Hei Feilong was thoughtful, "Well, let's go and have a look."

The coffee shop, that's right, so many commanders live here.

Dido smiled slightly, and led the black flying dragon to the door of the coffee shop.

As soon as he entered, the two sisters, Curacao and Curlew, greeted Hei Feilong.

"Welcome to the Maid Cafe."

Curacao smiled all over his face and said, "What about the newcomer, is there anything you like? I can make it for you~"

"Ha..." Hei Feilong frowned, "Then a cup of tea, and some simple desserts."

She is a little hungry.

"A ship girl from the heavy cherry camp?"

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"Of course not, but if you don't know exactly what you want, our store has a separate camp package, I suggest you order one."

"Whatever, just ask for a set meal."

Hei Feilong waved his hand indifferently.

"Then wait a moment, Dido, can I ask you to take her in and sit down?"

"give it to me."

Curacao left, Hei Feilong watched her leave, and then glanced at the coffee shop again.

"You work here too?"

"In addition to taking care of the master's time, everyone will come here to do things."

"Tsk, what a strange place."

There are still group training maids, I'm not happy, don't you know that the duty of the ship maid is to fight?

"Hehe~ Everyone says so."

Dido pursed her lips and smiled lightly, this newcomer really has a personality.

"Come on, let's sit over there."

Black Flying Dragon nodded.

Walking in, the cafe is very big, and many ship girls are fishing here.

Dido is a popular maid, came over, they said hello to Dido.

"Diduo, you're not on duty today."

"I have something to do today, and I have to go to the master's side later."

"Is this a newcomer?"


"Looks dumb."

"Don't say such things~"

"Rookie, let's play cards... Ah bah, let's have a duel!"

"Firefly, you have to look like a senior."

Amidst the laughter, Dido led the black flying dragon to a quiet place.

The old people in the port area are all wolves and hungry tigers, how can the newcomers stand up to it, Dido plans to let Hei Feilong get acquainted with it first, and then talk about it after getting used to the environment.

"The little guy with the round head just now is called Firefly, right?"

Hei Feilong asked eagerly.

Dido laughed and said, "It's Firefly, don't worry too much about it, she's a child with a rather eccentric personality."

"So what about children." Hei Feilong snorted softly, "Who will care if you are a child on the battlefield? Before this, she was a ship girl first, and I really want to ask her commander, what is it? How did you teach the ship girl? Don’t you know that this will harm the ship girl? If you are not strict or hardworking in the port area, it will be too late to regret it on the battlefield.”

"We are ship girls, and only ship girls. Our duty is to fight. There are many reasons for fighting. Whether it is for our beliefs or for a certain goal, someone, to protect and fight against terrible enemies, as long as our beliefs are strong enough , then we will not fall."

"A strong belief needs to be supported by strength. Strength comes from daily hard training. Now if you don't train when there is no battle, when you encounter a battle, the enemy will give you time to train?"

"Children, children are also ship mothers. If they are ship mothers, they must fight. Ship mothers are regardless of size. Only the weak will use 'adults and children' as an excuse!"

Hei Feilong's voice is very loud, loud, she wants to tell everyone here, be prepared for danger in times of peace, you are so comfortable now, you will suffer when you are on the battlefield!

The effect was very good, and Hei Feilong's speech successfully attracted the attention of other ship girls in the coffee shop.

At this time, the ship girls looked over, both adults and children, the powerful battleship aircraft carrier, looked over, the black flying dragon did not show any weakness, and stared back. She is now General Wei Yan, who dares to kill her?

Dido hastily smiled and waved her hands.

"Don't worry, don't worry, she is a newcomer."

Then he lowered his head and pulled the black flying dragon.

"doing what?"

Hei Feilong was a little upset, "Who is the newcomer? Let me tell you, I am..."

"Yes, yes, please sit down first." Dido pressed down her commanding hand, "Are you hungry?"

"Hmph, I'm so hungry, I've long learned to...grumble~"

My stomach growled.

Hei Feilong was silent.

Dido was speechless, there is something wrong with this newcomer, no wonder the master let her go around the port area by herself, this temperament really needs to be polished.

The rainbow can only be seen after going through wind and rain, but before that, Dido wants to continue to fight for it.

It was not long before the food was served.

"Please enjoy."

A pot of tea, crispy and crispy biscuits, the taste is great, Hei Feilong's eyes lit up, the small joint headquarters, the food is so good, it's a luxury.

The problem is huge.

Hei Feilong wrote it down in his heart.

First of all, too loose!

The girls on the beach and the girls in the coffee shop are all resting!

How can the ship girl become stronger if she rests here without training?How to fight the enemy?

Secondly, there is a problem with attitude!

It's ridiculous that there are still children talking about it!A ship's mother is a ship's mother, there are no children, and when it comes to the battlefield, there is only the identity of a ship's mother!

Finally, the conditions are great!

Luxurious and extravagant, an environment that is too comfortable will only make people degenerate!

Lazy lazy Dido!

The problem is huge.

Hei Feilong thought while eating.

Well, this tea is very good.

These cookies are also delicious.

Oh oh oh oh oh oh!How on earth is this taiyaki made? It's so delicious! ?

Do they eat these things every day?

"what about the taste?"

It bottomed out, everything was eaten by Hei Feilong within a few minutes.

She smacked her lips and thought, is this a children's meal?


"So, before going out, how about going to experience the characteristics of the coffee shop?"

"There are other features?"

Black Flying Dragon nodded.

Dido led her to the one-on-one chat area.

At this time, there are still many ship girls queuing up here, and the first place is Beifa's. Dido went in and talked about it, and Beifa agreed.

"go in."

Hei Feilong was a little hesitant, a small black box, who knows what's inside, there might be an ambush.

Wait, this is not the front line.

Hei Feilong shook his head and walked into the compartment.


As soon as he entered, Hei Feilong was stunned for a moment by Befa's gentle smile.

Maid again?

Thought it was something special.

She looked left and right, and then asked, "What's here?"

"It's nothing, just chatting together."

"Chat?" Hei Feilong suddenly lost interest, "I have no intention of chatting."

Her eyes fell on the menu on the table.

Heavy cherry set meal... Royal White Eagle also has it, huh?That thing called a hamburger seems delicious.

"Of course it's not just chatting, there are also drinks and snacks. You can tell me anything you need."

Buffa smiled slightly.

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