Sigh~ I made a mistake, as expected, serving Her Majesty is not the same as serving the Commander, and I need to practice more to improve my maid skills.

Su Hao was very relieved when Beifa left. Without the maid, everyone's atmosphere should be much better, right?

But as soon as he turned his head, he found that the atmosphere was even more wrong.

"You have Befa, you still have Dido?"


"You have Dido, you still have Befa?"

"Ah this..."

Just as he was talking, Befa came back again.

"Master, before going out, Mistress Richelieu told you not to drink too much alcohol, master. Bepha has a lot of burdens to let go of the guidance work of the maid team this time, so master must drink in moderation, okay? "

Beifa was worried that if he was not by Su Hao's side, the latter would suddenly drink too much. The experience of the Northern Union last time was vivid in his memory. As a maid that day, he was really negligent.


Su Hao was silent for a moment, "Beffa, let me go with you."

Befa: ? ? ?

"Ah Commander Su Hao, don't rush to leave, we haven't finished talking yet."

"That's right, the atmosphere is so good, why don't you leave?"

"We all came all the way here to chat with you."

"Don't go, don't go, isn't it just to drink less? No problem, let's just drink some red wine. Surely we won't be drunk?"

All the seniors present looked at Su Hao with 'kind' expressions.

Hearing this, Befa smiled and said, "If that's the case, then I'll ask you all."

"You're welcome, this is what we should do."

"Yes, yes, yes, Commander Su Hao is now Donghuang's star, and his body is important, so it's right to drink less."

"Don't worry about Belfast, Commander Su Hao will leave it to us."

What a group of people.

It turns out that the commanders of Donghuang have such good personalities, they are more gentlemen than the commanders of the royal family.

Every time Beifa wanted to go out with his companions, the haunting appearance of the royal commanders was really annoying.

Thinking of this, she left in peace.

The moment she turned around, the painting style of a group of senior commanders who were showing kind smiles changed instantly, giving people the feeling that they jumped from the blue sea route to the blue sea, and a group of diving masters curled their mouths , looking at you maliciously.

"Commander Su Hao, hehe~"

Su Hao swallowed.

Biffa, save me! !


"Phew~ I didn't expect that there would be so many delicious food and drink in such a small Naval Academy fraternity."

The North United people, who were independent of the atmosphere, gathered in front of a table at this time, with elegance and ferocity coexisting.

What is elegant is their conversation posture and the way they eat, but the opposite state of drinking makes people around suspect that these girls are drinking water instead of wine.

And because of this group of booze-drinking guys gathered around the wine table, other guys who wanted to get some drinks had to think about it, because just now a commander reached out to take the wine, and then felt a chill in his heart for no reason. , the girls who were smiling just now suddenly looked towards him expressionlessly.

To be honest, this kind of scene is very scary, because this group of ship girls can tell at a glance that they are the kind of powerful yuppies, and just now everyone saw them with their own eyes following behind Su Hao.

"Senior, are they robbers or ship girls?"

Ying, who had just returned from a simple opening speech, was a little dumbfounded after noticing the situation here, "If this goes on like this, they will drink up the wine in the entire banquet hall."

The Duke of York glanced at him: "Isn't it just a drink, what are you so concerned about?"


It's obviously not a problem with the wine. It was fine just now, but a large group of ship girls rushed in. The atmosphere was like a gust of cold air blowing into a warm room, freezing everyone immediately.

How can there be such a ship girl, hello!This is the academy, not your home port area!

Eagle wanted the Duke of York to talk about it, but the latter asked why you didn't go. Eagle thought for a while, and suddenly felt that it was just some wine anyway, and the banquet was not all about wine, and what they drank was white wine, it seemed nothing, um , yes, no big deal, little things.

Here, Gu Ping was squeezed into a group of cute newbies. After they saw Su Hao coming, they had been waiting for him to come.

"I recognize the ones over there. My cousin took me to several port areas. They are all famous bosses from Donghuang. I didn't expect to come to our academy."

"Now the Naval Academy in Bagui District looks good, my alma mater, my favorite alma mater."

"Which ship girl is your alma mater?"

"Go away! There is a problem with your XP system."

Gu Ping looked at Su Hao, who was surrounded by a group of commanders. There were too many people surrounding him, and he felt a bit strong and locked up. Then he noticed Zhu Qiao not far away, a group of female commanders over there. More or less, they all looked towards Su Hao.

Gu Ping is a little sour again, when will girls pay attention to him wherever he goes?

He touched his cheek, and suddenly asked his companions: "Do you think I'm handsome or Su Hao handsome?"

His companions didn't react for a while.

"I mean, regardless of other things, just look at the appearance, am I more handsome or Su Hao is more handsome?"


Is someone really so shameless asking such a question?

"Forget it, I guess it's not easy for you to compare. After all, we are all handsome and have our own characteristics." Gu Ping said thoughtfully, "Looking at it this way, there is still a certain reason for the outcome to be determined by appearance, although it is not necessarily the case. 100% winning or losing, maybe just a close call, I can't wait to graduate now and start my boat trip."

After much thought, Gu Ping felt that the difference between himself and Su Hao seemed to be nothing special except Richelieu.Then, to take a step back, I didn’t have a strong ship girl like Richelieu before, and now I have a foundation to go out from the academy, that is to say, as long as he graduates and goes to the port area, the starting conditions are basically the same as Su Hao’s. same.

That is to say, his future achievement is not a five-star general, but at least a four-star general, right?

Gu Ping was delighted.

"Actually, I have something I've always wanted to say, but I felt embarrassed to say it. Since you asked Gu Ping like that today... To be honest, I always thought that Gu Ping looked a little frustrated. Of course, you are not too frustrated. You are frustrated. Narcissism, so superimposed it is obvious.”

The person who spoke was Gu Ping's classmate.

"Yes, yes, I feel the same way."

"How should I say, it's the feeling of a mortal, an ordinary person, but a little cheap, is it special?"

"Get lost!" Gu Ping was furious, "You guys are just jealous."

Gu Ping became anxious and angry, and the next words were difficult to understand, such as "a realm that ordinary people don't understand" and "what jealousy makes people distort", the air was full of joy.

After a while, Su Hao came.

After finally escaping from the grasp of a group of seniors, he was relieved, the feeling of being squeezed by a group of big men was really uncomfortable enough.

"Su Hao, you are finally here."

Gu Ping was about to say something, but he paused for a moment, and suddenly hesitated again. Ordinary people don’t know geometry, so they don’t necessarily understand themselves, and Su Hao might be the same. On the first level, after all, the existence of Jianniang itself is a fantasy in her heart. Since beautiful things are imagined, doesn't this prove that the so-called handsome or beautiful is also a kind of idealism?


As soon as Su Hao came, the atmosphere changed immediately.

The buddies who were still teasing Gu Ping became cautious again.

To be honest, although Su Hao is about the same age as them, Su Hao has experienced too many things. Not counting the life experience of more than [-] years in his previous life, Su Hao has already experienced other things in the past half a year since he became a commander. It takes more than a few years or even more than ten years for the commander.

These experiences made Su Hao's temperament significantly different from that of the college's Mengxin, and it was exactly like this that those who were thinking of asking something suddenly fell silent.

At the same time, a thought came to mind: Gu Ping really has the face to say it.

"Nothing, nothing."

Gu Ping really has the face to say that he doesn't feel like others. After all, he and Su Hao grew up together, and it's hard to detect subtle changes. It's not like they were separated for several years and then met for the first time.

"Actually, I was discussing the secret of your success just now, and when it comes to the influence of appearance, Su Hao, do you think it makes sense? The saying that the handsome guy successfully fished a boat, whether it is fishing or building, I think it makes sense. "


Su Hao looked at him with a strange face, "You are a person with an academy education, why do you have such crooked thinking, among other things, look at the hall, how many handsome guys are there among these famous commanders?"

One sentence awakened the dreamer, and Gu Ping was startled: "It's true what you said." After speaking, he was a little confused, "But most of them are old."

"Aren't you like them when you're older?"

"more or less."

"It's incredible."

Su Hao waved his hand: "Don't think too much, everyone's success cannot be copied, others' success is just experience, everyone's situation is different, conditions are different, of course there will be some deviations in the way of working hard, don't always look at others Well, behind those successful people, I don’t know how many people who walked the same path died.”

It's not Su Hao's nonsense. He has been to work before, experienced beatings in society, and has a clear understanding of some things.

"If you want to ask me how I can succeed, I just want to say that my situation is special, even if you want to copy it, you can't copy it. Compared with this, I think you should first figure out your own situation, examine yourself, and give yourself enough. Clear positioning, and then start to set a small goal, such as having three ship girls first."

"You should all be able to successfully graduate and go to the port area in the near future. Being a newcomer is the most important and dangerous stage. The construction cannot be blind. The goal must be realistic. After completing a small goal, set another small goal. , just complete it step by step.”

Maybe Su Hao is still a 'younger brother' in terms of age, but he is experienced enough to be a life mentor for these people.

"It's no exaggeration to say that when I first arrived in the port area, I was thinking about how to manage the port area well. I didn't have any extravagant hopes for the ship's wife. If I can manage the port area well, life as a normal commander is very difficult. enough."

It's a pity that things backfired, his identity was destined not to be mediocre, maybe it was because of this that he was chosen by this world to come to this point, this is the so-called man of destiny.

But how many people of destiny can there be in this world?The success of others belongs to others after all, you can see it but you can't catch it.

"You can really tell."

Gu Ping slammed it down, he was used to Su Hao making jokes with him, and suddenly becoming serious made him a little uncomfortable.

But if you think about it carefully, it is true that other people's success is success plus attribution, and it is not your own.

"I'm just saying a few words from my heart." Su Hao spread his hands, "I think it will be very difficult to have the opportunity to chat with you like this again. Since I was invited by the college, I should do something."

"Senior Su Hao is quite reasonable. My mother-in-law has never cared about my appearance, and I have also thought about the so-called success, and found that many famous commanders compared to my situation. It's all different."

"Others'... This word is actually quite heavy."

Su Hao smiled and said, "How should I put it, because most of what we pay attention to is the outstanding side of others. After all, who would care how a guy who is not famous is doing? If you see too much, you will always think about it." Why others can succeed and I can’t, so I just emphasized why you need to recognize your own situation, because you can’t see people worse than you.”

"It's not that I want you to dive down. Excellent people can naturally be used as targets. Just don't chase blindly, otherwise you will only mess up your own rhythm... Well, I am really not suitable for preaching, because I have never experienced it personally. so many."

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