Oh, except for the z23.

Su Hao originally called her, but this guy made it clear that he would not go, he would not return to his hometown, and he said loudly, "As a Hong Kong native, I will die as the soul of the Hong Kong area!" '.

Seeing her being so passionate, Su Hao couldn't bear to destroy her loyalty to the port area.

As for Akagi, I have no choice but to hang on to her body. Both Amagi and Kaga are going. It is really not appropriate to leave her alone in the port area. Well, it’s not because Akagi is holding on to him in public. .

Well, so Akagi, can you let me go?

After the staff made a decision, it was getting late. Before leaving, Shengli really bought a big basket of moray eels and handed them to Beifa, and told her to make them for Su Hao to eat.

"Then, let's talk about it when I get back."

Standing on the yacht, he waved to the girls.

The yacht set off and gradually drifted away. From the ship's mother, the port area, and then to the entire Lingshui City, it gradually disappeared from Su Hao's field of vision.

Sangvis, here I come.



Here, inside the headquarters of Iron Blood Ship Girl.

After receiving the news of Su Hao's reply, Emperor Frederick has been making preparations.

Today is different from the past, Su Hao today can be regarded as the commander of the fleets of all camps, even though he does not have the right to dictate the internal affairs of each camp, but his identity is here, and this time it was Frederick the Great who took the initiative to invite , The welcoming ceremony should not be too simple.

Bismarck is not here, and now almost all the big and small things on the base are handled by her.

At this time, she is in the office to deal with daily work.

"Ron is disobedient again."

Tirpitz walked in and handed her a report, "I've been saying that I want to see the commander, see Su Hao."

"I know."

Emperor Frederick couldn't help but sighed.

The scientific research ship girl, the second scientific research ship girl who spent a lot of resources to wake up, is powerful, but...

Something went wrong.

Emperor Frederick the Great could only suspect that this was due to the large proportion of the influence of the ship mother in the Suhao Port area in the battle data collected at the beginning. Because of this, Ron had a little mental and emotional problems in the end.

But this little bit is almost the result of Iron Blood's long-term scientific research, making a wedding dress for others.

This pot, Frederick the Great had to carry it well.

That's why she took the initiative to invite Su Hao to come over to see if there is any good way to solve this matter.

In addition, it can be regarded as allowing Ron to toss less.

"My sister came here with Commander Su Hao this time."

"Well, but..." Emperor Frederick raised his head and glanced at Tirpitz, "Do you know her decision?"


"Don't stop it?"

"No need. My sister always thinks about things and has her own principles. She must have a reason for doing so."

Emperor Frederick smiled slightly: "The relationship between your sisters is really good."

"It's nothing."

Tirpitz looked away unnaturally, "I'll leave if there's nothing else to do."

"Go and help me count the material applications from various places last month, and show me the current material reserves."

"it is good."

"Thanks a lot."

"It's nothing."

After Tirpitz left, Frederick the Great got up and walked out of the office.

Going downstairs, going out, and outside the training field of the Iron-Blood Base, seeing the voice laughing wildly in the distance and conducting special training, she shouted loudly: "Ron."

"Frederick, what's the matter?"

"Commander, Iron Blood is coming."

Ron's pupils shrank, and then he laughed maniacally.

"Finally... I can finally meet the Commander!!"


PS: Update tomorrow morning, die, or rush! 210 Rubik's Cube, this wave, this wave is called as stable as Mount Tai!

Chapter 581 Eugene, Don't Be So Alluring

In early March, the sun was shining brightly, and even the air was transparent and clear.

The severe cold of winter is gradually receding, but the weather is still a little cold. Even if you are basking in the sun, you can still feel the biting chill around you.

The scenery on the sea is the same as before. To be honest, Su Hao is used to the days of wandering slowly on the sea. Although it is boring, he is also happy to be leisurely. If it is a cruise ship, it would be very lively, but Su Hao doesn't like that kind of atmosphere, and even less so. The ship girl who likes herself is surrounded by a group of old men.

Besides, there are a lot of entertainment equipment on the 'Su Hao', and the swimming pool has already been patronized by the winter.

Naturally, Su Hao would not patronize. Rather than swimming in the water, he prefers to rest on a chair and watch beautiful girls swimming in the water.

Belfa poured him a cup of black tea, ate snacks and drank tea, and saw a figure jumping out of the water, which was Prince Eugen in a swimsuit.

At this time, she was wearing a black ultra-thin bikini swimsuit, and she couldn't find where the strings of the swimsuit were unless she opened it to look.

With this attire, if she is carried to the bed by those lsps, she will die until she is exhausted.

Of course Su Hao is not, he is a gentleman, his eyes are very calm at this time, what is revealed in his eyes is a kind of appreciation rather than desire.

Eugene Eugene, she rarely came to see him some time ago, and she didn't know what to do in the port area. Anyway, with her personality, she would definitely not be idle.

At this time, the Chicheng sisters were all in the room, the company was patrolling the deck with carrier-based aircraft, Ming was sleeping, Sirius was sailing, and everyone was busy with their own business.

Su Hao picked up a biscuit.

"Hee hee~ mine!"

Prince Eugen snatched the biscuit away and put it in his mouth with a smile.

Su Hao was helpless, "If you want to eat, take it yourself."

"Who said I want to eat it." Prince Eugen said while eating, "I just want to eat what you are holding, Commander."

"You don't want to call it that, Commander Commander, you are not my ship's wife in the port area."

"Neither are Elizabeth and the others, they call you the same."

"That's because in the port area, the port area is now an alliance base. Of course I can be called that as the commander-in-chief, but it doesn't count if I leave the port area, understand?"

"I don't understand." Prince Eugen obviously understood, but she was still pretending to be stupid, "Anyway, I'll call you Commander, what do you want?"

Su Hao thought to himself, what else can I do, it doesn't matter if you call me husband.

However, I am still a little worried, and now there is a big problem in front of Su Hao.

That is Bismarck, the iron-blooded flagship, now joining the port area.

This is not to be stationed at the alliance headquarters like Elizabeth and the others, but to join the port area. There is a big difference between the port area and not the alliance.

So here comes the question, Bismarck, who is admired by the iron-blooded ship girl, joins the port area. Will he be beaten now that he has passed in an open and honest past?

In fact, this problem extends to z23, and then extends to Prince Eugen's side as well.

If Su Hao were to talk about it, it would simply be repeated poaching incidents, and he would definitely not be able to bear it.

"Eugen, tell me, does Iron Blood know that Bismarck is now joining my port area?"

Prince Eugen immediately laughed.


"I guess not."


"Hehe, what do you mean? You asked me to guess. You should tell me if I guessed right or wrong, right?"

Prince Eugen still smiled, twisted his buttocks, and walked to the recliner next to Su Hao with a charming figure and sat down.

"The commander is the one. Is there any difference between knowing and not knowing?"

"Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing, one is one, two is two." Su Hao said seriously, "We have to be logical and reasonable."

"Haha~ Commander, you are really cunning, are you so afraid of being targeted by your iron-blooded companions?"

Prince Eugen obviously guessed what Su Hao was worried about. At this moment, she hooked her hands, and her bright eyes sparkled.

Some people say that the eyes can speak, and you can tell what the person is thinking from the eyes.

There was nothing wrong with it. At this moment, Su Hao looked at Prince Eugen and felt that the latter was going to make trouble.

"If you're worried, Commander, I'll give you an idea."

"What's the idea?"

It was obviously a temptation, and it was explained in advance that Su Hao was not fooled, he just wanted to find out what Prince Eugen was planning.

"Divert your attention."

"Uh, how to transfer?"

"For example..." Prince Eugen stretched out his hand, with the back of his hand facing upwards, his slender white hand is really beautiful, "For example, put a ring on this hand, so that everyone's attention will not be on Bismarck, What do you say?"

"Ah this..."

This kind of thing, this kind of thing!

Well, Su Hao was a little moved.

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