When I was in the Holy Church, the Aurora Wall was activated by the Black Rubik's Cube in her body, and it remained in her body after the battle. I told Su Hao about this at the beginning, and the latter told her not to speak out, and not to take it lightly. exposed.

For more than half a year, there has been no chance to use this secret weapon. At this time, in order to destroy the Siren's plot, Richelieu chose to use this secret weapon without hesitation, thinking that Su Hao might be persecuted by the Siren. strength.


The mysterious lines formed by the wall of aurora support an independent space in the Orosei sea area. As Richelieu urged the battleship to move forward, there was a sound of collision and friction in the air.

All the places covered by the wall of aurora, those abnormal sea areas have returned to normal.

Barr looked at all this in amazement. It was the first time for her to come into contact with the Aurora Wall at such a close distance. This was the biggest secret hidden in the Iris Kingdom, but she never expected it to be obtained by her sister.

And the strength revealed by the Aurora Wall also surprised her, because this is not a one-on-one power, not a person's strength, but something similar to an enchantment. Will be completely suppressed by Richelieu.

It can be said that as long as it is within the Wall of Aurora, Richelieu is 'invincible in theory'.

It's just that Barr quickly noticed the change in the expression on Richelieu's face. Apart from a trace of worry and solemnity, there was also a very clear look of pain.

A black force emanated from her body at some point, letting Barr know that it was a terrifying thing called 'Black Rubik's Cube'. Even Richelieu couldn't easily control it, and the current situation is clearly a manifestation of the Black Rubik's Cube being pushed to the extreme.

The Black Rubik's Cube supported the operation of the Aurora Wall and maintained the balance between the Aurora Wall and the Siren Sea Area Device, but it also brought a great burden to Richelieu.

"Oh my, how stubborn you are."

In the depths of the Orosei Sea, the observer said with some helplessness that a virtual light curtain appeared in front of her, and what appeared inside was the picture of Richelieu driving the Wall of Aurora deep into the Orosei Sea.

Although she said so, there was no anger or excitement on her face, but a smile on her face, as if she was very satisfied with what Richelieu had done at this moment.

"That's the only way to be worthy of that child." The observer snorted, "Just admit that you are a sister and a married woman."

After finishing speaking, the observer was about to add a little more difficulty to the Richelieu experiment, but soon, accompanied by a violent rumbling sound, the sea area under her suddenly shook.

"What's going on?" The observer froze for a moment, and immediately called out a light curtain.

I saw a gigantic warship appearing in the light curtain, and its name was — Boa Constrictor!


PS: I drank 5 glasses of white wine, and went to play table tennis with my cousin for an hour. Now I feel 'unknown'?

Chapter 669 The Observer Will Die

Everyone said that Tiancheng was resourceful and a well-deserved military advisor in the port area, but many people knew that it was far from enough to judge Tiancheng only by his superior strategy.

Because, if we really want to talk about combat power—at least destructive power, even if the company drives over with a big E, I'm afraid it will have to lean aside.


The body of the warship reconstructed based on the carefully crafted python body made Tiancheng soar in terms of combat power. If it cooperates with Su Hao's Black Rubik's Cube to fight, it can be said that no one can be bothered to beat her.

At this time, the heavy cherry fleet where Amagi was located was also sent out by the authorities in the Orosei Sea area. After a long time of trying to crack it to no avail, Amagi lost his temper.

With one shot, the fog in the Orosei sea area was blown away, and a large area of ​​equipment was destroyed. Those devices that maintained the environment in the sea area were destroyed one by one under the devastating bombing of this blow. The powerful destructive force rolled up the huge waves. The waves were raging, and the sky seemed to be pouring water. The girls behind, including Nagato, were all shocked and speechless.

Mikasa's mouth was wide open, she wanted to say something, but when the words came to her mouth, there was only nonsense like Abaaabaaaba.

What, is this a battleship?This is the ship girl?Are you hanging up?Hello!anyone there?I'm going to report a guy here for cheating!

Mikasa groaned in her heart, then took advantage of everyone's inattention, and silently put her ship back.

Needless to say, shame on you!

With this firepower, you can still play a ball!

Her small water gun is not enough for Tiancheng to hit it down and rub it against the side to cause a lot of damage!

"This is my sister's strength!" Chicheng said very proudly, "This is the python that was built at the beginning as the body, and the commander awakens the sleeping will of the sister, and the python controlled by the will of the battlecruiser Amagi has the strongest strength. !"

In fact, it's not right. If Su Hao was there, after being strengthened by the Black Rubik's Cube, Tiancheng would be able to pierce the sky with a single shot.

Didn't you see that the wall of Aurora in the Iris Country was bombarded and destroyed?

But even so, the attack effect shown alone is far beyond the expectations of the ship girls, and this kind of attack strength can no longer be counted within the ship girl's range.

"Too strong for a rake!"

"Miss Tiancheng is so powerful."

"rua! I will always like sister Amagi!"

"Xili, didn't you say you liked me?"

"rua! I always like Tosa sister!"

"Xili, you like to eat, right?"

Amidst the complaints and astonishment of the ship girls, Tiancheng's powerful bombardment finally came to an end.

The turbulence of the sea surface stopped, the sound of whimpering wind also disappeared, and the surrounding fog dissipated, revealing a new scene after the destruction—a normal sea surface under a clear sky.

In the distance of the sea, destroyed islands and a large number of wrecks of warships floating on the sea can be seen.

If the intercontinental missile goes down, it doesn't matter whether it is 120 or 128, it's all done in one pot.

"So there is a kind of island over there." Mikasa was stunned for a moment, "The siren's sea device is really magical, and it can play such a strong confusing effect. It is said that humans are good at using something called formations. When the two armies are facing each other, using formations can play a role beyond imagination."

"Maybe, from this point of view, the Sirens may understand humans better than us." Nagato frowned slightly on her delicate face. What she said touched an important point. , the source of the siren can't be found at all, but they seem to understand humans quite well, and they are similar to humans in both speaking and behavior.

Some people speculate that the siren was created by human beings, and behind the siren may be a conspiracy of a certain country camp, but this statement was shattered after all countries were severely hit by the siren. Let the countries join in.

"Let's go there." Nagato said no more, and led the fleet towards Tiancheng.

At this time, Tiancheng stood on the huge bridge of the boa constrictor and looked into the distance. When he saw other people coming, he nodded to Nagato.

"Now this sea area should be safe for the time being, but the movement just now was so loud that the siren will definitely notice it. We should take advantage of this time to find the Lord and join him."

Tiancheng said to the others: "Come up, I'll take you there."

"Sister, are you okay?" Akagi asked worriedly.

"It's okay, but the ammunition depot is a little empty, at most one more blow can be supported, and the rest is up to you."

Chicheng nodded, and seeing the expression on Tiancheng's face, he knew how much the latter was worried about Su Hao at the moment. She knew Tiancheng very well. Richelieu also had to avoid it.

"Let's go."

The huge boa constrictor carried the girls into the Orosei waters.



Ah ah ah ah ah!

Observers want to freak out.

The purpose of her appearing here is to give Su Hao the final test. She will test Su Hao instead of the other "mothers". By the way, she will solve the affairs of the Sardinian Empire. By the way, she will give the outside world a better understanding of Bilan The sea alliance's skeptical attitude hit back hard.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Su Hao can solve the current matter. Although the observers can't bear it, in her opinion, the difficulty of this experiment is a bit too high. Not to mention the increase in the strength of the siren unit, it is mainly the battlefield. Unpredictable changes have brought great disadvantages to the actions of the fleet in the port area.

But she is also "following orders", there is no way, but at the last moment, put some water, so that Su Hao will not be hurt, she can still do this.

But ah, what's the situation?Wall of Aurora?Isn't that gone?python?Didn't it sink already?

Although she didn't stay in the port area for a long time, she also felt the ups and downs clearly. It is no exaggeration to say that she knows how many hairs Su Hao has on his body.

I've never heard someone say that Tiancheng can conjure such a big thing!

I've never heard anyone say that Richelieu is still wearing the Wall of Aurora!

How to fight in this situation!

It is also impossible to mobilize all the firepower to intercept Richelieu and Tiancheng.

Moreover, even if the siren units are sent over, ordinary ones will not work at all. Except for siren boss level units, who can survive under the firepower just now?

Besides, if the firepower is turned off, wouldn't Su Hao become a flat push?In this way, what's the point of this experiment... No, isn't it very smooth?

It's just that it deviates from the original purpose, although it can also be said that the strength of the port area is too strong, and the strength of the port area is naturally Su Haoqiang... emmmmm, those guys shouldn't have any objections, right?

The observer feels pain.

and many more.

She suddenly realized something, and adjusted the light curtain to the other side.

In the picture, it is an enterprise bathed in black energy, controlling the carrier-based aircraft to carry out devastating bombing along the way.

First there is the enterprise and then there is the sky, a big E-day god.


Observers were immediately notified of equipment destruction.


What can she say?What else can she say?

The three powerful ship girls are now advancing quickly in their own brutal ways. When they give up using strategies, they will prove to the world that there is nothing that cannot be solved with a single shot. If there is, then Just two shots.

The observer thought for a moment, gave up the idea of ​​isolating Richelieu's three fleets, and began to mobilize all the siren units in the Orosei Sea area to move towards one direction.


"Didn't you hear anything?"

On Su Hao's side, after finishing off those ambush sirens, he asked the ship girls to check the surroundings carefully to avoid any fish slipping through the net.

But just now, there seemed to be a slight rumbling sound, like an explosion. Su Hao thought he had heard it wrong, but Dido who was following him also nodded, indicating that he heard it just now.

"It should be the sound of battle."

If there is a battle, it is naturally caused by other fleets. In theory, you can encounter it by heading towards the source of the sound, but right now this sea area is an independent space by itself. If you go towards the sound, there is a high probability that you will be trapped here forever.

After a while, the girls who searched came back. They didn't see the island, and Su Hao didn't stop there. He continued to follow the operation of the plane before, and set off towards the remaining equipment points under the instructions of TB.

After several rounds of battles, the ship girls successfully destroyed the equipment. There was no accident. After the last equipment point was destroyed, the sea area changed.

It didn't go out directly, but after the battle, there was a strange square device in the sea area.

"Master, put this into the device we encountered before, and we will be able to gain control of this sea area."

Su Hao looked at the board-like thing, and asked speechlessly, "Why did you make such a thing? Without this thing, would we be trapped here forever?"

"The existence of equipment is for better performance." TB explained, "Equipment is a support point, but it is also a breaking point. Without these equipment, it is impossible to maintain this sea area. Everything has a corresponding The 'key' of the Siren, the Siren used this principle to create this sea area, so the key exists at all, and the Siren did not put it in on purpose."

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