"Let's start... Well, let's make a small game. Next, I will send out red envelopes of 188, 1888, and 18888. I will send out red envelopes repeatedly. I will only send out one red envelope each time. Let's see who can grab it. Let me see the final prize. ...just send 88888."

"Wait a moment!"

As soon as the voice fell, Tashkent immediately raised his hand: "It's not fair!"

"Hehe~ What's wrong Tashkent?"

"It's not fair." Tashkent said, "You can grab it, why can't we? Obviously everyone celebrates the festival together."

"Ah, but I only have chat groups in the port area." St. Louis said with a helpless face, "Unless you join in, there is nothing I can do."

Tashkent immediately looked at Soviet Rosia, who took a sip of Taimao and said loudly: "Add, you can add!"

"This king also wants to join!"

"Your Majesty, take it easy, we don't lack this little money."

"War weariness, is this a money issue? This is a festive atmosphere, and destroying the festive atmosphere is not something our royal ship girls should do!"

"Your Majesty is wise."

"Stop talking, Jiaqun!"

Elizabeth sharpened her knife, and betrayed her to lead the charge.

The Northern United is also unambiguous. Anyway, where there is wine, there are comrades. It’s not that they are not determined, but the wine is too fragrant!

Besides, wouldn't it be over if you quit the group after today?

When Essex saw it, it was a bit embarrassing, and then Washington urged: "What are you waiting for, join the group, you don't even want to send money for free, can't you think about it?"

Essex thought to himself, of course you can think about it, you have sold yourself now, how will you explain to North Carolina when you go back?

"Oh, by the way, I brought my sister in too, so there are multiple opportunities for multiple people."

Washington immediately pulled out his cell phone.

Essex: "..."

Enterprise smiled and said: "Don't think so much, just be happy, it's just tonight's show, and it will be the same if you quit tomorrow."

"Since the senior said so, then..."

Add, you can add!

Everyone is taking action, especially Mikasa-senpai. She is a little confused about where the boundary between Shige Sakura and Minato-ku is, but this feeling of being happy without thinking about anything makes her a little bit overwhelmed.

How should I explain it? Have you ever encountered something that could not be solved even if you scratched your head, but was easily solved by others with a finger?

Simply put, it's awesome for not having to work hard.

Well, it's only today, only today, and after tomorrow, it will still be full of heavy cherry blossoms!

"Fu, Fusang, how did this Qiuqiu play?"

Turning her head, Nagato was already asking Fusang to teach her how to use the mobile phone.

The look of being in a hurry is quite cute, who said that Lord Shenzi doesn't touch the fireworks of the world?

In this way, the dining table turned into a battlefield, and all the ship girls stared at their phones with wide-eyed eyes, and the atmosphere changed suddenly.

Su Hao was a little confused, what are you doing, hey, this is New Year's Eve, don't make it as scary as Halloween, okay?

"What am I..."

Su Hao was speechless, but looking at the beating messages in the group, he clicked, "War-weary knife joined the port area", "Essex knife joined the port area", "Littorio joined the port area with knife" District', all the powerful ship girls came one by one, Su Hao laughed while being depressed.

"It really has the consistent style of St. Louis."

Richelieu chuckled, "But having said that, the happiness of the rich can't be experienced. This sentence is indeed reasonable, and I can't understand it now. Sometimes I think about giving out a red envelope of hundreds of thousands to surprise others. Will you feel comfortable?"

Su Hao twitched: "Sister Li, you've failed in your studies."

If you don't have the life of a rich woman, don't get the disease of a rich woman.

"Hee hee~Of course it's just talking. I'm not willing to give so much money to others. My Xiaohao still has such a big family business to take care of."

Sister Li blinked her eyes, her palms were under the dining table, and she crossed Su Hao's, fingers intertwined.

"Xiaohao, happy new year."


PS: there are ~

Chapter 559 The guests under the fireworks, the observers are here to send warmth

The rain of red envelopes lasted until ten o'clock in the evening, and Su Hao was too lazy to count how many red envelopes St. Louis sent out.

Anyway, in the end, it seems that everyone in the port area has grabbed the big red envelopes one by one.

"I didn't get it!"

When it was over, Firefly ran over and complained to Su Hao, "Commander, I didn't get any of them!"

"Why didn't you grab it? Others did."

"That's because my phone is out of battery!"

Firefly put her hands on her hips, raised her head and said this, looking like an 'old man', Su Hao immediately gave her a chestnut when she saw it.

"You have the nerve to come and tell me that the battery is out?"

"Wow! It's all because z23 played Yuanshen with my phone."

"Why doesn't she take her own?"

"I don't know, I found out later."


"She said that if she counts her fingers, there must be a red envelope to grab tonight."


Firefly, firefly, you deserve this misery.

However, z23 has also learned badly. Now the little guys in the port area are more pitted than each other. When they were in front of Su Hao, they were cute little padded jackets. When they turned around and quarreled together, they might turn into black vests.

Seeing the miserable appearance of the firefly, the old man in the port area became old. In the end, Su Hao couldn't bear it, so he gave her a red envelope of 10 yuan.

"Okay! I also have a red envelope!"

The firefly ran away happily.

By this time, the battle at the dinner table is basically over.

But on New Year's Eve, the focus is on welcoming the new year. Red envelopes are given out for dinner, and fireworks are next.

Yixian bought a lot of fireworks, all kinds of them, some held in the hand, some placed on the ground, small firecrackers, skyrockets, and large fireworks with various auspicious words attached to them.

Dai Duo held up a huge firework named 'Sui Sui An', and everyone gathered at the pier, the firework was lit, and the colorful firework exploded in the night sky, and the fleeting beauty was reflected in the eyes of the ship girls, There was a happy smile on everyone's face.

Su Hao was also watching, feeling the changes of the festivals, the flowers are similar every year, and the people are different every year. This year is the most beautiful beginning.


The phone in his pocket rang.

The phone vibrated, even though there was a lot of laughter around, Su Hao took out the phone, it was an unfamiliar number.


"Hee hee~ Commander, Happy New Year's Day."



When he saw the observer appear, Su Hao said in his heart that he is a good guy.

"Aren't you afraid of being caught and kicked up?"

In addition to the observers, there is also the cleansing pro-clearing sauce and constructing Moe. He was still setting off fireworks there just now. Su Hao turned his head and looked in the distance. He was a little worried that the girls would suddenly kill the observers and chop the observers into pieces. .

It's not that I care about this guy, it's mainly because the situation is quite special.

"Hee hee~ If you want to hit me, I'll stand up right now, okay?"

The observer changed color, Su Hao twitched his lips, looked away from her, saw the clearer and the builder, and wanted to hit these two if he wanted to.

Flat ass and flat chest, my hand hurts when I beat it, what's the point?

"Hmm... I always feel offended."

The observer frowned in dissatisfaction, "Is that why you don't welcome me?"

Su Hao spread his hands: "I don't care, I'm just afraid that you will be hunted down by them."

"Hee hee~ I'm very happy that you care about me so much."

The observer said with a smile, not knowing how true or false a sentence is.

The purifier said impatiently: "Okay, observer, hurry up, we have to go over there to play fireworks."

"That's right, what are you doing here during the holidays?" The clearer looked disgusted, "Hurry up and go back to the base to stay, don't affect our performance."

The builder doesn't speak, she doesn't want to help on either side.

The observer cast a glance, "Should I apply to Dream Weaver to let her remake you directly?"

When the two heard it, they were immediately discouraged.

"No, let's do something serious now."

"That is, we have successfully entered the human forces with the Commander, and we will be able to hold important positions soon!"

"Everything is for the sake of the organization, and the fireworks are not important!"

"The red envelope is not important either!"

"It doesn't matter if it's delicious!"

"Games don't matter either!"

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