Guanghui smiled slightly, and then became a little puzzled: "The two in one are also faces, face to face, is there any idiom for two faces?"

She thought of this just now, but that's it.

"Two faces, are they all-inclusive?"

Su Hao looked at Sirius.

"As expected of the master, the answer is correct." Sirius laughed.

"Yeah! (^-^)V"

Sister and brother-in-law are responsible for guessing the puzzles, and sister-in-law is afraid to tear down the lantern.

"Look quickly, how much money is in it."

Shengli reached in and took out the red envelope.

"Good drum."

"Wow! Ten thousand!"

Idioms seem to be the highest level of rewards, and St. Louis actually stuffed [-] in it for such a riddle.

Su Hao clicked his tongue, he suddenly felt a little regretful, what kind of team should he form, wouldn't it be good to guess a [-] yuan one?

Thinking of victory like this, he suddenly leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

"Commander, you are awesome!"

"Hehe, hehehe..." Su Hao laughed a few times, "It's easy to say, easy to say."


"go! go! go!"

Su Hao's harem sister group set off.


The activity of guessing lantern riddles lasted until late at night. Although the difficulty of lantern riddles was very high, many ship girls complained, but...

So delicious!

As long as one is guessed, the simplest anagram has a thousand yuan in it.

That's it, that's it, isn't it delicious?

So despite complaining, the ship girls still gather here to think.

Anyway, there is no limit to the number of times, if you can't think of it, just guess randomly, and you can always get one right.

Of course, this is an idiot's way of using it. Firefly got 2 crossword puzzle red envelopes throughout the night, one was guessed blindly, and the other was given to her by Befa because she thought she was too pitiful.

Except for the stupid, smart people, Tiancheng who exists as a counselor in the port area, Su Hao saw that she was holding a bunch of red envelopes in her arms when she left, and Shiranui and Ming, two dog legs, followed her and looked up at the eldest sister.

The stupid, the clever, and finally the lucky one.

Xuefeng and Shiyu were luckier than each other. The two never thought about the puzzles and just guessed and guessed words. In the end, Xuefeng won with a slight advantage of 5:4.

In the end, Su Hao saw that Santiago was actually holding a stack of red envelopes, at least 7 or more.

"how did you do it?"

Santiago scratched his head: "I don't know, I just say whatever words come to mind... just by feeling? Hehe~ Although I don't know what's going on, I seem to have guessed a lot right."


Su Hao suddenly felt that the 8 red envelopes he got after a night of hard work were not good at all.

"Boss, these won't be counted from my salary, will they?" Santiago blinked.

"No, these are what you should get, and they are rewards from the port area, you know?"

"Okay! Thank you boss!!"

Santiago ran away with a smirk on his face.

"Oh, poor baby." Shengli said.

"Poor baby." Kewei continued.

"What?" Su Hao couldn't help complaining, "Where is Santiago so pitiful? I don't know how happy I am to eat and drink in the port area every day, and there are all kinds of red envelopes."

"But she has an unscrupulous boss."

"What unscrupulous boss?"

"The unscrupulous boss is running away with his sister-in-law~" Shengli winked at Su Hao coquettishly, then squirmed his mouth and said a few words: Tonight.

"Victory, don't always be weird."

Guanghui scolded.

What's wrong?

She found that Victory was becoming more and more 'presumptuous', and she was no big or small when facing the commander.

Although the relationship between the commander and the ship's wife in the port area is indeed very close and friendly, but the commander's love for the ship's wife cannot be regarded as a preference. It would be too bad if it keeps causing trouble for the commander.

Besides, Guanghui was also worried that Su Hao hated Victory because of this. After all, there are so many ship girls in the port area, and everyone is well-behaved, so it's not appropriate for you to make a fuss, right?

Considering the situation in Minato, Guanghui felt that it was necessary to talk to his two younger sisters in the future.

And, besides, what if she is really married in the future?

The commander is the brother-in-law of the two younger sisters, how could he still make such a fuss, it's outrageous.

"Hee hee~ Alright, it's time to go, let's go to bed so late." After being scolded, Shengli didn't refute, and he pulled the two sisters away with a smile, "Commander, good night~"

"OK, good night."

Waving goodbye at a fork in the road, Su Hao suddenly realized a problem.

"Hey! As for the money, the spoils haven't been divided yet!"

In the dark night in the distance came the delicate laughter of victory like silver bells.


Just wait, it's not over yet.

Wait for you to feel better.

After entering the house, Richelieu had already returned.

"Sister Li, haven't you guessed the lantern riddles?"

Su Hao saw Richelieu sitting on the sofa with some documents piled up on the coffee table in front of him, "What is it?"

"Oh, I'll take a look at the alliance regulations sent by the Maritime Safety Administration. I'll use them after sorting them out."

"You don't have to work so hard, let's do it slowly tomorrow."

Su Hao walked over and kneaded her shoulders a few times.

Richelieu chuckled: "It's not hard, didn't it happen when I went to work before? It's not like you haven't seen it before."

"So, it was too hard before, let's enjoy it now."

Richelieu did not speak, took off his shoes and sat on the sofa, enjoying Su Hao's service.

Squeeze your legs and beat your back. Su Hao used to do this a lot before, but at that time he was still young and ignorant, so he got angry when he squeezed his legs.

Now that I have grown up, I can bear it very much.

Richelieu closed his eyes and enjoyed it, and said softly: "Xiao Hao, go to Iron Blood tomorrow, pay attention to safety on the road, send a message after arriving at Iron Blood, let Tiancheng and the others deal with anything, you don't have to force it too much, be careful not to expose you Sangvis is not so easy to deal with because of his identity."

"I know, don't worry, Sister Li." Su Hao smiled, "With Bismarck here, Tie Xue is actually okay. Although he was said to be an opponent before, he is actually worthy of respect as an opponent. Sister Li, in your heart You think so too, don't you?"

"It's not that I hate iron-blooded ship girls, I just think about it from a different angle."

Richelieu opened his eyes, leaned back, and fell into Su Hao's arms, "Of course Bismarck is an excellent ship's wife, and I admire her very much as a ship's wife, but there are many things that a ship's wife alone cannot make decisions, you understand Bar?"

"Well, so I will pay attention, don't worry."

Richelieu was relieved, lying in Su Hao's arms at this moment, moved, and wanted to get up and continue working, but it was so warm and comfortable that she didn't want to move for a moment.

Su Hao didn't move, holding the fragrance in his arms.

Only then did he realize that Richelieu had finished taking a shower, and he was wearing a milky white nightgown. Looking down from the top, he could see the plump and proud mountains through the open neckline.

The slightly damp skin was illuminated by the light above the head, showing a deep flesh-colored style. The slender embroidered legs curled up on the sofa moved slightly, and the hem of the nightgown covering the thighs slipped off, revealing the radiant and tender thighs. .

In this picture, Miss Li, are you sure you are here for work?

Just as he was thinking, Richelieu in his arms suddenly turned over and pushed Su Hao down on the sofa.

With golden hair hanging down, Richelieu supported both sides of Su Hao's head with his hands on the left and right.

Looking at each other, Su Hao saw Richelieu's intention with just one look.

I'm leaving tomorrow, tonight, I won't let it go.

Under the light, the figures of the two overlapped.

Richelieu let it go, his lover is about to go far away, so what is there to be shy about?

Feeling Richelieu's enthusiasm, Su Hao was also immersed in it. The two went from the sofa, to the kitchen, and then back to the room, fighting fiercely all the way until the end.

In the dead of night, Richelieu fell asleep with a happy smile on his lips.

Su Hao wanted to fall asleep contentedly, but suddenly he remembered something.

"Fuck! There's still a second game to go!"


PS: Nima, if you are an idiot again, if you are an idiot, you will be an idiot. This round of linkage is shameless!How shameless!I want to severely criticize the little yellow chicken!

Chapter 578 This Is...the Taste of Radiance?

The man who is rushing to the second game can't afford to be hurt!

After being crazy with Sister Li for half a night, Su Hao finally remembered the agreement with Shengli.

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