Soviet Rosia also wanted to say, was stopped by Shangri-La.

"Yes, yes, Aurora, go to my room and bring the wine you brought from the headquarters this time."


Aurora asked in a low voice, "Isn't this left to drink at the final celebration banquet?"

"Is there good wine? I won't be sleepy after you say that!"

"I'm not sleepy anymore, I'm waiting for the wine."

The hooligans of the Northern United were in a good mood immediately. It seemed that they cared more about having good wine than the so-called United.

In fact, it is also understandable. After all, the purpose of the Northern United has always been to not get involved. Although they are now an alliance, they still guard the extreme north. It is estimated that there will be no big difference in the future.

"Yes, yes." Shangri-la replied, and then said to Aurora: "Don't worry about it, if you can fast-forward to the celebration banquet, you have completed the task. We will talk about it later, and just buy it when it is gone. Anyway enough money."


Aurora went to get the wine.

After a while, I came back and handed the wine to Soviet Rosia, and several ship girls cheered up in the corner.

After resting for a while, when everyone calmed down, Shangri-La announced that the meeting would continue.

"I'd better stay here." Su Hao finally expressed his position again, "Don't expect me to do much, to be honest, I know what I can do, I just need to collect one acre of land. If you really If you trust me, I will also participate in some things, discuss together, and decide the future direction together.”

"Hmph~ What I'm waiting for is your words."

Elizabeth planned to pursue the matter of Bismarck's joining the port area later. At this time, she stood up, pointed at Su Hao with her scepter, and announced loudly: "From now on, the king appoints you as the commander-in-chief of the joint base!"


"What do you mean? Why should you appoint?"

"Are you worthy?"

"This king is worthy, how about it?"

"It's not good, let's go out and play a game."

"War-weary, escort!"

"Your Majesty, wait a moment until I finish reading this last page."


Shangri-La: "Joint meeting...suspended."


PS: continue~

Chapter 566 The Dust Settled, An Invitation from Iron Blood

New Year's Eve...Five.

The excitement of the Spring Festival has reached the point where the atmosphere is not so full today, especially in coastal areas, where ports generally start work earlier.

When I woke up in the morning, it snowed a little, not too much. I feel that this winter has almost passed, but the temperature has not yet fully risen. There is a lot of snow in the port area. It is a perfect place for the little guys in the port area to make trouble.

It was Sirius who came to wake him up in the morning. It seemed that he had gone through the special training of Befa and then reached the practice stage. Su Hao remembered the scene when Sirius came to wake him up last time. Now it’s been three days since we left, and every day is getting better.

"Sirius, you are already a qualified maid."

Dressing and washing, Su Hao stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror to take care of it, and said to Sirius beside him.

"Master, Sirius is still far away."

The head maid taught well. It must be admitted that, except for Sirius, everyone in the maid group in the port area has made substantial progress.

But when it comes to maids, Su Hao thinks of a maid - Cheshire.

A few days ago, Su Hao handed over the scientific research data obtained from the observer to Ming, who had a big fight with Yubari, and came to him yesterday to ask for credit, saying that the experiment has been successfully carried out, and it will be put into practical use soon. In practice, when the important resources are sufficient, the ship girl in scientific research can be awakened.

Cheshire is a scientific research ship girl and a cat maid. Of course, Su Hao wants to bring it into the port area, but it's a pity that he doesn't have any specific information about Cheshire. Elizabeth will have to find a way to do this.

But that being said, yesterday's joint meeting was interrupted again, and the scene got out of control for a while, and the effect of black tea didn't work anymore. In the end, Shangri-La could only announce that it would continue today.

Then Elizabeth came over.

It wasn't just her, everyone wanted to know what happened to Bismarck's claim that he joined the port area at the meeting.

But Su Hao can't say, he can't tell them that this is a straight ball attack because Bismarck said before that he can ask for it?

Of course, the actual reason cannot be so simple, but it is a kind of "temporary joining" plan proposed on the premise that "the alliance headquarters has just established too many problems and wants Bismarck to help".

Su Hao originally thought that Bismarck would refuse, but he just wanted to give it a try, and he tried it, and it turned out to be a success.

Su Hao didn't say anything, Elizabeth went to find Bismarck after making a fuss, but she didn't hear any news and didn't fight. Anyway, Su Hao was relieved. As for the follow-up situation, it's time to wait and see.

Anyway, just climb over this mountain and go home with a Persian cat.

"Is everyone up?"

Su Hao and Sirius walked out of the house. Sister Li was not there. They met a few ship girls on the way and greeted Su Hao one after another.

"It's those ship girls from other camps."

"Most of them were in the cafeteria when I came here just now." Sirius suddenly said with some expectation, "Master, please rate Sirius' performance this morning."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because this is the assessment of the head maid. It only depends on the master's assessment. In the future, other people will also be assessed."

"Ha... Well, out of 10 points, I'll give you 8 points."

Compared with Befa and Dido, Sirius is still a little 'immature', and how to say, if it is Dido, there should be a good morning kiss, Sirius just...emmmmm, first of all, Su Hao didn't want to do this, just to experience , It doesn’t have to be a good morning kiss, a warm hug is also possible.

"It still lacks a little warmth." Su Hao said, "You are a maid and also a member of the port area, our family, so it doesn't matter if you act like a baby once in a while, or look a little casual and relaxed, don't take this as a task ,Understand?"

Sirius tilted his head, as if he understood a little bit, um~ Go back and ask Sister Dido.

After breakfast served by Sirius, the joint meeting resumed shortly after.

Shangri-La was a little haggard.

No way, she couldn't help but haggard.

A broken meeting, messed up, but the progress has not been substantially advanced, annoying.

The other three people are not much better, but Shangri-La, who is the main person in charge, is suffering more.

"So, let's continue the meeting now, do you have any opinions?"

Shangri-la carefully looked around, but no one made a sound, very good, "Let's get started."

"You have a problem here." Bismarck really started, "And here and here."

She spread out yesterday's document, and there were several places marked with red lines on it, all of which Bismarck felt necessary to discuss.

"This king also thinks there are problems with these few items."

Saying this, Elizabeth waved her little hand, and took out the document tired of war. The places marked in it were similar to Bismarck, with only one or two differences.

The other ship girls also started to act.

Shangri-La breathed a sigh of relief. He was not afraid of problems, but he was afraid that everyone would not talk about them and waste time here.

Ask questions and find ways to solve them. This is the purpose of the meeting.

Next, the various forces discussed in detail the details of the alliance plan.

A morning passed quickly.

After lunch, continue in the afternoon.

"It's almost like this." Shangri-La exhaled, and said to everyone: "Is it okay to make the preliminary plan like this? Then the Maritime Safety Administration Headquarters will review it again."

"no problem."



Seeing that everyone has no objections, Shangri-La continued: "Then, let's put aside the establishment of the Alliance Command, and the next thing to discuss is the main goal of the Alliance's follow-up actions."

Shangri-la flipped through the notepad a few times, "Of course the sirens are our number one enemy, but judging from what happened in the extreme north last time, the strength of the embers far exceeded our expectations, and their relationship with the sirens is also very important." It is very delicate, whether it is the enemy or pretending to be the enemy, we must find out as soon as possible."

"Regarding this, Commander Su Hao, can you tell us about your feelings in the extreme north?"

In the extreme north, the one that felt the most movement was the Suhao port area, which was the last to go. Other forces worked for a long time, but in the end they didn't get anything.

Of course, Su Hao didn't get it either, at least on the surface.

"For the siren, let it be like that." Su Hao shook his head, "Since she appeared to the present, the relationship with us has never changed. As for Ember... Ember's members are very strong, she has fought against my ship girls .”

"Oh? How do you feel?"

"Let Bismarck tell the story, she should know better."

Bismarck pondered for a moment, and finally said: "I fight alone, I am not an opponent."

"Is it that powerful?" Elizabeth didn't believe it. "Didn't they also escape when we passed by?"

Although the Crown Fortress sank in the end, most of the ship girls believed that it was arranged by Ember's sight, not caused by the black enterprise, so they couldn't imagine how powerful the black enterprise and the black Kaohsiung were.

After all, everyone is a ship girl, no matter how powerful they are, how can they be so powerful?

You hit two with one, okay, I admit it, you want to hit three more?

All present are the elites of the national camp. In terms of strength, they can be said to be the top group in the world. Naturally, they all have their own pride.

"I want to try it out, hehe~"

Bismarck glanced at Littorio, and said calmly: "If you go, even if you meet the weaker one, you will probably be gone in one round."

Hei Kaohsiung's knife is completely unreasonable. It doesn't matter whether you are a naval gun or a ship's equipment, you will be finished with one knife.

Littorio refused: "How do you know if you haven't played?"

"I'll play with you when I'm free, and you'll know."

"Hey! Well, don't blame me if you lose!"

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