Thinking about it carefully, it is much more troublesome than being the boss in Lingshui City.

Thinking of this, there was a crunching sound of stepping on the snow behind him.

"Feel sorry."

Bismarck came over with an apology, and stood beside Su Hao and looked at him at this time, "I made such a decision without telling you in advance."

"Uh, it was a bit sudden, and I was taken aback."

Su Hao felt helpless, "Since you know you're sorry, why didn't you tell me in advance?"

"Because I know you won't agree."

Bismarck's words made Su Hao speechless.

"I understand you, although I dare not say how thoroughly." Bismarck looked directly at Su Hao, "But I dare to use this feeling to bet that you are the most suitable person to be the commander-in-chief."

I don't understand current affairs, I don't want to fight for hegemony, I want to fish, I want to protect the girls, and fulfill my own responsibilities and obligations.

Bismarck knew what kind of person Su Hao was, so she confirmed her thoughts even more.

"Take it as my willful request. I sincerely hope that you can agree. In exchange, I can accept no matter what conditions you propose."

Bismarck looked at Su Hao with burning eyes.

Very strong will, so strong that Su Hao was too embarrassed to look at her.

Ah, cricket Persian cat, you really gave me a problem.


PS: [○? `Д? ? ○]

Chapter 564 The most suitable choice for the ship girl

Shangri-La immediately contacted the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration.

"I swear, this is the weirdest, most uncomfortable meeting I've ever been in."

"This meeting is full of bigwigs from all over the world. As the pillars of the national camp, they should be! They should be! They should quarrel with each other in order to win more interests, but..."

"Why are their opinions so unified!?"

Halfway through the meeting, Shangri-La was already in awe.

The other three were not much better. London suggested contacting the headquarters to make a decision, so Shangri-La took out his mobile phone without saying a word.

"It's useless even if you tell me that now."

The ship's wife on the other end of the phone said helplessly, "Don't worry, don't rush to start the meeting, Shangri-La, you go to find out the situation first, and talk to people from the major camps before we talk."

"I don't want to talk anymore, I want to go back."

"We must talk, the first joint meeting, you don't want it to be the last one? Whether it is the last one or not, we must do well. The situation is unexpected, at least not until the end Bad thing isn't it?"

The headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration has imagined many situations, the most likely of which is a fight at the conference table. Do you want to fight with me?Rush to fight, everyone is a ship girl, a girl has two eyes, who is afraid of whom?

This is the most likely and worst case scenario, as for the others, even if unexpected, there is hope.

Shangri-La hung up the phone.

"How about it?"

The three Londoners asked nervously.

"Not much, let us understand the situation first... well, this is interesting." Shangri-La sighed, pushing his eye sockets, "Aurora, you go to the royal side, London, you and Qifeng go to the Northern Union Over there, I'll go to White Eagle, Donghuang and Red Axis, don't go here."

The girls nodded.

Spread out, Shangri-La found an excuse to ask Essex out.

But it's not just Essex that's coming, there are companies too.

Shangri-la hesitated for a while, but she didn't care anymore. The company is the company. It just so happens that Essex will be more honest when she is there.

"I guess, you must ask about the situation at today's meeting?"

Essex spoke first.

"Of course you have to ask. If you don't want me to go crazy." Shangri-La glanced at the company and said angrily: "Look at your commander, what do you want to do now, I think he should be transferred to the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration. He's the commander in chief."

"The commander won't go." Enterprise said decisively, "He definitely prefers to stay here than the commander-in-chief."

"You mean, the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration is not as good as Lingshui City?"

"Of course not. Everyone has his own ambitions. That's probably how it is."

Shangri-la punched out a set of punches, and originally wanted to say something, but the company was as stable as a mountain, and she herself was about to die.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this, what's going on with you guys in Essex? Iron-Blooded Bismarck, aren't you frightened? You just respond to what she says? I haven't seen you so united and friendly before at sea."

"It used to be before, and you also said, isn't this meeting just to promote the progress of the relationship? Aren't you happy that we are united?"


Shangri-La was momentarily at a loss for words.

It's good to be united, but the posture is wrong!

Establishing a general headquarters in a port area, and letting a Donghuang commander become the general commander, this kind of thing can be said to be Alexander for the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration.

The major camps know it, but what do the outsiders say?

This meeting was sponsored by the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration. The establishment of the general headquarters and the appointment of Commander Donghuang is obviously biased towards the side of Azur Lane. It is estimated that there will be a lot of people to question.

However, the instigator, Iron Blood, was able to retreat completely. No one would have thought that Iron Blood, who was the most resolutely against the alliance at the beginning, would make such a request. Thinking about it this way...

Shangri-La realized.

Iron blood conspiracy!

Disintegrate Azur Lane from within!

"Okay, I know you're going to die." Essex walked forward, and the three of them walked to the beach, facing the sea breeze, and the cool sea breeze made their thoughts clear all of a sudden.

"Shangri-La, do you think we have reached some secret agreement with Sangvis?"

"I also have this idea." Shangri-La did not deny, "But I think the possibility of iron-blooded conspiracy is high. They have always been like this, cunning and changeable. Although Bismarck is better, the Frederick the Great who came out recently, I heard It's very cunning."

"You're right, but it's not like this this time." Enterprise shook his head, "Bismarck... I know her, and you think it's fake this time, so do you think so many people won't be able to see it?"

Shangri-La stopped talking, she was just guessing, and she still wanted to know the answer.

"So, Bismarck did not lie. Her purpose is very simple and clear. This is like her. Now leave the issue to the Maritime Safety Administration. Your choices will determine the next international situation. Don't think this is a joke."

"Then you have no objections? Why?"

Shangri-la looked at Essex with a puzzled face, "I won't mention Bismarck's thoughts for now, but you won't believe that too... Well... I'm not saying that Commander Su Hao is bad, but I just think this is a It’s just the port area, maybe we can form a unified headquarters, but things can be decided by Azur Lane and Red Axis, how about it?”

Essex asked rhetorically: "Isn't this the same as the original situation?"

"This one……"

Isn't it the same?Perhaps, as Bismarck said, it is one thing to talk about it, but it is another thing to implement it. No one can trust anyone.

"Let's take it step by step. It's not just this meeting. It's decided first, and then we'll see after it's implemented. Can't we make adjustments one after another in the second and third meetings?"

Essex shook his head: "On this point, I agree more with Bismarck's statement. If the choice is wrong at the beginning, the mistake will only continue in the future, and then we will be in this cycle of mistakes. , losing mutual trust.”

Shangri-La: "..."

(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

Tell me, how much did this port area give you?

She looked at the enterprise, hoping to get an answer from the latter.

"I think..." Enterprise pursed his lips and chuckled, "You don't have to make a decision in such a hurry, and the Maritime Safety Administration doesn't have to make a decision in such a hurry. It's not so easy to trust a person. Maybe you can try to understand our command How about it, officer?"

Shangri-La shook her head: "It's not a question of whether I believe it or not, you have to consider the consequences."

"Change will always bring turmoil. Trying is for a better future. If you can't do it, try to find a way to do it. It's like when the Maritime Safety Administration was established, when the Azur Air Line was established, it was not smooth sailing, right?"

Shangri-La was silent for a moment.

"Essex, can your opinion... represent White Eagle?"

"Yes, this is an internal decision of the White Eagle Maritime Bureau, but it does not involve the final decision of the White Eagle government."

Essex's words mean that it can be understood that an independent agency has been established among the ships of various countries. The internal decisions of this agency will affect the actions of the maritime bureaus of various countries, but they will not interfere with the decision-making of governments of various countries.

It can be regarded as reducing the sensitivity of xx to the greatest extent. Although even this will definitely cause great turmoil, countries have the right to deny the final implementation. To put it bluntly, the trust in the commander-in-chief between the camps of various countries determines the existence of this institution or not.

Thinking about it this way, Shangri-La finds it incredible, because this form of existence is very ethereal and fragile.

But at the same time, if the commander-in-chief has gained the trust of everyone, the alliance will become extremely strong.

What, such a weird proposal.

Was Bismarck hit on the head with a stick?

Perhaps thinking of this, I have to say that Jagged Bismarck is indeed very powerful.

Shangri-La suddenly felt that the current situation was not so unexpected. Rather, it was an inevitable trend towards unity. It was just that there was no suitable candidate before, so it was shelved, but now it has appeared.


Here, Su Hao and Richelieu took a walk in the port area.

The joint meeting was interrupted, and no news has been received so far. I think it is difficult to come to the Maritime Safety Administration.

"Bismarck really gave me a problem."

Su Hao sighed, "Commander, this position is a bit hot."

Richelieu pursed his lips and said with a smile: "Don't think so much, in fact, even if the general headquarters is really established, at best it is just a name. Bismarck's purpose is to use everyone's trust in you to achieve the conditions of the alliance. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the weakest alliance, but it is indeed the most suitable for our ship girls, the previous set... can only be said to be more suitable for humans."

The so-called alliance actually does not need Su Hao to manage affairs after its establishment. This model can be understood as setting up multiple secretary ships in a port area, and each secretary is in charge of its own camp. Since they belong to the same port area, each camp is considered There will be no conflicts if there is something wrong.

As for Su Hao, it is equivalent to hanging up a command position. In fact, this model is very empty and fragile, but as Richelieu said, it is only applicable to the ship girl.

"Sister Li, I understand what you mean, but it feels a bit stressful for me to be the hub of the major camps."

"Don't worry, it's me."

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