two, there are four more, no way, can they really form a maid team?

Befa doesn't believe it, this is not in the river, you have to believe in science, true knowledge comes from practice, this kind of thing has never happened in history.

If Senior Mikasa were here, he would probably pat her on the shoulder, the meaning in his eyes could only be understood but not expressed in words.

However, Beifa still doesn't believe it. What is a flag?That kind of thing is too mysterious.

If the next four, no, three... no, two more are maids, I'll just... just...

Befa has been thinking about it for a long time, and she can't figure out how to stand up, but her heart is actually very complicated. It should be said that she is looking forward to it. If she can really gather a maid team...

She didn't think about it, and stared at Su Hao who was about to start the third construction with a little burning eyes.

Even, even Elizabeth next to him jumped up and prayed like God, saying, 'Battle!Battle!Battle! ', she couldn't even care about the appearance of having no image.

Because she was also looking forward to it in her heart, and it turned out to be a 'maid!Maid!Maid! '.

Then a white light flashed.

"City-class cruiser, Southampton-class Glasgow. It's an honor to be in the commander's fleet, please give me your advice."

Still greeted Su Hao with an elegant gesture, Befa couldn't help screaming in the familiar maid outfit on her body.


Elizabeth turned her head immediately.

Belfa, who realized that he had lost his composure, hastily coughed lightly to cover up his inner excitement, but his eyes kept on Glasgow.

But here, Su Hao was already in a daze.

Another maid, the third one?

I:? ? ?

Guys, I'm straight guys.

Of course the maid loves it, who doesn't?Can……

Is this reasonable?

The three ship girls in a row were all maids. Su Hao didn't come to any of them when he wanted to. For a while, he wondered if there was a mysterious power somewhere in Amway himself.

Could it be that Yixian did it on purpose?

No, no, she didn't know who was in the hull.

But there is no way to explain it.

After struggling for a while, Su Hao didn't care about it. Anyway, it's a good thing. Come again if you have the ability, and a few more. I'll make a table. No, a group of maids will pour tea, beat my back and squeeze my legs to warm me up... Ah no, it's nothing .

After chatting with Glasgow for a few words and asking the latter to take it aside, Su Hao continued.

As a result, as soon as he reached the fourth hull position, a figure walked over from a distance.


Su Hao was a little puzzled, "Is there something wrong?"

"No, it's okay." Befa smiled lightly, "Commander Su Hao, you continue to build, I just came to take a look."

come and see?

You are so obviously wrong, right?

Even if you don't feel it deliberately, you can still see the inexplicable excitement and anticipation in Befa's expression and eyes. This kind of expression is theoretically absolutely impossible to appear in an elegant, mature and stable head maid.

Then Su Hao looked at Elizabeth behind Befa, who was also in a daze, not understanding what Befa wanted to do.

"Master... Commander Su Hao, please, please hurry up."

Buffa blinked his eyes, and the impatient emotion was beyond words.

Su Hao: ? ? ?

Despite his doubts, Su Hao continued.

It doesn't matter, you can watch it if you want.

Thinking of it this way, the fourth build triggers.


Buffy said excitedly.

This sound startled Su Hao, who was immersed in the communication with the hull, damn it, let me tell you with this expression. jpg However, although he was taken aback, the construction was indeed successful.

"Wow! Commander has succeeded again. It's amazing. You deserve to be my Commander!"

"When did Commander ever fail? Nevada, you sucker is not good at all."

"Hippo, do you want to try?"

"I'm an Oklahoma, not a hippo, you muscle girl."

"Say it like you're not."

"Okay, okay, don't make noise, my brother-in-law is at a critical moment, so don't disturb me."

With Saratoga's authoritative akimbo, the two stopped arguing immediately, and watched the construction ceremony gradually end while eating melons.

The white light disappeared, and an embroidered leg wrapped in black silk stepped out of the holy light.


The black lady's leather shoes made a crisp sound when they stepped on the ground, and Su Hao's eyes followed, looking up from the bottom.

It was unexpected, but it seemed to be no accident, maid.


Beifa seemed even more excited than Su Hao.

Sister, you are so excited.

Su Hao didn't know how to complain anymore, and felt that today's head maid was a bit strange.

Then when he looked at the ship girl in front of him, she was wearing a maid outfit, a girl with long brown hair and a normal figure. Normally, a cruiser had the look of a cruiser, and a battleship had the look of a battleship, not like some traitors.

Hmm, it should be a cruiser by the looks of it.

Thinking of this, the girl spoke.

"Ah, I thought I was lost, but I didn't expect to meet you so smoothly... I am Newcastle, the eldest daughter of the city-class cruiser. If there are younger sisters serving with you, please allow me to say thank you for them. .”

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