St. Louis waved his hand: "I started the company by myself. I have 80% of the shares in my hands. Most of the rest are in the hands of a few people I trust. What can happen? Besides, if someone really wants to cause trouble , I don't suggest making him troublesome."

"Wow~ This has a good momentum, very stylish."

"Commander, if you praise me, you can praise me. Why are you holding my hand?"

"It's nothing, it's just too excited, worship, isn't there often fans who can't help but rush up and want to hug their idols?"

St. Louis looked down at the hands they were holding, and was noncommittal to Su Hao's cheeky statement. He didn't say anything, but slightly raised a √ at the corner of his mouth.

Although she didn't say anything, Su Hao couldn't tell that she came here specially to celebrate his birthday.

I don't even want such a big company anymore, it's just a birthday, but I don't care, how can the mother of the ship not care?How could those wedding ships not care?

To be honest, Su Hao was a little moved.

How can I repair it? Jealousy makes me grim.


into the night.

Under the leadership of Richelieu, the ship girls specially held a lively birthday party.

The Raiders and the Fusang girls worked hard for a long time and prepared a lot of delicious food. Dunkirk made a huge cake, candles, fireworks, and birthday hats. Everyone turned off the lights and celebrated the birthday songs. In Su Hao's ear.

"Commander, make a wish."

The candles lit up all around, reflecting on the cheeks of the ship girls.

At this moment, they formed a circle and looked at Su Hao. Some were curious, joyful, expectant, and some were full of love. Their gazes and smiles were all so heart-warming.

Looking at these ship girls, Su Hao silently made a wish in his heart: May he live up to the ship girls for the rest of his life.


The fireworks exploded, and colorful stripes floated in the air.

Su Hao smiled and said, "Okay, okay, turn on the light, and let's cut the cake."

"Commander, cut it."

"Everyone wants a piece."

"The commander is miserable, how many people are there?"

Cutting the cake is also a big project. It is impossible to separate the small pieces. There are too many to cut. In the end, everyone does it by themselves, and the cut counts.

"Commander, here's a gift for you."

While eating the cake, fireflies suddenly ran over.

There was a small box hidden behind her, and she took it out and held it out in front of Su Hao, grinning.

"You still buy gifts? You are so poor."

"Hee hee~ Don't care, there is always a solution if the money is gone. The commander's birthday is gone, so we have to wait until next year."

Su Hao laughed, stretched out his hand to take it, and stroked Firefly's head.

"Thank you."


Firefly smiled and left.

After a while, another little guy came running.

"Commander, gift gift~"

Xiao Guanghui and Xiao Beifa each held a small box in their hands.

Their names are written on their boxes. After all, there are so many warship girls in the port area, and they are all mixed together. Su Hao doesn't know which one is which. The firefly is so nervous, she wouldn't think of this at all.

"thank you all."

One or two came, and the others saw it, and took the presents one by one.

After a while, the gift boxes around Su Hao piled up like a hill.

I can't do it anymore, I feel like crying, it's my birthday, what's the big deal?However, it is not you who have the final say on whether it is significant or not, it is others who have the final say.

As important as Su Hao is to the girls, his birthday means so much.

"what happened?"

The excitement continued, Richelieu came to Su Hao's side, smiled and said, "Aren't you used to celebrating your birthday like this?"

"A bit... But I'm very happy and touched." Su Hao rubbed his sore nose, "Sister Li, did you tell everyone?"

"No, although I knew about it a long time ago, in fact, other ship girls were talking about it, and then everyone knew about it." Richelieu was also a little helpless, "In the end, I had to hide it from you and secretly planned something. matter."

If Richelieu were to say it, of course she also wanted to celebrate her birthday with Su Hao alone, just like in the past ten years.

However, now Su Hao belongs to her and everyone else. As a big sister, she can't be so selfish, let alone she can clearly feel the feelings of other girls.

"I think of this time last year, when I worked so hard to make money, I finally bought a ring and went back home."

"it is this."

Richelieu raised his hand, and the inconspicuous ring was still on his hand.

At this moment, she looked at Su Hao with a gentle smile on her lips, "Although there are countless rings that are more precious than this ring, all I need is this ring."

This is Miss Li!

Sister Li who has been with him for eleven years.

Even in the game, can the game survive eleven years?

At that time, if we parted, we would definitely be very reluctant to part, just like now, Su Hao would never let Richelieu disappear from his side no matter what.

"By the way, I haven't given you my gift yet."

Richelieu, of course, had come to deliver presents.

At this time, she took out a small box from her pocket.

turn on.

That's a ring.

Su Hao was stunned for a moment: "This is... a ring for me?"

What is Miss Li doing?

marry me?

"I heard that in human weddings, the bride and groom will exchange rings with each other. That is the real vow, so I also want to... shh~ don't let them see it."

Richelieu took a step across and blocked Su Hao.

In fact, there are quite a few girls looking at this side. Richelieu’s movement made him feel like kissing Su Hao. Although he was so seductive that he trembled, he couldn’t help it. He’s a married girl, so there’s a lot of kisses. .

There are also people with sharp eyes who don't seem to be kissing, and don't know what they are doing, so they don't say it.

Su Hao lowered his head, watching Richelieu put the ring on his ring finger.

Only the commander has ever given the ship's mother a ring, which represents the identity of the married ship and the conclusion of the oath.

But it was indeed the first time for the ship's mother to give a commander's ring, maybe it happened in other port areas, but it was the first time for Su Hao to get a ring from the ship's mother.

In fact, this kind of thing is not suitable in his port area. After all, there are so many wives, there are eleven of them just counting the wedding frigates, and there will definitely be more in the future, and they can't be worn with both hands.

But in the final analysis, Richelieu was the most special thing to him, and now that he had all the rings in his hands, it was impossible to refuse.

"Okay~" After putting on the ring, Richelieu raised his head and said with a smile, "Hide it better, it will be troublesome if others see it."

Su Hao also laughed: "You see it when you see it, anyway, this position is for you, Sister Li."

Richelieu smiled, brought his lips closer, kissed the corner of Su Hao's mouth, and then left pretending to ignore it.

"Commander, here, a gift~"

As soon as Richelieu left, Portland came over.

She handed Su Hao a thick picture book.

"What? Indy's book?"

"No, it's your notebook, Commander."

Su Hao: ? ? ?

"Hee hee~ It took me a lot of thought to draw it." Portland said impatiently, "Hurry up, Commander, open it to see how my craftsmanship is."

Su Hao twitched.

Open a page, look, stare, shit, don't read.

He said with a dark face: "I think you should give me your book, and I will be happier then."

Portland blushed: "No, it's embarrassing to draw my own notebook, and it always feels weird."

"Then you don't think it's strange to draw mine?"

"No, it's not surprising, drawing Commander and Richelieu, Commander and Assaulter, Commander and Enterprise... isn't it great?"

"I'm too lazy to tell you."

Portland, you moron, I see through you!

"Hee hee~"

After giving a gift, Portland left contentedly.

Then the other ship girls came again.

On this side, while Su Hao was receiving gifts, a message suddenly popped up in the wedding ship chat group.

"Tonight, who is it?"


PS: After writing this chapter, I feel flat but warm in my heart. I don’t know if anyone remembers such a game after many years, and there was such a dreamlike creature called Jianniang.

Chapter 633 World Famous Paintings

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