St. Louis tilted his head, "Then where did you go just now? There is a 'female' smell on you~"

Su Hao was ashamed.

You can smell it too! ?

"Richelieu doesn't smell like this. Akagi...Amagi...Assaulter...Well, there are a few that I'm not familiar with. The commander was inspired by them, and then I thought of it."

"No!" Su Hao swore with his fingers up, "I wanted to give you the ring by myself, but I was always worrying about how to say it, and I was afraid of being rejected by you, so I just..."

"Pfft~" St. Louis smiled slightly, "I just asked casually, what are you doing so seriously, Commander?"


If you ask casually, you will expose my brother.

You have to be more serious, maybe what happened in the awesome room just now will have to be exposed.

"However... Thank you, Commander. I have nothing to repay for receiving such a valuable item from the Commander..."

Saying this, St. Louis walked over slowly.

Get closer and stop in front of Su Hao.

Then she cupped his cheek, brought her lips closer, and kissed him gently, very gently.

Half a sound, lips parted.

St. Louis took a step back, smiled and said, "Okay, let's take this as a gift in return~"

Su Hao pursed his lips, feeling a little unfinished.

"Then, shall I go first?"

"Well, I'll see you later, Commander~"

I didn't expect anything to happen, so I was lucky to accept the ring.

Su Hao went downstairs, said goodbye to Helena's weird eyes, and left the room. As a result, the group became lively shortly after he walked out.

[St. Louis changed the ID to 'Wedding Ship St. Louis']

The wedding ship St.Louis sent out a lucky red envelope.

[Glory who wants to turn into light changed his ID to 'Marriage Ship Glory']

[Hi to H's victory, change the ID to 'Wedding Ship Victory']

[Hi to I's Kewei changed his ID to 'Marriage Ship Kewei']

Suddenly, the chat group exploded!

Richelieu: "Xiao Hao, I asked you to marry one, why did you marry four at once!?"


PS: Rua!2077 opens today, those authors are pretending to be sick and asking for leave, only I wrote 9k without asking for leave! !Give me all the blades quickly! !

Chapter 599 Summer

[St. Louis, Glory, Victory, and Fear join the chat group. 】

St. Louis: "Huh? There's actually a small group?"

Richelieu: "This is a group of wedding ships in the port area, specially established."

Victory: "Hey! ~Richelieu, you guys actually form a small group."

Richelieu: "What's the matter, there are many port areas like this, right?"

Victory thought the same, they have their own sister group.

Chicheng: "Hmph! Four of them came at once."

Guanghui: "Everyone, please give me your advice from today. Thank you.jpg"

Awesome: "Meet the boss.jpg"

St. Louis sent a red envelope.

Akagi: "St. Louis, don't do this every time."

Group member Chicheng received the red envelope.

Victory: "Wow! Big red envelope! 886"

Akagi: "Why do I only have 120..."

St.Louis: "Hehe~ Although it's a bit sudden, from today onwards I'm a married ship in Minato, let's get along well, Akagi, isn't it right?"

St. Louis sent an exclusive red envelope.

Akagi: "Don't think that you can get away with it so easily, be honest, have you peeked at the location of the marriage ship?"

Group member Chicheng received the red envelope.

Tiancheng: "Okay Chicheng, whoever gives the ring is the Lord's decision, isn't it the same for us back then? The Lord has already thought about it, so there is nothing to say."

Assaulter: "I don't care, but St. Louis, why do you only give red envelopes to Chicheng? I want it, I want it!"

St. Louis sent out a lucky red envelope.

Akagi: "Why am I only 82 this time..."

Raider: "Wow! 801! St.Louis I love you!"

St.Louis: "Hehe~ as long as everyone is happy."

Kewei: "But the crowd seems to be very lively."

Four wedding ships suddenly appeared in the port area, which is still very shocking.

Counting from the last ship girl who got a ring, it has been a long time since no new ship girl became a wedding ship.

In the port area, everyone is familiar with seeing the names of the wedding ships with prefixes except for Richelieu.

However, there are still some shipwives who want to be a high-ranking marriage ship, whether it is Dafeng, Atago, or even Saratoga, yelling things like 'throw the useless sister aside, and my sister-in-law will go to the battlefield herself'.

However, no matter how fiercely they shouted, it was useless. The wedding ships in the port area remained the same.

But it has changed now, and there are still four at a time.

So what happened when everyone didn't know?

Everyone knows that St. Louis has been bubbling recently, whether it is managing the port area or distributing money on a daily basis. In fact, people have the impression of St. Louis as the old lady of the port area, and even have the illusion that "it should be a wedding ship" .

But the three glorious sisters...

It's not that they are not attractive enough, on the contrary, the three sisters are very attractive.


When did you steal the chicken?

Thinking about it now, Victory has been changing IDs, such as lurkers in the port area, hi to H and so on.

And recently, the three sisters changed their IDs collectively. Everyone is guessing that the glory of drinking tea every day must have a brave man under the soft landing, but everyone has not seen it.

Now the fox's tail was exposed, and the discussion in the group was lively.

However, the discussions went on and on, and in the end there were a few guys who had the biggest opinions.

Dafeng: "@Commander I want a ring too!"

Marriage-to-be Atago: "@Commander I want a ring too!"

Ron: "Fuck off you all! The ring is mine! @Commander"

Dafeng: "Who do you think you are? A mere cruiser."

Ron: "Oh! Do you want to compare?"

Marriage-to-be Atago: "@大凤What's your opinion on the cruiser? You are a rookie Feng, you can't even handle a big mackerel."

Dafeng: "I, I, I, I just let her in, I don't want to be called by the commander for bullying children!"

Big mackerel: "Dafeng, I'll go find you!"

Dafeng: "Don't come here!"

Ron: "Hmph! Don't think that being an aircraft carrier is a big deal, just fight if you don't accept it."

Marriage-to-be Atago: "Fight, whoever wins will get the ring."

Dafeng: "If you hit him, hit him, who is afraid of whom?"

Neptune: "Nepnep? Fighting is not good, why not use the game to decide!"

Sister-in-law Sarah: "The ring is mine!"

The quasi-marriage ship Atago: "@Nepton What game? I thought about it, it's really inappropriate to fight in a port area, the commander will be sad."

Ron: "Hit, hit, hit."

Dafeng: "Hit, hit, hit."

Beilu: "How about fighting game battles?"

Viciously: "Sister Beilu... Well, you hug me too tightly, it's so uncomfortable."

Bei Lu: "Ah, it's just a gentle hug, it won't be uncomfortable."

Neptune: "Surprised.jpg Belle, what are you doing?"

Marriage Ship Dido: "Let's use the game, it's wrong to fight."

Neptune: "I announce that the first game contest in the port area has begun, and the contestants are invited to come to Vicious House!"

Vicious: "Huh? Why do you want to compete suddenly, and why do you want to come to my house?"

Ron: "It's so troublesome, don't go."

Dafeng: "Whoever wants to go will go."

Lafite: "Can you compare to sleep?"

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