Even if he dies, he will die under these pair of big breasts!


the other side.

"Strange, where did Bird Sea go?"

Atago had already made a half-circle outside.

I have searched for the seaside, cafes, gazebos, Taoyuan, and several places I often visit, but I haven't seen Chokai and Maya.

Atago took out his mobile phone and called Chokai again, but the result indicated that there was no signal and he couldn't get through.

"Hey! Enterprise Enterprise!"

She saw a company passing by and hurriedly pulled the other party.

"what happened?"

"Do you know where Chokai went?"

"Niaohai." Enterprise frowned slightly.

Essex beside her said: "Chokai went out with Maya to carry out a mission early in the morning, and went to the next province, and probably won't be back until evening."


Atago shook his head regretfully, "Why didn't you hear what they said?"

I'm out to sea, no wonder I can't get through the phone.

"It's just an ordinary escort mission. What's there to say? Your sister won't even worry about this, right?"

"Not this, you don't understand."

Atago waved his hands a little irritably, it was planned at first, called Chokai and Maya, and everyone communicated together, the commander and the ship's mother, the relationship will be better if there is more communication.

Then he can also take advantage of the opportunity to get along with the commander.

Isn't this a plan to kill two birds with one stone?

Two birds with one stone, two birds with one food?One bird eats two?Bah, bah, bah, it's a good plan anyway.

"I'm not interested in understanding either." Essex glanced at her indifferently, pulled Enterprise and said, "Senior Enterprise, let's go to the beach, Miss York City and the others are here."

"Hmm..." Enterprise hesitated for a moment, "Atago, have you seen the commander?"

Atago's heart skipped a beat, and he waved his hands hastily: "No, no, I've been looking for Chokai and the others, where have I seen the commander?"

"Strange, I didn't go to the cafeteria for lunch."

"Okay, okay, senior, the commander is such a big man, and he won't get lost. What are you worried about? Let's leave quickly, it's too late."

The enterprise was dragged away by Essex.

Atago breathed a sigh of relief, it's okay, it's okay.

One of the daily situations in the port area now is the battle for commanders. After finally taking Su Hao to her room, Atago doesn't want to fail at this time.

Shaking his head, Atago returned to the garden.

"Oh, what a waste of time."

But thinking of letting Su Hao and Kaohsiung get along alone, it would be good to enhance their relationship.

Atago covered her mouth and wanted to laugh.

My sister is probably at a loss for what to do now.

I probably don't even know what to talk to the commander about.

She knows Kaohsiung too well. Behind her serious appearance, she will panic like a child when encountering things she is not good at.

From this point of view alone, Atago is more like a sister.


Atago hummed and walked towards the room.

As she walked, she kept an eye on her surroundings, so as not to be disturbed by some chicken-stealing guy. Today was her main battlefield, so no one else would think about it.

When he reached the door of the room, Atago's body suddenly stopped.

In the room, Takao looked back at Atago.

The two sisters looked at each other, and Atago asked blankly, "Sister, Commander, what are you doing?"

Su Hao, who was closing his eyes and continuing to occupy Kaohsiung's thighs on the grounds of anemia, felt a thump in his heart and felt a dangerous aura approaching with an attack power as high as 10w!

What's the situation, Atago is back?


He seemed to have forgotten that Atago was still there...

What should we do now?

Su Hao was a little dazed, closed his eyes, and continued to pretend to be asleep!

However, Atago is so keen, she has already seen Su Hao's paw move, and she knew that Su Hao must be awake.

"Commander, what are you doing?"

"Uh..." Su Hao sat up casually, pretending to be surprised: "Eh? Atago, you're finally back. Your sister and I were bored just now."

"Oh, so you're bored to your sister's lap?"

Kaohsiung immediately said: "The commander is a little anemic, so I..."

Su Hao supported his forehead.

Sister, can you stop explaining?

Sure enough, Atago was so innocent, she narrowed her eyes and showed a meaningful smile.

"I see, Commander is anemic~~ Would you like me to make something for you?"

"No, no, it's completely fine after a short rest just now, see."

Su Hao jumped up from the ground, showing off his majestic biceps.

"It's okay, you see."

Atago looked at Su Hao, then at Kaohsiung, and suddenly felt that he was too sensitive and stupid.

Isn't this a good thing?

The relationship between my sister and the commander has gone further, isn't that what I expected?

Anyway, it's impossible to get to the stomach in one step. To put it bluntly, I came first.

My sister will play stickers with the commander without telling her?how could it be possible.

Therefore, I was so sensitive that I scared my sister.

Seeing Kaohsiung who was either going or not, Atago immediately changed his expression.

"Hee hee~ Commander, why are you so nervous, isn't it just a knee pillow? It's normal."

"Very normal?"

"I often give Maya a knee pillow. This is a proof of a good relationship. What's the fuss about the ship's wife giving the commander a knee pillow?"

Su Hao was silent for a while.

Atago giving Maya a knee pillow...how could he not make up this image.

I really want to know how Maya felt when she woke up and opened her eyes.

But here, Kaohsiung was relieved.

That's right, what's all the fuss about the ship's wife giving the commander a knee pillow.

She felt that what Atago said was quite right, a good relationship and bond were normal.

Then Atago continued: "I'm not used to knee pillows. The commander and the ship's wife have a good relationship. Even kissing is normal, right? Sister, do you want to try it?"

Su Hao: ? ? ?

Kaohsiung's cheeks immediately turned red with a 'poof'.

"Dear, dear... No, no, no, absolutely no!"

Atago showed a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth: "Okay, okay, sister, haven't you always complained that my strength has improved rapidly? Let's do an experiment now. If you get better with the commander, you might be able to change like me. It's getting stronger."

Kaohsiung is still shaking her head, she wants to stand up and draw her sword, the evil will fade away!

"Sigh~ Sister, you are thinking too much, you said that the relationship between the commander and the ship's wife is a kind of bond, just like I am the commander's marriage ship, it can be said to be his wife, but I don't care about this name at all. No, what Amagi said is right, the bond between us and the commander is the most important thing."

Gao Xiong raised his head, wow, he looked a little pitiful, helpless, and very cute.

Su Hao couldn't take it anymore, Atago was obviously fishing, Kaohsiung's character was like this, maybe he would get serious right away.

He said, "Atago, don't bully Kaohsiung anymore."

"I didn't bully my sister, I just... okay, okay, Commander, let's go out and play."

"Huh? Oh, good, good."

Did it pass like that?

Su Hao was a little surprised, but it's better that Atago didn't bother with the problem just now. To be honest, it's quite embarrassing. My wife and I were caught on the spot with my sister-in-law's knee pillow. Thinking about it, it's a little thorny... Ahhhh, my conscience is disturbed.

"Sister, you come too."

Atago pulled Su Hao, and didn't forget to continue calling Kaohsiung. She is now the main attacker, one person hits two, and while attacking Su Hao, she is preparing to pull Kaohsiung into the sea.

Kaohsiung's mind is a little confused now, she wants to find a time to calm down and take care of the current situation, but Atago doesn't give her a chance, Kaohsiung is a rationalist, and only when the rhythm is out of order will he have a chance to act.

At this moment, the three of them left the courtyard, and Su Hao and Kaohsiung were dragged around by Atago, and the route was very particular, and they resolutely did not run into any other wedding ships in the port area.

After shopping for a long time, the sky was getting dark.

At this time, the three of them were walking on the beach by the sea.

The setting sun reflected the sea surface, and the orange light rippled with the waves, and the seabirds singing and homing flew over their heads. Su Hao looked back, and the pier in the port area was far behind. deserted.

Atago said: "Chokai and Maya went out on a mission, and they haven't come back yet."

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