A person.

a girl.

A little girl.

Just sleeping beside Su Hao.

What's even more outrageous is that this little loli actually has the same color of hair and tail as Akagi!


Little Chicheng?

Su Hao woke up instantly.

Chicheng also cried out excitedly after posting for a while, "Look at you, Commander, little Chicheng, this is little Chicheng, right? Our baby! Our baby!"

"Ah yes, it should be Xiao Chicheng but..."

Su Hao was a little at a loss, and even lost his language function for a while.


Am I a papa?

Wait, wait, that's outrageous!

After sleeping all night, there is an extra little guy, it's outrageous!

Let alone whether the ship's mother can have children, the speed and size alone are too outrageous!

No no no, that's definitely not the case, even though it seems to be...

Don't worry, yes, don't panic, don't panic, at this time you should light a cigarette and calm down and think about it...

I'm so quiet! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

This is not a little guy who was caught somewhere. According to Chicheng, this is a daughter!daughter!


The movement of the two disturbed Xiao Chicheng in his sleep. The latter twitched his brows and made a whining sound, then yawned and sat up.

Opening his eyes, he looked at Chicheng and then at Su Hao.

He tilted his head: "You are my subordinate, right? I finally saw you, hum~"

Hula! ~

The quilt flew away, covering Xiao Chicheng.

Then Chicheng's flustered voice came.

"Commander, hurry up, put on your clothes!!"


After half an hour.

In Su Hao's room, the girls who came to the port area gathered this time.

Everyone gathered around the bed, looking at Xiao Chicheng sitting on the bed with different expressions.

"Commander, what do you mean, this little guy will be there after waking up?"

Facing the company's inquiry, Su Hao nodded straight.

"Yes, but Chicheng woke up before me, she saw it first."

Saying this, everyone looked at Akagi.

The latter said nonchalantly: "Are you still questioning that I found a little guy from another place? You have said that this is my child and the commander. You can be jealous of me, but you must believe the facts."

"Hmph! I'm not your child, I'm one of your subordinates..."

"you shut up!"

Before Xiao Chicheng finished speaking, Chicheng stared at him and dared not speak.

It's very annoying.

What is evil?

However, as soon as he saw the imposing guys around him, Xiao Chicheng immediately lost his courage.

Although she is a newbie, she also knows that the best choice right now is to obediently keep silent and answer whatever she asks.

"Chicheng." Tiancheng was a little displeased with Chicheng's attitude, "No matter how little Chicheng appeared, she is now a member of our port area, so don't scare her like that."

"Got it, sister."

Akagi snorted.

Very happy.


hee hee~

hum hum~

Good things come in pairs.

May all your wishes come true.

May all go well with you.

see it?

The first in Minato, the first marriage ship with a child with the commander!

It's me Chicheng!

"But this is too unscientific." Kaga is very suspicious that this is Akagi's conspiracy, after all, she knows Akagi too well.

"Kaga, we are ship girls, we don't talk about science."

Chicheng emphasized, "Besides, where do you think I can find a ship girl like me in such a short time?"

"That's right." Befa nodded, "It's strange, but Little Chicheng did appear last night... Last night..." She looked at Su Hao and Chicheng, "Did you do anything special? ?”

Ah this...

The back of Su Hao's neck felt cold.

Why does it feel like a public execution?

"Ah, this..."

"Wait, wait Akagi!"


The ship girls looked over.

Su Hao suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

"No, it's really nothing." Su Hao forced himself to be calm, "There's nothing special. If I had to say it, it was just a discussion about... um, um, what, it's about the ship's mother giving birth to a child."

This sentence made the enterprise and Tiancheng blush.

Others didn't feel anything.

After all, there is not even a word in these eight characters.

Belfa looked puzzled: "Is that so?"

"Well, almost, the discussion went very late, and then it was like imagining a small red city or something, I didn't expect..."

Akagi laughed and said nothing.

"That's how it came out?"

Not scientific.

"Actually, it's possible in theory, meow."

At this moment, the only girl in the room who spoke science spoke.

"Ming, this is okay too?" Su Hao was a little surprised, he just said it lightly.

"Yes meow." Ming nodded affirmatively, "I also discussed this issue with Yubari meow. In theory, the ship girl is a collection of human thoughts. If there are two conditions, the ship girl can be awakened, meow."

"The commander's discussion with Akagi may have fulfilled the condition of strong yearning meow, and Akagi has used the mental unit to upgrade the mental Rubik's Cube, it may be because of this that the mental Rubik's Cube is satisfied, and then... Akagi, Do you feel weak now meow?"

Chicheng was stunned for a moment: "You really feel this way when you say that."

He had been in a state of excitement before, but now that he came back to his senses, Akagi felt something was wrong.

very weak.

It was like fighting a fierce battle.

"Weakness after childbirth?" Su Hao said subconsciously.

"Almost meow." Ming actually nodded, "The ship's mother wakes up and needs [Missing] [Mind Rubik's Cube] [Materials]. In normal channels, thoughts come from the hull, and the Mind Rubik's Cube and supplies are prepared by the commander, meow, but Now there are no supplies, so there is only one possibility meow~"

Tiancheng was slightly taken aback: "Ming, you mean that Chicheng's weak state made up for this material?"

"Yes meow, Chicheng needs a good supply now meow. Fortunately, the big ship girl gave birth to the little ship girl, otherwise the situation in Chicheng will be even worse meow~"

"What do you mean?"

"Probably in terms of ability, little Chicheng won't be as strong as Chicheng." Tiancheng understood.

Ming nodded.

Probably because the conditions for awakening are limited. When the larva is separated from the mother, the ability of the larva will not exceed the subject's feeling.

Su Hao thought for a while, and immediately understood.

Could this be the reason why Xiao Chicheng is purple?

"What do you mean, isn't it possible for us to..." Before the enterprise finished speaking, it looked at Su Hao, and then at Xiao Chicheng.

She is shy.

It's really embarrassing to say this.

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