
PS: emmmmm... Ron still has to accept it. In fact, let me tell you, Ron is really awesome!you don't like it?you don't like it?Don't pretend, it's all lsp, I understand.

PPS: The skin is really going to be taken off the shelves, Bilan's old routine, hum~ Do you think I will buy it?I just like Sukuf's set, labor and capital have no money!

Chapter 589 Shopping, grapes, and having a baby?

Ron attacked the commander at night, lost his wife and earned a soldier.

The night attack was still discovered, of course nothing happened inside and out, despite Chicheng's repeated questioning.

No, nothing!

There is nothing here.jpg

Su Hao repeatedly assured that of course Ron didn't care. Although her big goal was not achieved due to an accident, but the small goal was achieved, and it was not nothing.

So under Akagi's hostile gaze, he left with his butt twisted.

Although Ron left, Chicheng was still worried, and said that he would stay and guard in case of accidents. If he guarded and guarded, his clothes would disappear. If he guarded and guarded, there would be something extra in his body.

The next day.

By the time Su Hao got up, such a message had already spread throughout the iron-blooded base

I, Ron, are the ship girl of the port area!

Su Hao swears that he got up early today, but the problem is that Ron got up earlier, Su Hao seriously suspects that she is not asleep at all, because when passing by a bunch of girls just now, they overheard them saying 'I woke up in the middle of the night to pee , Ron told me'.

exist?Let's share this story together?

May I buy you an apple pie?

To be honest, Su Hao is a little thankful, thankful that he is a principled lsp, if he has no principles, what he heard early this morning is probably

I, Ron, are the marriage ship of Minato!

At that time, I am afraid that Sister Li will come directly from Donghuang.

However, even the ship girl in the port area was still questioned by many people.

Then Akagi had something to say.

"That Ron guy actually attacked the commander last night! How dare she."

By the way, Akagi, why are you laughing when you say this?

Then Kaga suddenly said: "So sister, you stayed in the commander's room all night yesterday?"

"Yes, of course we have to keep watch. What if Ron comes back suddenly? Commander, don't you think so?"

To answer yes, that question first we have to undress you...forget it.

Su Hao coughed lightly, his expression became serious.

"I guess Sangvis won't compensate our yacht, since it can't be a disadvantage, can it? So I asked Ron to work in our port area to pay off the debt. What do you think of this idea?"

Suddenly, the company cast suspicious eyes.

Akagi was smiling, and Kaga rolled his eyes.

Beifa calmly poured a cup of tea for Su Hao.

Sirius yelled 'The master is wise! '.

In the end, Tiancheng said with a smile: "My lord, this decision is not bad. According to the scientific research, the strength of the ship girl under the influence of the high-level mental Rubik's Cube is stronger than that of the ordinary ship girl. In this way, Ron can be regarded as the top vanguard ship in the world." Well, it’s not a disadvantage to trade a yacht for it.”

Su Hao nodded immediately: "I think so too."

"Isn't it because of what Ron did to you last night?"

Kaga is obviously suspicious, lonely men and widows, burning firewood... well, she didn't expect these things, what she thought of was Chicheng's nagging in her ears all the time, and she understood a lot under her influence, and then thought of it With Ron's character, his saliva would flow out when he saw Su Hao, as if he saw barbecued pork.

Just like that, you tell me nothing happened?

"Kaga, don't forget one thing." Su Hao raised his head proudly, "Ron, she can't beat me."

"Oh." Kaga nodded, and asked again: "Then you didn't do anything to her?"


Hey, hey, Kaga, are you not right?

Why did you have to do something?Where did you know what to do when a man and a woman are together?You were not like this before!

Kaga chased and fought fiercely, Su Hao was upright and upright, not afraid of the shadow slanting.

Finally everyone dispersed.

But soon the Great Emperor Mama came over.

"I thought you wouldn't agree." Emperor Frederick looked at Su Hao with a smile, "Actually, I've always thought that Ron's character is so dangerous, and ordinary humans would definitely hesitate... Hehe~ Commander Adults are really different."

Su Hao aba aba.

What to say.

After seeing the emperor's smile, he now doubted that Ron's night attack was planned by the emperor.

"Then is there any way, Tie Xue must have already planned it?" Su Hao spread his hands, "To be honest, I want you to join our port area more than Ron, or you can talk to Tie Xue, and I will post it later. 4 million, let you go to our port area."

"Ah la la~ Commander, are you flirting with me?"

Emperor Frederick did not look embarrassed at all, but smiled happily, "However, if you want to get my attention, you must be mentally prepared~"


The Great Emperor was so calm and unhurried, which made Su Hao a little embarrassed. Sure enough, the level is completely different.

And the types are too different, Ron is a free type, and the emperor is... how to say, it feels like a free gift, but it is a pity that she was the ship's wife first before the free offer, and the ship's mother will not choose the commander so easily make a decision.

Bismarck had his own persistence and principles, and if he hadn't used treatment as an opportunity to contact her at the beginning, it would have been impossible to get her.

Think of this...


I don't know if the high-level mental Rubik's Cube researched by Iron Blood is stable. If it is not stable, I can help.

sniff nose.jpg

Want to peach.

The emperor has no way to attack for the time being. As the iron-blooded ship girl, her identity is too special. It is said that she is unique in the world. Compared with Bismarck, she is even rarer. This kind of existence value has no meaning, and the iron-blooded is impossible to let go.

Even, Bismarck actually explained the matter of 'staying behind' when she came back this time. In order to avoid trouble, she stayed in the port area, and Frederick the Great continued to lead the iron-blooded fleet, perfect.

Not long after leaving with Frederick the Great, Su Hao wandered around the Iron Blood Base with Sirius.

The news spread completely. No matter where he went, a group of people looked at him. Su Hao understood that look, ah, warrior, why are you so brave?

"I suddenly felt that I had done something good for Sangvis."

He muttered.

Beside him, Sirius said with a smile on his face: "Yes, my proud master, your decision is iron-blooded luck, so please proudly hold out your chest to welcome the gratitude of those people."

"Thank you...that's no need, Sirius, we have to keep a low profile."

"Yes, my proud master, you are right."

No matter what, you are right, if it is Befa, she will correct your mistakes, but Sirius will not, she will accompany you to bear the price of mistakes.

After walking around the base, Su Hao thought about the ring and planned to check it out.

However, not having a yacht is also troublesome, and it is impossible to show the iron-blooded ship girls the lightness skills of floating on the water. After a while, they arrived at the seaside.

This is the iron-blooded ship's mother base, and supplies to support all over the world will be distributed from here. To be honest, the pier is quite big, even bigger than the Donghuang Maritime Safety Administration.

At this time, some yachts and transport ships were moored on the pier. There were huge gantry cranes working, and some ship girls lifted the containers directly. It felt weird, but the gantry cranes could fly, but the ship girls could not.

"A lot of yachts."

Su Hao said with emotion, "Sirius, you said that there are so many yachts here, why did it happen to be mine?"

Sirius thought for a while, but before he answered, Su Hao continued to walk forward.

He just sighed, remembering the lost soul.

Then I met a ship girl wearing glasses and holding a ledger.

"Cologne." Su Hao walked over.

Cologne, one of the few iron-blooded ship girls with a normal personality, is serious and responsible, and meticulous in her work.

"Commander Su Hao, hello."

Cologne pushed his glasses, his eyes were paying attention to the unloading situation over there, and at the same time he was concerned about Su Hao's side, "What's the matter?"

"Well, I just want to ask if there are any yachts available here? I want to go around the seaside city."


Cologne felt a little sympathetic when he thought of the "transport ship" that was blown up.

"If it's a trip, if you want to use a yacht to talk to Frederick the Great, or Bismarck, they have the right."

"I see." Su Hao looked towards the pier, "A lot of goods are transported here every day."

"After all, there are many branches of ship girls in various places, and there are also commanders stationed nearby in the port area. Some of them came here directly."

Saying this, Cologne pointed to several human males talking in the distance.

"They are the commanders nearby, and there, too, is the commander who is walking by the sea."

On the beach in the distance, there is a big golden girl, whose face is not clear but her figure can be seen.

Then Su Hao noticed another big girl, a familiar figure, standing alone by the concrete road leading to the lighthouse.

Su Hao said goodbye to Cologne, and took Sirius over there.

But halfway there, he was stopped by the blond commander.


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