Tosa laughed loudly: "That's what you said, Commander, hehe~ I didn't expect you to be so upright. Originally, you married so many and had so many marriages. I thought you were always thinking about naughty things. It seems I misunderstood you, sorry sorry~”

Su Hao burst into tears.

Sorry Tosa, you misread me.

"Hmph ~ Commander is of course upright." Akagi was a little proud, she looked at Tosa, then at Kaga, and said, "Don't even think about it, Tosa, Kaga is not bad, Kaga is pretty good as a wedding ship Yes, it happens that our three sisters can get together."

"Hey, hey, I'm Kaga-san's younger sister too, okay?"

"You are not my sister, Kaga is my sister, I am the Amagi sisters, the three sisters."

"Then I'm Kaga-san's younger sister too, and Kaga-sister is your sister, and then...the four sisters, yes, isn't the four sisters good?"

"Four sisters..."

Akagi hesitated, "Look at Kaga."

She is an older sister, so of course she should be generous to her younger sister.

But Kaga is not as boring as she is.

"Sister, Tosa, what are you talking about, about four sisters, four sisters, and then? What do you want to do?"

Kaga said very speechlessly.

Tosa thought it was right, four sisters and four sisters, it seems that there is nothing special?

"Commander, do you think three sisters or four sisters are better?"

Su Hao didn't answer Tosa's question.

At this time, he picked up the wine glass and took a big sip, feeling overwhelmed.

Turning his head, he saw Dafeng's somewhat resentful eyes.



The phone rang.

"Dafeng, wait."

Heaving a sigh of relief, Su Hao took out his cell phone, it was Richelieu's call.

"Miss Li?"

"Come to the warehouse, the gift from that guy has arrived."

"Gift? Who is it?"

"That little one, I'll take a picture and send it to you."

After hanging up the phone, Richelieu quickly sent a photo.

Su Hao was stunned when he saw it.

"Damn, so many hulls!?"


PS: Chong Chong Chong, Black Flying Dragon is 21% synchronous!

Chapter 630

Richelieu went out in the morning. At that time, Su Hao was still wondering what he was doing, but he came over to have a look, good guy, he brought back a lot of hulls.

Su Hao was dumbfounded, what, full of malice, okay?

Of course it wasn't because he was malicious, but if other commanders in the port area saw it, they would probably be full of resentment, the kind that they couldn't sleep well at night with the ship's mother in their arms.

"One, two, three, four, five... eleven."

Eleven hulls.

Go out and bring back eleven hulls.

There are not even eleven ship girls in the general port area. Standing here at this time, Su Hao had a deep feeling.

The poor get poorer and the rich get richer.

The same is true for the commander. If you have the conditions, you will have the opportunity. If you are a newcomer, it is basically impossible to touch so many hulls at once. Even if you have, do you dare to build it?You dare?You dare?

Construction resources are a lot of consumption.

If all the materials are used for construction, what about supplies?

There is a saying that what can be afforded cannot be supported.

But Su Hao is not worried about this, he is just a little puzzled.

"Hee hee~ Are you happy now?"

The observer's laughter came from the ear.

"Uh... happy is happy, but why?"

Is the siren going to send the commander off to the ship girl?Where is such a good siren?Please give me a call, thank you~

"A present, a birthday present."


"Silly boy, don't you forget that today is your own birthday?" The observer said with a smile, "This year is the eleventh year. Counting the past ten years of compensation, there are a total of eleven hulls."

After finishing speaking, he felt aggrieved again, "Wuuuu~ You have to know that even if it is me, it would be very difficult to get you so many hulls from there, and Richelieu is really, she is not satisfied with so many , we must continue to search, otherwise we will be back at noon."

Ah this.

Su Hao got stuck in his throat with an old mouthful.

But he finally came to his senses, today is his birthday, no wonder he was so lucky early in the morning, Xi Li took the initiative to deliver food, even Ron's attitude changed drastically.

The same goes for the people from Tiancheng and Chicheng. Before talking about it, Fusang also said to have a big meal at night, so that's what happened.

But then again, giving a hull for a birthday is really rich and powerful.

At this time, the observer felt a little aggrieved, he couldn't be good-looking if he got a bargain, he stretched out his hand to touch his head, and said it was hard work.

The observer pouted and said, "It's not enough to just touch the head, you can't be happy without a kiss."

Su Hao's face darkened: "Then you continue to be sad."

Hello, gendarmerie?Um?Am I Su Hao?No no no, I'm not, sound like?You heard me wrong, I'm really not, it's nothing, nothing, nothing, wrong number, goodbye.

Kicking away the protesting observers, Su Hao walked towards the hull.

At this time, Richelieu had moved out all the supplies with the other ship girls.

"Sister Li, you didn't remind me of my birthday today."

Richelieu definitely knew about it, but he didn't say it, probably because he wanted to give a surprise or something.

"Don't you know now?"

Richelieu chuckled, "Eleven ship hulls, supplies and Rubik's Cube port area are available, do you want to try it?"

Su Hao rubbed his hands, "Of course, it's been a long time since I built it."

It was a long-lost construction. I don’t know who said it in the group, and then the spoof Saratoga launched a vote.

"Can the commander be the first to build a capital ship?"

"A. Yes."

"B. Can't."

"C. Can he build it successfully?"

The voting session in the group starts.

Volkland: "Why must it be a capital ship? It's cold, when will our vanguard ship stand up!"

Saratoga: "I just use the human method. The problem is the vanguard ship. Anyway, it's either a capital ship or a vanguard ship."

Big mackerel: "The air is shaking and cold, when will our submarine stand up!"

Saratoga: "???"

Su Hao: "Why did someone vote C?"

Firefly: "I accidentally ordered the wrong one, hey~(*^▽^*)"

Su Hao glanced at the phone, it was all in a mess, anyway, he just wanted to have fun, and he didn't care.

However, with eleven rounds in a row, he hasn't played this kind of big construction mode for a long time.

By the time the girls put away all the Rubik's Cubes, the road in front of the warehouse was already fully occupied.

"Huh? Is it construction?"

It was the first time for Hei Feilong to participate in this kind of ceremony, but she knew more or less about the situation in the port area.

"Why are there so many hulls? Where did you steal them?"

"What do you know, you newcomer." Firefly came out from nowhere, and she was accompanied by those little friends who left together in the morning. At this time, she glanced at Hei Feilong, disdainful, "Like us in the port area, you can do whatever you want." It’s strange to take out a dozen hulls casually, I’ve never seen it before.”

Hei Feilong is angry, I have never seen the world?I have even been to other worlds, I have never seen the world?

But sometimes it’s like this, it’s completely unreasonable to reason with someone who doesn’t understand, it’s not on the same channel, she won’t listen to you no matter how much you say, in a sense Firefly is also a master of quarrels, just catch you Don't let go.

"Haha~ Shame on you, you cute newbie."

Hei Feilong was really angry, she wanted to rush over to beat the firefly, but soon a few figures squeezed in between the two.

"Building?" Enterprise looked up at the huge hull in the distance, "Who sent the hull?"

She knew that today was Su Hao's birthday, and maybe the Maritime Safety Administration would do good things, but if she thought about it carefully, the Maritime Safety Administration would only send so much in one go unless she was going crazy.

"It seems that Richelieu just shipped it back."

"Richelieu? Where did she get so many hulls?"

"Haha~ Could it be a gift from the Iris Kingdom?" Bumblebee said with a smile, "The three-year period has come and the archbishop returns. Today is the birthday of the archbishop's husband. The Iris Kingdom sent tens of billions of orders. I wish... "

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