Su Hao vomits blood, Atago, can you show off a little?I can't help it any more!

"Hehehe~ Commander, your expression is really interesting, it's not like you haven't seen it before, why are you still like a little virgin?"

Having been molested, Su Hao planned to refute.

"My original intention remains the same. You are Atago. How many small movies have you watched before you can be so calm?"

Atago blinked, pretending not to know, "What little movie?"

You pretend, you pretend, you keep pretending.

Su Hao said loudly on purpose: "Small movie, there is a man and a woman in it, naked and doing something, you don't even know that?"

You continue to pretend?

It doesn't matter to Su Hao anyway, what's so strange about making some nasty jokes with his wife, haven't you heard of love after marriage?There is no astringency between husband and wife, which can easily affect the relationship.

However, Atago just looked at Su Hao, his smiling expression looked like he wanted to make trouble sometime.

Su Hao's heart skipped a beat immediately, and then he heard a cold voice behind him.

"The commander likes to look at those things."

Behind him, Kaohsiung in casual attire was holding a picnic box in his hand, looking at Su Hao expressionlessly.

Her hand was shaking, and her right hand was on the handle of the knife.

Su Hao shouted: "Kaohsiung, calm down! Calm down! I don't like those things, I just tell Atago!"

Kaohsiung completely lost his temper, "Commander actually wants to tell my sister!"

"Fuck, Kaohsiung, you misunderstood!"

"There is no misunderstanding, Commander, stop!"

Kaohsiung dropped the box, pulled out his knife, and chased after Su Hao. The two ran one after the other, and broke into the fragrant peach forest.

Atago stood where he was, leaning forward and backward with laughter.

Of course she knew that it was impossible for Kaohsiung to kill Su Hao, so she was relieved. After the two of them ran away, she yelled "Sister, don't go too far", picked up the box and walked to a grassland in the peach forest to relax waiting.

Sniffing the surrounding air deeply, the scent really makes people feel happy. As the daughter of the heavy cherry, she strictly adheres to the habits of the mother of the heavy cherry. She likes this kind of place with flowers and plants, red flowers and green leaves. , green, is the taste of nature.

On the other side, Su Hao stopped running.

They ran around for a long distance, and finally separated from Kaohsiung, and then approached each other after looking for the sound. When they met, they bumped into each other and almost suffered internal bleeding.

"Commander, are you okay?"

Kaohsiung rubbed his chest for him, and blamed himself, "Sorry, I didn't pay attention just now... I didn't mean to bump into you."

She was chasing after her just now, but who would have thought that it would become like this. She had never made such a small mistake before, and felt that she became unsteady at all when facing Su Hao.

"it's okay no problem."

It's really okay, but it was bounced, not hitting the deck but the towering bridge, the lethality is much smaller than that of the file.

"How could it be all right?" Kaohsiung pulled Su Hao to the side and sat down, "Take a break first, take it easy."

Su Hao is helpless, maybe in the eyes of Jianniang, human beings are indeed extremely fragile existences.

In order to make Kaohsiung feel better, Su Hao just sat here according to her wishes.

"Speaking of which, Chokai and the others should be back, right? Why don't you see them?"

Kaohsiung was still kneading, and when he heard Su Hao's words, he said, "They are preparing, and they will be here later."

In fact, the things in that box were made together. Kaohsiung brought the things first, and Chokai and Maya cleaned up and came later.

As a result, as soon as he arrived, he heard Su Hao teaching her sister weird things.

"Commander." She said seriously while rubbing, "Don't keep making that kind of joke with Atago, she is being led astray by you now."

Su Hao was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't laugh or cry, "I took her side? I don't have that ability."

"I heard it all. What you said just now is a small... small movie."

"Have it?"

"Yes, I heard you clearly, you said a man and a woman were naked..."

Kaohsiung spoke more and more quietly, her cheeks turned red, she lowered her head, and her chin almost fell on Oupai, that's what happened to the operation of burying her chest.

Su Hao deliberately teased her, and now he lowered his head and looked at the movements of her hands, "Then aren't you in the rhythm of the front xi now?"

"Huh?" Kaohsiung was startled, and hurriedly withdrew his hand, "I, I, I, I am rubbing your injury for Commander!"

"Kaohsiung, you actually understand!"

Su Hao looked surprised, and then Kaohsiung suddenly felt ashamed and tense, his head was dazed and he didn't know what expression to show. He looked like the little Q who was about to faint, and Su Hao's face was so cute.

No, no, no, I feel that I have acquired a quirk, and I actually like the feeling of bullying Kaohsiung. Obviously, Kaohsiung has been working so hard in the port area. Good girls will be bullied, and bad girls like Atago will get away with it. God.

It’s just that Kaohsiung is so cute. He got married in the game back then, and there are so many dress changes. Although it seems that more people like Atago than Kaohsiung, after all, everyone is an lsp, and Su Hao can understand.

After thinking about it, as a commander, you must have three views upright, and Sanguan follows the five sense organs. He stretched out his hand and gently stroked Kaohsiung's head.

"Sorry sorry, I was joking, I apologize for going too far~"


In fact, Kaohsiung was not angry, he was just a little nervous to the point of panic.

She lowered her head and continued in this position. She suddenly felt very comfortable being touched by Su Hao, and soon she felt ashamed of herself for having this feeling. This kind of contradictory emotion circulated in her heart, and it always felt weird of.

"F-commander, I'm not angry, it's just..." Kaohsiung hesitated, then raised his head slightly, "Commander, can you teach me how not to be nervous?"

"not nervous?"

"that is……"

Kaohsiung talked about her own thoughts. If it is a serious matter, she can handle it with ease.

However, Kaohsiung is really not good at handling personal relationships. If possible, she would like to learn from Atago, but it seems easy but difficult to do. Maybe this is Jianniang, and it is difficult to change her personality.

"It's good that you are like this." Su Hao didn't think Kaohsiung could learn anything from Atago, and it would be almost useless after learning, "I just like Kaohsiung you are like this."

"Hi, like it!?"

Kaohsiung clenched his fists nervously, his voice faltering, the commander likes himself?What, what's going on?Not like my sister but like me?

"Of course I like it." Su Hao held Kaohsiung's warm face with both hands, and said very seriously: "Kaohsiung, you are very good, you just need to be confident at this time, all your nervousness, maybe you can solve it with confidence, I Now you say you like Kaohsiung, what about you, Kaohsiung? Look at me seriously, answer, and speak out what you think, without taking into account my status as a commander, because I am a commander, it doesn’t matter if I’m shameless, this time I ask You, if it doesn’t work, I’ll ask next time, one day Kaohsiung will like me too, right?”

Kaohsiung was stunned, and even her head froze for a while. She really never thought about what she liked.

However, hearing Su Hao say this, it felt a little stalking, but he just couldn't hate it.

Why can't I hate it, because I like it?

Even if his cheeks are held like this, he won't feel disgusted or angry, but he is a little nervous, so nervous that he doesn't know what to say. If you think about it carefully, isn't the commander right?Compared with those big ships, what advantages can I show off.

Kaohsiung opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, but his cheeks were hot and red, his eyes were also wet, and he felt like autumn water was rippling.

"If you don't say it, then I'll take it as your default." Su Hao's cheek approached.

Slowly, the breathing became clear, some hot and humid air flowed between the two, then Takao subconsciously closed his eyes, and finally, the soft lips touched together.

Kaohsiung trembled slightly, and his body fell limply into Su Hao's arms.


PS: Samsung Black Dragon is out! !

Chapter 646 The mantis catches the cicada, the oriole is behind

"Why haven't the commander and sister come back yet?"

On the grass in the peach orchard, Atago was eating a peach cake in his hand, and turned his head to look deep into the peach forest.

Beside her are Chokai and Maya, the two are discussing the results of this dim sum with their heads down. They have learned a lot of tricks from the coffee shop recently. Chokai has strong hands-on skills, and Maya is decisive, and his craftsmanship is quite good , In fact, the culinary talents of the four Kaohsiung-class sisters seem to be very high.

At this moment, when the two heard Atago's doubts, Chokai raised his head and said, "Probably went to pick peaches."

"Not calling us?"

"Maybe I just saw it on the way, pick a few and come back, don't worry."

When Niaohai came, Su Hao and Gao Xiong had already rushed into it. The peach forest was so big, they didn't intend to look for it. Anyway, Kaohsiung must know how to measure it. It is impossible to do too much to Su Hao. At most, he should teach him a lesson. .

"That's too long." Atago ate peach cakes, thought about it but didn't care too much, she turned her head to look at the two of Chokai, this time calling them over is naturally good sisters, she also knows The wedding ships of Richelieu deliberately spared time these two days, but this time must not be unlimited. How can they create unlimited advantages in a limited time?

Although Atago is self-confident, she has never been conceited. She will definitely not be able to compete with Richelieu and the others on her own. A small boat cannot compete with a big boat, so it is best to form a gang.

She expected that Tiancheng must have thought the same way, and told her that those things were nothing more than trying to lure her into the gang, but unfortunately, she was not so naive, who wouldn't know how to form cliques?Besides, she has a natural advantage compared to other marriage ships.

Four sisters, are you convinced?Just ask if you accept it or not?

Who could be more than her?Stand up and compare.

"Corikai, did your mission go well yesterday?"

"It's going well." Niaohai said with a smile on his face, "It wasn't a long-distance commission in the first place. I played there for a while yesterday and participated in a festival. There were quite a lot of people and there were many wonderful events. thing."

"It should be said that there are too many people." Maya obviously showed some displeasure. She liked the festival, but she didn't like too many people. There were always some guys who deliberately came over, and they could tell at a glance what they were thinking. , but still pretending to be fine.

If you come over, you will naturally have to teach yourself a lesson. In the end, there was almost a friction, and then you came back before you finished shopping.

"Hehe——" Atago pursed his lips, and looked at Maya with a smiling face, "If you don't like it, don't go, it's not like we don't have it here, or let the commander take it with you when you go next time, if there is a commander. Those people don’t dare to mess around.”

"How can he have that free time?"

Maya curled her lips, complaining a bit between words, although the commander is calling now, but in fact there is still a gap between the ship's mother and the ship's mother. She has been in the port area for so long, and there are only a handful of things she has said to Su Hao, but Some ship girls and Su Hao stick together all day long, with a super strong contact at a negative distance.

That's it, do you think it's fair?Isn't it fair?

Of course, Maya didn't complain about anything. In the final analysis, among the four sisters, only Atago and Chokai are the real "Minato Warship Girls". She and Kaohsiung are just picked up.

"How do you know if you don't try it?" Atago pursed his lips and smiled. Hearing Maya's complaining voice, he was not worried. Complaints prove that there must be expectations. Although the possibility of Atago becoming a marriage ship is not high, but What if?And it’s not a marriage ship, there are other things, such as 100% bosom friend or something.

"Try it, and then say 'no time', what is there to try."

"I don't think the commander would say that." Niaohai is a genuine ship girl in the port area, so she naturally helped Su Hao speak, and u1s1 really didn't think Su Hao would say that.

"Maya, I remember it's not your turn yet on the secretary ship, right?"

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