Here it is again, the two iron-blooded generals have never dealt with each other very much, but this time Su Hao felt weird when hearing the contest, so what are you talking about, cannons, water guns, what are you talking about.

He took a sip from his wine glass very calmly, picked up a big pig's trotter and started to chew.

"Commander, I offer you a toast."

Bismarck raised his wine glass and said with a smile.

The iron-blooded prime minister seemed particularly happy tonight.

"Sister, drink less." Tirpitz knocked on the table, "Don't you always say that?"

"Ha... yes, I'm sorry, I'm a little happy."

Bismarck looked a little drunk, her fair and tender face reflected the light from above her head, and the alternating dim light made her look extremely charming.

Generally speaking, Jianniang can't get drunk. Alcohol is more of a suggestive effect. The environment is born from the heart. Jianniang will be drunk if she is afraid of getting drunk, because their way of thinking comes from human beings, and no one really knows I feel that I will never get drunk, so when I drink, I drink until I am almost drunk, and I feel about the same, and it will also show in my behavior.

For example, Bismarck looks slightly drunk now, which is just a surprise, because Bismarck is usually cautious about himself, and as the flagship of the Iron Blood and a soul-level figure, he will never allow his thoughts to wander off.

But now it feels a little indulgent, obviously really happy.

Tirpitz also realized this, she pursed her lips and said, "You can indeed drink more tonight."

After finishing speaking, she raised her glass and took a swig, no, she drank a booze.

Even Tirpitz has such a heroic side, which is unheard of. Su Hao feels that he has made a lot of money by coming here tonight.

"Hello! Great Emperor~" Deutsch leaned on Earl Spey's shoulder, raised his glass and hiccupped, grinning: "Great Emperor, when shall we go back?"

Emperor Frederick glanced at her, and said lightly: "Drink as long as you drink, don't ask if you have some."

"Just ask, how long will it take to go back? When will I come back next time, I want to sign up."

Hipper pouted: "Then why don't you go back."

"Haha~ It's okay." Dezhi raised her head and took a big sip. She looked drunk, but only she knew whether she was drunk or not.

Probably because of the state of being a little drunk but still conscious, what he said and what he did was very conscientious. Su Hao had this feeling before, his body floated, his consciousness became lighter, his mouth was loose, and he dared to say anything.

"The time for learning and communicating this time should be regarded as the past." Su Hao picked up the topic just now, and at this moment he looked at Emperor Frederick the Great, "Anyway, there is nothing to do recently, since the communication is effective, it is not good to postpone it Is it?"


Emperor Frederick the Great drank on his own, as if he didn't want to discuss this topic.

Then Bismarck stood up, said 'I'll take a break' and left the table.

Su Hao noticed that she walked out of the door and stood at the door, unable to see what she was doing.

"Sister is very happy today." Tirpitz said softly, her voice was out of tune with the bustle at the dinner table, but Su Hao heard it clearly, "Commander, thank you."

Su Hao smiled, and felt that the wine tasted better.



Three rounds of wine.

Su Hao didn't know if it was the third round or not, but he felt that he really couldn't drink anymore.

It's not that he's drunk, beer is not intoxicating, and it's not good to drink too much if you want to stretch yourself, otherwise you'll look like you're pregnant if you stretch your belly out. Middle-aged greasy men start with a beer belly.

Su Hao felt that it was almost done, so he greeted him and walked to the living room to sit down.

There are some peaches on the coffee table, which were picked from the peach orchard. The harvest of peaches this year is good. I usually say I want peaches, but now I not only think about them, but also eat them in my mouth.

After a while, Prince Eugen came here.


She stretched, lazily sat down beside Su Hao, leaned over, and kicked off her shoes with a kick of her legs.

"So full, so full~" Prince Eugen sat horizontally on the sofa, with his back leaning against Su Hao, his drunken eyes narrowed, and there was a chuckle at the corner of his mouth, "Commander, how do you feel?"

"Ah, it's good, I'm good at cooking."

"Hee hee~ It's okay, you can come every day if you like."

"Then forget it."

"In no mood?"

"There are so many warship girls in the port area, how can anyone come to your place every day to grab a meal, and there are also large cafeterias. If I don't go, everyone, if you don't go, she won't go, and the port area will become deserted."

Prince Eugen laughed: "Having said so much, you just don't dare, for fear that Richelieu will say you are right?"

Su Hao stiffened: "Nonsense, would I be afraid? Don't you know who is in charge of the port area?"

"Hmm..." Of course Prince Eugen knew, she snapped her fingers and said, "Richelieu, Tiancheng, Enterprise... and everyone should discuss it, right?"

Su Hao's face darkened: "Eugen, did you do it on purpose?"

Although the wedding ships are powerful, please, I, I, I, I am the commander, and I am the king of this port area, okay?

"What's the matter?" Prince Eugen was pretending to be stupid, "Isn't it?"

Su Hao took a bite of the peach, it was a bit sour, it looked white, tender and red, it was not good to eat.

"What do you think? I am the commander, who would dare not listen to a word?"

"I don't know who will come over tonight, and he must have been squeezed by Richelieu."


Su Hao was stunned for a moment, "Eugen, is there a problem with me or you?"

Prince Eugen immediately laughed.

She has no problem, but it's obviously intentional. Prince Eugen, you never need a driver's license to drive, and you come as soon as you say it. Driving is not enough. Sometimes you just drive a train or an airplane. Su Hao is no match at all.

"However..." At this time, her words changed, "Look, Commander, Richelieu, Tiancheng, Enterprise, Guanghui, all major camps have it, and we are not bad at all, right? We also came first, Why do they all have marriage ships, but we don't?"

"What, what's the comparison to this kind of thing?"

"No, I mean, Commander, you treat them differently. Take a look, look carefully. I, Bismarck, Tirpitz, can you? And Zeppelin, Frederick the Great, really can't do it. That's fine, which one is worse than them?"

Su Hao felt that Prince Eugen was drunk, so he continued to eat peaches without speaking.

"Commander stupid." Prince Eugen said suddenly.

"what happened again?"

Not speaking again, Prince Eugen moved his head, his upper body slipped off Su Hao's shoulders, and then lay on his lap.

"Hee hee~"

Su Hao was speechless, what should I say about this kind of intimacy, because he is Prince Eugen, so he doesn't care anymore.

"Commander, feed me."

"Lying down and eating without digestion."

"I'm a ship's wife, and I'm not a human being. Didn't you say that the commander wants to pamper the ship's mother? Otherwise, I'd run away from home and go to someone else's port area."


Is this kidding?Is this being coquettish?

Eugene Eugen O, well, I lost to you.

Su Hao reached for the peach, and Prince Eugen immediately said, "I want the one in your hand."

"Uh, I ate half of this."

"I want this."



"...Hey, hey, you're being unreasonable."


Prince Eugen closed his eyes and opened his mouth wide, waiting for the commander to feed him.

So cute, cute and charming, cute and beautiful and sexy, who can resist the charm of Prince Eugen?there is none left.

"Here you are." Su Hao stuffed the peach into her mouth.

However, Prince Eugen just took a bite and didn't move. Su Hao could only hold it. At first, he wanted to take a bite by himself, but after a pause, he put down his hand. He was a little speechless. What's the matter? I'm here to eat, not to visit a brothel .

But feeding the beautiful girl like this is very touching.

Come on, come on, Eugen, here I come, fill your little mouth full.

Su Hao thought with a wicked taste.

Suddenly it felt like a shadow covered the light overhead.

He raised his head, and it was Bismarck, staring at him with a strange expression.

"Uh..." Su Hao thought about it calmly, "Eugen drank too much, eat some fruit to sober up."

Bismarck gave an 'hmm' and walked away.

Prince Eugen opened his eyes, looking gloating.

"Commander, this is a disaster for you, you will be dumped by Bismarck."

"Whether you can shake it or not, there is nothing wrong... No, Bismarck is my ship's wife, what are you throwing away?"

"Breakup or something?"

"It's not a girlfriend, why break up?"

"Then do you want it?"

Prince Eugen raised the corner of his mouth, put his finger on his mouth and licked it, full of temptation.

No, no, you made a foul like this.

"Woke up."


"Go drink, we haven't finished our meal yet."

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