girl:? ? ?

She was immediately attracted by Su Hao.

"Who are you?" the girl asked again.

Su Hao put on an inexplicable pose that he didn't know, pretending to be aloof, and said with a maddened posture: "I am the evil that travels through the dark side of the world, the mysterious existence that makes countless people fear - the dark flame messenger, Dark~ ~~Flame Master!!"

"Mortal, report your name!"

"Kukuku~" The girl raised her mouth and announced loudly: "I am the person who sealed the evil king, the controller of the great power of the evil king's true eye—York!"

Su Hao disdained: "So it's just a personal strength, I thought it was so powerful."

"Nonsense! The true eye of the evil king is the strongest, and the mere black flame messenger is only worthy to be my family member!"

"Dreaming! The real eye of the evil king is completely vulnerable to me, the black flame messenger. All things, don't be swallowed up by the black flames!"

"Mere flame messenger, explode! Destroy! The evil king's true eyes come!"

咻咻 咻 ~


chug, chug, chug~

Bang bang bang!

The two stood in place and punched in the void.

After a while, Su Hao stepped back three steps, pointed at York with wide-eyed eyes.

"Masaka, this power..."

"This is the power to destroy the world. Once used, the world will return to chaos within three seconds!"

"It's so scary!"

"Heh heh heh~ How are you, Flame Bringer, are you afraid?"

"Being inferior, the True Eye of the Evil King is indeed powerful, but my strongest weapon, the Black Flame Dragon, is still in a sealed state. Once the seal is opened, its power will definitely not be inferior to your True Eye of the Evil King!"

"Huhu~ Mu Da Mu Da Mu Da, even if you break the seal, you will definitely not be the opponent of my evil king's true eye——Raging Flame Messenger, your ability has been recognized by me, and I allow you to go forward with me, Go spread the greatness of the evil king's true eye to more people!"

"Please let me go with you!"

The noon sun was scorching hot, and at the moment of its heyday, the great people shook hands, admired each other, and decided to fight together for the great cause of the evil king.


Both of them received a hand knife on their heads.

Richelieu looked at them expressionlessly.

"So, how long is it going to be? Are you really going to stand here and be looked at like monkeys?"

It was only then that Su Hao realized that when he and York were performing to their heart's content just now, many people gathered around them watching them.

After the second energy in his heart passed, Su Hao blushed and hurriedly urged: "Let's go down the mountain."

"Hey! Flame Emissary, where are you going?" York held him back, "Didn't you say you would become my follower?"

"Next time, definitely next time."

"Don't be sure next time, but this time!"

York still wanted to insist, but Richelieu glanced at him, and there was a dangerous breath in his eyes.

"Let go."

York trembled all over, and subconsciously let go of his hand.

Seeing Su Hao being dragged away, York felt a little aggrieved, what, what's going on with this guy?Take my family away without saying a word.

"Come with you too."

Beffa didn't follow, but smiled and said to York, "My master and you chat very well."

"Your master?" York tilted his head, "Is it the Dark Flame Bringer?"

"Yes, but in front of outsiders, you'd better call him by his name, otherwise Richelieu will be angry. My master's name is 'Su Hao', and he is a great commander."

York opened his mouth, Commander?Oh, so it was that, blah blah blah.

"You said Richelieu just now? You said the Richelieu? Is it the unrivaled Richelieu who uses the power of the abyss?"

Buffa pursed her lips.

Is it right?

"Let's just count... right."

"Wow! No wonder her power just now made my evil king's true eyes tremble. So, yes, only this kind of power can easily suppress the Dark Flame Emissary."

York said self-consciously, "Yeah, I know, before the Black Flame Bringer has lifted the seal, before the power of the Black Flame Dragon has come to the world, my family - the Black Flame Bringer, was Let me protect it!"

After finishing speaking, York yelled "Long live the evil king's true eyes", and then chased in the direction where Richelieu and the two left.

Befa: ? ? ?

She suddenly regretted it a little. Is this child a snake spirit?


Chapter 651 Lost Lamb, Let Me Take You Home

After a long-lost eruption of the second soul, Su Hao was decisively dragged down from the mountain by Richelieu.

There is no way, let Su Hao and York continue to fight like this, and when those people take pictures and post them online, the most explosive news in the industry will be born.

【Shock!According to legend, Su Hao, the commander-in-chief of the alliance, is actually in the temple...]

Only half of the title is enough, think about the rest for yourself, if you really want to start the title like this, keep the click volume bodyguard.

Of course, whether news of this kind of content can be distributed is also a problem, and even if it is distributed, whether people are safe or not is also a problem.

Although there is no need to worry too much, just in case, Richelieu can see that Su Hao's purpose is just to go in for a stroll. Now that he has finished shopping, there is no need to stay any longer.

It's just that there were three people when they went in, but four when they came out.

"How long are you going to follow?"

Richelieu stopped, crossed his arms and looked at York who had been following them like a little tail.

Although she is a free ship girl, she has a delicate personality. In order to avoid a large number of "evil king's dependents" in the port area in the future, Richelieu still feels that she should not be brought back.

I had a discussion with Su Hao just now. The latter was a little moved, but it was rare for Richelieu to be so persistent. Since he was out to play with Sister Li, there was no need to disagree on this kind of matter. Besides, he didn't have time. In the afternoon, I went to Quanling City. How can it be so easy to find a boat? How can I do it without spending time?

"I, how can I, how can I follow you."

York looked away a little uncomfortably, "I just want to go here too. Could it be that this road belongs to your family, and you are only allowed to go on it?"

"Well, I'll let you go first." Richelieu told Su Hao and Biffa to stand aside for York to pass.

It was a bit difficult now, Yorke scratched her head, walked and stopped in small steps, she looked at Su Hao, who spread his hands to express his powerlessness, so let's end here as the messenger of the dark flame.

York's expression was suddenly a little disappointed, he turned his head three times at a step, and finally disappeared from sight.

"She's gone." Su Hao watched York leave, and always felt that the back just now was inexplicably sad and pitiful.

Let's go, a ship girl with secondary illness, although it is a heavy cruiser, don't worry about its strength in theory... But, is it really okay?Is it really okay for such a strange girl to live alone?

Jianniang is a special existence, and there are very few secondary school patients. If the two overlap, Su Hao even saw an existence like York in Jianniang for the first time.

Even if it is placed in the ship girl, it belongs to a special category. Maybe even other ship girls will subconsciously stay away from York inadvertently. Thinking of this, Su Hao suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

"Let's go." Su Hao looked away.

"It's okay, the York is a heavy cruiser, and it is enough to support myself." Richelieu said, "If you take her to our port area, it will be troublesome for other ship girls to be assimilated. Xiaohao, you also know that our port area has No matter how big it is, there will definitely be more ship girls in the future, and it will be difficult to manage."


"Otherwise..." Seeing that Su Hao still cared a little, Richelieu was a little puzzled. Liberty Ship Lady had seen many of them, and she didn't catch all of them before. Why did she care so much today?

"Xiaohao, why don't I go and call her back?"

"Forget it."

Su Hao waved his hand, it's not easy to shout even if he walked away.

It was noon at this time, and the shopping around just now was much later than expected, and it was estimated that I would not be able to make it in time for lunch when I went back to the Guping Port area.

After walking two streets, he found a restaurant that looked good, and sat down in a private room on the second floor. Su Hao leaned against the window, still thinking about York.

I don't know why I care so much about it. Although it is a free ship girl, Su Hao has seen a lot of free ship girls, and not every one of them has to be brought into his port area, but somehow he feels that he can't let it go. Is it because he is a second-year student? ?

"Xiaohao, what do you want to eat?"

"You can do whatever you want. If you go to Quanling City at night, there will be a big meal waiting for you."

"How about you, Buffy?"

"I also can."

Richelieu started to order. The side near the sea is mainly seafood dishes. The main dish is Sichuan cuisine, which is not special. After all, it is a small county town. Richelieu picked out a few Su Hao favorites, and then handed over the menu to to the waiter.

Immediately afterwards, she heard Su Hao's slightly surprised voice.

"Sister Li, Befa, is that York?"

Su Hao stood up and looked diagonally across from the hotel. The distance was a little far away, but he could see clearly.

"It's her." Buffa nodded.

At this time, York was sitting alone outside a shop on the opposite street. The shop had a huge floor-to-ceiling glass, and the windows inside were filled with various trinkets. However, York did not look inside, but sat leaning against the glass. He lowered his head and propped his chin to look at the crowd passing by in front of him.

One, two, three, four, countless people passed by, some people who cared a little stopped to take a look, but left soon, after all, a ship's mother is a ship's mother, and human beings are human beings, except for the commander, There are very few people who can deal directly with Jian Niang.

York didn't care, he just sat there without moving for a long time.

"What is she doing?" Su Hao was a little concerned.

Even if it's the ship's mother, it's time to eat at this point, right?

"I think she seems to be looking at the street here." Biffa propped up a little, and saw a hamburger restaurant across the street from York. "She seems to be looking at the hamburger."

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