Su Hao feels that everything has changed since Befa came to the port area.

Can you believe that there are only maids in the building?

Forget once or twice, this has been a maid for seven consecutive shots, which is as outrageous as seven shots are super rare, right?

Fuck, this is definitely stabbing the maid's den!

It doesn't matter whether these maids are great or not, they are a group of maids together. To be honest, Su Hao is really idiot.

Especially this time today, when Hermione is sent out, should it be said that it is Dido-level?It really was a big boat, the moment Su Hao saw her appear, he immediately felt relieved.

Elizabeth, good man!

But Su Hao thought about it again, if all the maids came because of the head maid, then he had a bold idea...

"So I still feel that I have stabbed the maid's nest. Isn't this too outrageous? Is it a holiday gift from God?"

In the office, before leaving for Wujiang City, Su Hao started to finish the work so as not to pile up.

Beside him, Richelieu, who was also at work, chuckled: "Isn't that good? The maid corps, even the royal side, has never had it, but we have one in the port area."

"It's not that it's bad, it's just a little...evil."

"Don't think about it so much, I think it's pretty good, so Belfast probably doesn't want to leave anymore?"

The weakness of the head maid is the maid. Richelieu keenly observed that it is precisely because of this that he agreed to temporarily let Befa replace Dido to serve Su Hao. Otherwise, a ship girl with a 'foreign surname' would also want to enter Su Hao's room?

"The problem is that you have to leave after the meeting..."

Su Hao rubbed his chin, feeling that this is still a big problem.

"Don't worry, just take your time, at least she is the ship girl in our port area now, isn't she? Speaking of which, there are so many new ship girls here this time, we must arrange their training well, and also consider the outfit matching .”

"I made a form, which has all the ship's equipment and equipment. Sister Li, please take a look."

As a commander, he is familiar with this.

"Well, you go to Wujiang City, and I'll replace them later."

After chatting for a while, it didn't take long for Befa to come over.

"Master, the boat is ready, it's just..."

The head maid who is an intern, she has to take care of all the big and small things around Su Hao recently. Of course, the special training of the maid team has not been left behind. Don't underestimate the head maid, she will always have surprises that you can't find out.

"Just what?"

"It's just that His Majesty is going too."


Su Hao had a strange look on his face, "What is she going to do in our Donghuang Naval Academy fraternity? Wouldn't it be a bit inappropriate?"

"Hmph ~ Su Hao, do you think this king didn't think of this?"

I don't know if I hid outside the door and waited for Su Hao to say this, or just arrived, Elizabeth walked in from the door, and said with a proud face: "Isn't it better for the king to keep quiet?"

"That being said, what should others do if they ask?"

"It's very simple, you just say that this king is your ship's wife in the port area."

Su Hao: ? ? ?

Richelieu and Biffa: "..."

"Your Majesty, how can you run so fast, Your Majesty?"

Su Hao didn't speak, and ran in from the door in a hurry.

"Ah, I'm sorry." Seeing someone in the room, War-weary showed an apology.

It's just that she soon felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

"That...Queen Elizabeth, you..."

Su Hao is a little dumb, what do you mean, queen, I don't understand.

At this time, Richelieu smiled lightly: "I think it's pretty good. The major camps participating in the joint conference have been here for a long time. Speaking of which, we have never been to any place. As the host, we are indeed negligent... …How about this, Xiao Hao, by the way, I will ask people from other camps, if anyone wants to play in the past, let’s go together.”

Su Hao: ? ? ?

Miss Li, don't mess with me.

Taking such a group of bigwigs to the Naval Academy, I'm so afraid that I won't be able to get out!

Think about it, people here are still new, and they are still happy to build their first ship girl, but in the blink of an eye, they saw a guy appearing with a group of big boss ship girls from the national camp, even if these ship girls are all If it's not his, if it's you, do you want to blow his dog's head off?

"Well... this way, it's not bad." Elizabeth was really thinking seriously, as if she was worried that Su Hao would really refuse if she was the only one to go, so she said, "It's just a rehearsal before the joint meeting. The atmosphere is not bad, my king has allowed them to walk together."

Su Hao: "..."

So does my opinion matter?

Although Su Hao was a little worried, but what Sister Li said, she was right.

So he sent a message in the joint group.

Su Hao: "I'm going to Wujiang City later. The Naval Academy in Bagui District has a party at night. Does any of you want to go and see it together? It's fine if you don't attend the banquet. Just relax in Wujiang City, where is Bagui the provincial capital of the district."

Soviet Rosia: "Banquet? Is there any wine?"

Su Hao: "There must be, that is..."

Soviet Rosia: "Okay, we sign up jointly in the north."

Essex: "Are corporate seniors going?"

Enterprise: "I won't go, there is a support mission in the next area, and the Maritime Safety Administration just contacted me."

Essex: "Then I won't go either, senior, I'll go with you to carry out the mission."

Mikasa: "Banquet? A corrupt carnival for nobles?"

Su Hao: "You think too much, it's just a small college, because it's next door, and the person who invited me over there knows him, so he agreed."

Mikasa: "Invited? Is it Kanna?"

Su Hao: "Uh, yes."

Mikasa: "Nagato doesn't like to participate in this kind of event, but since it's everyone together...then I'll take Hiei there."

Su Hao: "Yes, you don't have to participate, you can go shopping in the past."

In fact, Su Hao wished that they would not participate. He would go there alone, go back in style, hide his achievements and fame, hide in the city, and...

Well, that's probably it.

Jean Bart: "Isn't there a meeting? Why did you go to the fraternity again?"

Su Hao: "I'll be back tomorrow, very soon."

Bismarck: "I'll go."

Elizabeth: "Huh?"

Bismarck: "What's wrong?"

Elizabeth: "I'm really surprised that you will attend this kind of banquet."

Bismarck: "Whoever said that I will participate, I just go, and I will decide at that time."

Elizabeth: "Hmph~ Anyway, this king is going to attend the banquet."

Soviet Rosia: "Aren't you afraid that people will recognize you?"

Elizabeth: "Didn't Su Hao say it? It's just a small place. If anyone asks, just say it's Su Hao's wife, and no one doubts it."

Soviet Rosia: "???"

Bismarck: "???"

Essex: "???"

Jean Bart: "It seems familiar..."

Elizabeth: "What do you mean with so many question marks?"

Soviet Rosia: "When I put a question mark, it's not me who has a problem but you who have a problem."

Elizabeth: "Don't accept the exercise."

Soviet Rosia: "Come on, lose a case of wine, pick whatever you want."

Elizabeth: "Okay, we're sending Warspite."

Soviet Rosia: "..."

Elizabeth: "What's wrong?"

Soviet Rosia: "Comrade @Suhao Commander, lend me the U47."

Su Hao: "..."

It is impossible to practice the drill, and it is just a talk. Elizabeth will definitely not go in person. If she is tired of fighting, there is really no one on the Northern United side who is her opponent.

But after wrangling for a while, they finally gathered the large troops going to Bagui District.

Royal: Elizabeth, Warspite, Befar

Iron Blood: Bismarck, U556

Heavy Sakura: Mikasa, Hirui, Little Hirui (?)

Northern United: Stud

Standing on the pier, Su Hao was very depressed. He was obviously only going to a school fraternity party, so why did it look like an attack?

With this formation, I don't know how many people will be scared to death if I pull it out.

"Let's go, get on board."

A group of Yingying and Yanyan girls boarded the 'Su Hao'.

Chicheng walked beside Su Hao, and said with a coquettish smile, "Commander, the word boarding is really scary."


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