On the other side of the hall, Emperor Frederick asked with a smile.

Beside him, Bismarck took a sip of red wine, and said in a calm tone, "It's good, anyway, the higher-ups also have a headache, and no one can stop what the ship's mother wants to decide, so they naturally know."

"To be clear, to be clear, if human beings don't find a reason for their own losses, they will feel uncomfortable all over, and it will be embarrassing."

"You're right, then what? What are you going to do?"

"I should ask you, you are the iron-blooded flagship." Frederick the Great put his left hand across his chest, holding his right elbow with his palm, and said with a smile: "Don't think that if you go to the port area, you can completely throw away the burden."

Bismarck was helpless: "I just want to avoid suspicion."

"Ah, ah, who in the fleet doesn't know Bismarck's character, no matter what happens, he will not do anything that will harm the iron and blood. I think Richelieu of the Iris Kingdom has the same position, right? Now she is not only the Commander's wife but also a married ship, maybe you can too..."

"Stop." Bismarck waved his hand, "Next topic."

"Hehe~ What I want to say is... In the eyes of the iron-blooded people, you will always be that Bismarck, and your reputation is something I will never be able to match. I know this very well. Anyone with a brain can understand this, I understand that the Bismarck battleship has always paid for Iron and Blood, so your decision is very critical."

"Needless to say this, I know my situation."

Bismarck pondered slightly, "I will mention it to the above, but everything has to wait for the scientific research to be completed, how about over there?"

Emperor Frederick showed the old fox's smile: "It went well, they didn't have any research results~"

Bismarck nodded and left with his wine glass.

And Frederick the Great watched Su Hao who was surrounded by a group of little guys asking to make apple pie in the distance. In this "no special reason is a waste" party, no one cares about what you do, let alone apple pie. You can run naked.

On the other side, the other ship girls of Sangvis gathered together.

Since the implementation of Su Hao's apple pie strategy, the iron-blooded ship girls' impression of him has changed a lot.

Eat people's mouth is soft, at first it was a big fire-breathing monster, which was the nickname given to Su Hao by Deutsch after watching a movie, named 'Susla'.

Defending world peace can also easily destroy and eat people. Look, isn't it similar to that commander?

As for why it is said to be cannibalism, z23 was the first one to be eaten. Later, Prince Eugen took the initiative to be the second or fifth son, and then Bismarck and U556. Going to Donghuang, I finally faced the facts and chose to wait strategically.

At this moment, her attention has long been on Su Hao's side.

"Look, the oven."

She first talked about the oven, and when everyone looked over, she continued, "There are apples, what's that called, apple pie."

Earl Spey crunched something and raised his head.

"I think we can go over and have a look. There are so many little guys here." Deutsch made an excuse and wanted to leave, but no one followed.

After a while, Earl Spey stood up and seemed to be going over.

"Come on, sister, let's go and have a look."

Deutschland took Earl Spey and left.

With a few girls left, Gneisenau pushed his glasses and said, "I feel that Deutschland has twenty-five potentials."

"What twenty-five boy?"

"Bismarck is now the leading pigeon."

"Don't care, don't care."

"Do you want to eat apple pie?"



The party is a very ordinary gathering, which matches the theme very well. It is enough not to emphasize anything, just to have a few random highs.

Even when Su Hao blatantly baked apple pie in the banquet hall, no one said anything. On the contrary, no one said anything, and there were people watching. Beautiful human girls and ship girls came over after smelling the fragrance.

The fragrance is not spicy and big elbow, but a sweeter fragrance. To be honest, girls should like this kind of food. It would be even better if it is paired with a serving of black tea.

Beifa poured black tea, but no one was drinking it. When Su Hao turned around, he saw a group of girls drinking beer and eating apple pie.

nmd, what kind of wonderful combination is this?

Su Hao was taken aback, but those girls gave him a thumbs up and praised him.


Commander, you are awesome.

Is it great or not? Anyway, the content of the last party seems to have vaguely changed, and then someone suggested that everyone should have a barbecue, but only someone said that no one would do it, and a group of girls looked at Su Hao eagerly.

Play ball!

I, Su Hao, are the kind of tool people who do everything for girls?

That's right, I am!

But having said that, it’s hard for a good woman to cook without rice, and I didn’t prepare any barbecue tools and materials. In the end, I could only regret it. I agreed to pick a sunny day when I was ready next time, and go to the beach to have fun.

After the banquet was over, Su Hao walked towards his residence.

"Huh~ This kind of party is surprisingly interesting."

Su Hao said to the girls around him, "Whenever we make arrangements in the port area, the theme is 'There is no reason to be a wave'. This is good. There are no rules and no special arrangements. Of course, you can't mess around. Chicheng, say you Well, don't think about some messy things."

Su Hao's words interrupted Chicheng's mosaic reverie.

If there are no rules, you can roam freely, isn't that...

Ok? ? ?

"I didn't think about anything, Commander."

You didn't think about anything, who would believe it?

Do you believe it?

The surrounding girls all showed expressions of "understanding you".

"If you really want to do it, then I will trouble your maid team."

"My proud master, Sirius is always ready for you."

Befa opened her mouth, but being taken away from the topic, she could only simply respond.

"By the way, Ming, how is the scientific research going?"

"No problem meow, Ming only steals technology and doesn't do anything, everything goes well meow~"

"That's good. Since Emperor Frederick the Great said that, we're not going to be polite. We'll take over any good technology. It's okay to do some damage by the way, man-made ship girls or something like that. Outrageous things, fortunately they dare to think about it."

"There is no way, power will always make people lose their eyes and cannot see the crisis behind it." The enterprise seems to be an old philosophy, and she sees this kind of thing very clearly.

"Well, we just have to do our job well."

Su Hao didn't think about it that much.

You can do as much as you can. Right and wrong are determined by others. Sometimes it is not just words that can influence them. If everyone can move in the right direction in unison, then how can there be such a thing? What about so many people who regretted committing suicide by jumping off a building?

Don't talk about it, you know what you know, and it's useless to say more about what you don't understand.

Akagi pulled Kaga and Amagi secretly to discuss what they were discussing, the company didn't come, and tonight is the time to stay alone in the vacant room.

Going back to the room to wash up, he rejected Sirius' request to take over his sister's bed. Su Hao lay on the bed, did not sleep, and took out his mobile phone to chat.

Although he is not in the port area, he is very clear about what happens in the port area every day.

At this time, the group was discussing about Ron again.

Shangri-La: "She said that she saw Commander Su Hao in her dream, which is outrageous."

Shangri-La seems to be a little angry, and has been criticizing Ron's behavior.

Volkland: "No way, no way? No one can really live in a dream, right?"

Mikasa: "Dream."

Shinano: "I seem to be... attacked by something?"

Shangri-La: "It's Ron, I added Ron."

London: "Why do you always have such big opinions? Ron is like that. If you feel uncomfortable, you might as well fight her."

Shangri-La: "No."

Essex: "I heard that she is very strong. As a heavy cruiser, her statistics in all aspects are second to none."

Bismarck: "Very strong, but with some personality problems."

Sister bride: "Why don't you just bring it back and train it."

Marriage Ship Assaulter: "Dangerous Enanger"

Marriage-to-be Atago: "When will the commander come back?"

Su Hao: "It's not sure yet. The cooperation work has not been completed. I will tell you in advance if I want to go back."

Marriage-to-be Atago: "Then don't forget my ring."

Sister Bride: "Why did I give you a ring?"

Jean Bart: "Sister, you get excited when you talk about this kind of thing."

Dunkirk: "Because your sister is the head of the wedding ship now, hehe~ Speaking of rings, Richelieu's original ring is still..."

Dunkirk began to miss youth.

Su Hao smiled, and then thought about the ring, which was originally planned to be given to the three Guanghui sisters, but was delayed due to a series of accidents.

Do you want to buy it at Iron Blood?

Anyway, I've been fine lately...well, wait.

I don't have a yacht to drive!

Ten thousand muddy horses galloped past Su Hao's heart.

I don't want to go to sleep.


Late at night, people are quiet.

A figure appeared in a hidden corner, looking at the house in the distance.

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