"Her?" Zeppelin was noncommittal, "Look, what happens to the newcomers."

She pointed to the distance, and Prince Heinrich had already been catapulted by the little Zeppelin to blossom all over his body.

Peter chuckled, and felt that it was almost time to devote himself to training. Time management was also very important for the ship girl.

But soon she heard a voice behind her.

"You are here, Zeppelin."

She turned her head and saw two ship girls approaching.

"Oh? A newcomer in the port area? What's his name..." Hei Feilong tapped his palms, "Yes, Peter, right?"

"you are?"

"A newcomer who is neither big nor young." Zeppelin said lightly.

Hei Feilong frowned: "Who do you think is not big or young?"

"Not yet conscious." Zeppelin added.

She doesn't have a good impression of Hei Feilong at all. When she comes to the port area, whether she is a ship's wife or a guest, she has to restrain her temper. She makes a lot of noise everywhere, and always likes to play tricks around the company.

"Okay, Feilong, stop talking."

The company waved his hand, Zeppelin is a guest, and one of the members of the iron-blooded camp who came to the port area to study, he should show some face.

As for the Black Flying Dragon, even though he is Ember's person, he said he agreed to leave before he left. Anyway, he just smiled, and it would be good to leave after winning. Be brothers.

"You guy."

Hei Feilong snorted, but stopped talking.

Zeppelin didn't bother to quarrel with her, so he said to Peter: "This is your new instructor in the port area, the Gray Ghost Enterprise. As an aircraft carrier, she may be the strongest. You can train with her in the future."

"Ha..." The strongest, number one, Peter was weird.

The company is indeed responsible for the training of newcomers in the port area. Of course, not only newcomers, but an aircraft carrier can come to her anyway.

"What happened to them?" Enterprise pointed to the distance.

"Friendly discussion."

"Is it."

Is that a sparring?Why do you only see one side being chased and beaten?

"Don't worry about it so much." Hei Feilong was gearing up, "Enterprise, let's get started."

"it is good."

The two of them are here for the carrier-based aircraft competition, and if they say something, the water that is spilled, no matter whether they can leave or not, as a member of Ember, if they stay because of the reason of "being trapped in the port area because they can't fight", that's terrible. What a shame.

For some reason these days, she recovered super fast, as if she had installed a power bank, two or three times faster than usual, so now she is full of confidence.

"You look good."

Zeppelin reminded Peter, "Although that guy has a bad personality, his strength as an aircraft carrier is very good."

She has watched the practice battle between Hei Feilong and the company. Although she was completely abused, the target was the company. She was also completely abused when she went there, so Zeppelin thought it was pretty good.

"Probably about the same as me." She added.

Then the drill battle began.

Little Zeppelin came back here, and Prince Heinrich emerged from the water, washed in vain, raised his head, and yelled.

"Look, Peter! Their carrier-based aircraft are so powerful, a hundred times better than the rags on your body!"


Peter took out his rags and knocked Prince Heinrich into the sea.


In the sky, the dark green carrier-based aircraft hovered, reflecting the sun and emitting a deep-toned luster. Peter raised his head, and his eyes were attracted by the carrier-based aircraft.

"The fighter jets used by the enterprise...is the pirate squadron?" Zeppelin raised his brows, "What does that guy use?"

"Sister, can't you see?"

"No... Hellcat? It doesn't seem right."

"Sister, can't you see?"

Zeppelin looked down, then raised his head again, with a flat expression: "There are so many scientific research carrier-based aircraft in the Maritime Safety Administration, it's normal for some new ones to be unrecognizable, but the competition between aircraft carriers is not about ship equipment, no matter what her ship is. Just watch how powerful the carrier is, it will only take a minute at most."

Last time it was just one minute, how could it be any better this time?

"Sister Zeppelin is amazing! The feeling of a boss!" Little Zeppelin looked adoring.

The corners of Zeppelin's mouth raised slightly, just a small curve, and he quickly covered it with his hand, smoothing it out.

"Look, the intense time has come."

In the sky, two different carrier-based aircraft are chasing and fighting each other. The speed is fast and the rhythm is tight. If you are not careful, you will be broken and fall.

Zeppelin raised his voice: "It looks a bit evenly matched now, but the company obviously didn't use its full strength!"

Peter opened his mouth: "Sister, they are amazing..."

"Look carefully, Feilong is going to lose!"

This sentence lasted for a minute, then two minutes and three minutes.

The air battle between the aircraft carrier and the mother-in-law was not so easy to end, although the pace between the enterprise and the black flying dragon has been accelerated, unlike when they are facing each other head-on.

On the scene at this time, Hei Feilong's expression was extremely serious, she had already used the power of the Black Rubik's Cube to fight.

The company was surprised. In terms of operation alone, the performance of Hei Feilong was completely different from last time.

"Flying Dragon is going to lose!"

Zeppelin shouted again.

Peter glanced at her, but said nothing.

Little Zeppelin shouted: "Sister Zeppelin is mighty!"

Then a few minutes passed, Prince Heinrich scratched his head, "Haven't lost yet?"

Zeppelin said nothing.

A few minutes later, Prince Heinrich looked at her, Peter looked at her, and little Zeppelin stopped shouting.

Zeppelin was a little embarrassed, she said: "The company seems to be training that guy on purpose."

Saying this, Hei Feilong couldn't hold on, the fighter jet was shot down, and then one after another, the army was defeated like a mountain.

"Look, the company is serious!"

Zeppelin smiled, she smiled, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the performance of Hei Feilong was surprising, there were no surprises in the end. It is definitely impossible for the company to overturn. How could the company overturn?

"Huh~ I still can't beat you."

When the two returned to this side, Hei Feilong sighed, and looked a little depressed. She had already exploded with all her strength just now, but her strength still hadn't fully recovered.

Enterprise chuckled: "It's already very good. I was almost forced to make mistakes by you a few times just now. How did you, Feilong, improve so much in a short period of time?"

"Haha~ This is my strength, I was injured before."

The enterprise nodded. It seems that the strength of Hei Feilong has recovered much faster than expected.

It's just that seeing the black flying dragon like this, it doesn't pose any threat to the port area.

"Let's go, Enterprise, let's go to the coffee shop to have something to drink, I treat you."

"Are you rich?"

"Hey~ Your commander gave me some. It's my salary for this month. I have done things for him, so it's not free."

Enterprise smiled, greeted Zeppelin and the others and left.

The two left, and Zeppelin stood where he was. The sea breeze blew over, making it a bit chilly. Everyone didn't speak for a while, and time was forbidden.

"Huh? You're still here."

Su Hao separated from Niu Niu and saw Zeppelin and the others from a distance. At this moment, he walked over and said with a smile, "Is the training over? Let's go to the coffee shop for a drink."

None of the four spoke, but the three of Peter looked at Zeppelin.


Zeppelin cursed in a low voice.

Su Hao: ? ? ?

Why are you fucking me?Where did I offend you?

Thinking this way, Zeppelin suddenly said: "Your Excellency Commander, as one of the members of Jagged Learning, I apply for one-on-one special training with the company every day."


"Peter, you come too."

"Ah? Good, good sister."

"Come on, let's go to the cafe for a drink."

Zeppelin is gone, very smartly.

In the same place, Su Hao looked at Peter who was a little dazed.

"What happened to you just now?"

"Just now... I don't know either."

"Peter!" Zeppelin shouted from a distance.

"Here we come, sister."

Forget it, don't care.

"Let's go."

Su Hao picked up little Zeppelin and shouted in his heart, sister Zeppelin, sister Zeppelin, here I come.

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