At this time, her naval gun barrel turned and aimed at a pitch-black battleship at a super long distance. It was a battleship. Siren battleships have always been known for their abnormal defensive capabilities. There is such an idea - to fight is the elite!

Bang bang bang!

The triple-mounted naval guns launched an attack, and the shells looked particularly eye-catching under the dark sky, and finally hit the huge battleship steadily under the watchful eyes of Veneto.


She cheered in her heart, looking as excited as a novice. After all, she was surrounded by experts, so she was not far behind. At this time, the shell exploded with a bang, thick smoke spread, and the water column soared into the sky, covering Veneto from watching. gaze.

After waiting for the smoke to clear, she looked carefully again, and the smile on her face suddenly froze.

I hit it, but...

There was a raging flame on the battleship, but it was quickly extinguished by the fire extinguisher on it, and then the whole battleship didn't look much different from before the hit, or just dropped some shells, in short Because of the cannonball she just had... scraped.

Veneto: ? ? ?

"Veneto, why don't you attack!?"

Someone in the distance shouted.

It's true that Veneto didn't attack, and it's not intentional ridicule, but these words really hurt Veneto's ears!

I attacked, I attacked, you see!

At this moment, Veneto suddenly remembered an hs joke that Littorio had told her before.

why don't you come in?

I'm in!

Why are you not moving?

I moved!

why don't you start

I'm done!

Anyway, that's it, Veneto's feeling is quite embarrassing now, but fortunately, that voice was quickly drowned under the roar of artillery fire.

Su Hao has been paying attention to the actions of the abyss guard. In fact, the strength of the sirens in the sea area this time is very high, but after all, it is not a big threat to his ship mother. Most of the troops are on the road, and the number of sirens gathered in this sea area is not large, and the only threat is the new abyss guard.

I have to say that this thing is a bit of a hell, with the shield on the side, the effect of the naval guns on the body is quite low, the firepower output is so strong, the carrier aircraft can't fly over, and it's okay to resist several rounds of attacks from his ship mother, but It's the cannonballs flying all over the sky that are as cool as magic. Although the power of each shot is not high, but a large number of them are gathered together, and occasionally they are accompanied by the main cannon similar to laser firing. Beat his ship's wife until she screamed.

Also screaming is Veneto, although she didn't actually cry out, but because of the AOE damage, it really hurts her body. Looking at the shells flying all over the sky, Veneto felt a little desperate. Can naval gun attacks be fired continuously like anti-aircraft guns?Is this really a naval gun?Why can it still pause in the air?

Siren's black technology is completely incomprehensible, but it is still necessary to fight.

"Xiao Hao, bless me with the power of the Black Rubik's Cube." Richelieu appeared next to Su Hao at some point, and she said this, which made Su Hao stunned for a while.

"hurry up."

"Miss Li, what do you want to do?"

"Sink her!" Richelieu's expression was not very good, because the other party was the culprit of the shot just now, and I, Sister Li, don't talk harshly in society.

Hearing this, Su Hao didn't think too much about it. Ordinary Siren units have already been beaten to pieces. The only problem is this abyss guard who is as hard as a tortoise shell. It was replenished.

Thinking of this, Su Hao shrunk the area of ​​the Black Rubik's Cube and blessed Richelieu with all his power. The latter trembled slightly, followed by a bang, as if some power exploded inside his body.

At this moment, she, Richelieu, is invincible!

The battleship broke through the waves and rammed towards the large abyss guard under the bewildered eyes of everyone.


Under the violent roar, Su Hao, who was hugged urgently by Richelieu and buried his cheek on the former Oupai, slowly shot out a '? '.


Chapter 677 Veneto's Confusion

exist?My mother-in-law got into a fight, she used a battleship, bang!Soon, before I even realized it, I felt the milky fragrance on the tip of my nose. What do you guys think?

Su Hao really didn't react. He originally thought that Richelieu was going to give the opponent a fatal blow. After all, if a single body explodes, except for Kaitiancheng's intercontinental missile, Richelieu can definitely be regarded as a shot in the port area The first few.

But no, Sister Li is still the same Sister Li, the occasionally irascible Sister Li in Su Hao's memory, and every time she is irascible, there will inevitably be some miserable victims.


The battleship protected by the power of the Black Rubik's Cube collided with the huge ship of the Abyss Guard, and the water splashed everywhere in an instant, and the heavy muffled sound made one's scalp numb. How painful would it be if it hit the head?

However, it was not over yet, covered by the blasted seawater, Richelieu instantly released a miniature version of the wall of aurora, and almost all the fire output was shrouded in the abyss guards. Richelieu turned around and protected Su Hao in the arms.

And in the next second, an incomparably brilliant spark burst out behind her.

The flames ignited the sky, the rumbling sound drowned out all the sounds, and the girls who were still fighting all cast amazed glances at this side.

Veneto opened her mouth, and the sea breeze poured into her mouth. At this moment, three questions popped up in her mind: Who am I?where am I?what happened?

The collision of battleships, the extremely destructive violence aesthetics, it is hard to imagine that Archbishop Richelieu would use such a brutal fighting method, but in fact, he must suffer a disadvantage in this fighting method, because anyway, the ship-mounted In terms of quality, under the same circumstances, sirens definitely have the advantage.

Not to mention, the strength of this abyss guard is outrageous, far stronger than the sirens that have been recorded so far. Isn't it tantamount to courting death to bump into it in this situation?

However, Richelieu not only bumped into him, but also took Su Hao with him. After this collision, both husband and wife returned home?

Veneto didn't have time to think, she immediately shouted, "Quick! Go save Commander Su Hao!"

The explosion brought up a lot of smoke. This is definitely not the law of smoke without injury, but a proper explosion damage.

The rain curtain rose one after another in the air. Veneto shouted and wanted to rush over, but the explosion continued, and even the aftermath forced her to be unable to move forward. Then her behavior was stopped by Bismarck, who looked calm .

"do not worry."

"Huh?" Veneto couldn't calm down at all, but he couldn't understand when he saw that all the ship girls around him were very calm.

She doesn't know Richelieu well, she just met him a few times, and she doesn't have the impression of being impulsive, so she must be sure of doing so, but...but...

How do you want me to believe it?

Veneto weighed it in his heart, and felt that if he bumped into him like this, [-]% of them would never return.


The power of the explosion was compressed to the extreme, and then spread to the surroundings, blowing away the smoke, revealing the real picture inside.

Veneto's originally agitated mood suddenly became... even more agitated.

"No, no sinking?" The first thing she saw was Richelieu. She was worried that something happened to Richelieu, but now it looked all right, but the guard of the abyss had disappeared.

At this time, a pale yellow figure sailed past on the sea.

"At this."


The guard of the abyss who was driven below the surface of the sea rushed out of the water, but what Ayanami greeted her was a torpedo attack on her face.

The abyss guard who lost the protection of the shield was smashed straight, and then, a large number of shells fell, like beating a dog in the water, and the subsequent explosion damage finally made the abyss guard lose the last resistance.

"Phew, he was finally beaten to death."

"Is it gone now?"

"If it dares to come out again, I'll give it a torpedo."

"U47, Kangkang."

U47 dived into the sea, came out after a while, shook his head, and signaled that there was no need to look at it, it was gone.

And Su Hao, who was still being hugged by Sister Li, finally came to his senses. Sister Li's impact and the concentrated firepower output of the Aurora Wall broke the guy's shield, which gave other ship girls a chance to take advantage of it, but just now That was indeed a bit sudden, not to mention Su Hao, every one of the girls fighting over there had reacted.

Even the maid Dido, who was also on the battleship protecting Su Hao, was already thrown away by the force of the collision. After all, Richelieu only protected Su Hao and didn't care about her at all, but Dido did not care about her after all. It is a maid who can fight, resist and be exported. At this time, she is falling steadily on the sea, and she is sailing towards the battleship while calling "Master".

"Are you alright?" Su Hao left Sister Li's warm embrace, feeling a little unfinished. Although he still wanted to continue crawling on his chest, the current situation was not suitable.

"It's over." Richelieu looked calm. After killing that guy, she finally felt better. At this moment, she swept her eyes and said, "There must be more than one abyss guard in this sea area."

"Uh, Miss Li, what do you want to do?"

"Xiaohao, follow this method from now on, don't worry, I will protect you." Richelieu looked firmly, "No matter what happens."


Ah no, Sister Li, isn't it because you ran into me that I was in danger?We can discuss it, or you let me come down first and then you bump into it?

Su Hao thought about it, and felt that it was a little heartless to say it. It's nothing to leave Sister Li alone. Anyway, I've tried it once and I've got the bottom line. It doesn't matter if I try it a few more times.

Looking at the other ship girls at this time, the damage was not that great. Thanks to Richelieu's fatal blow, Su Hao ordered to move on after finding that there was nothing serious.

Veneto returned to the battleship with a complicated mood. She was really in a complicated mood, so complicated that she didn't know what to say.

"The next battle will not be easy." Bismarck appeared by her side at some point. Among all the ship girls, this iron-blooded prime minister has the best relationship with Veneto. At this time, she said: "Veneto, be careful too. , this time is different from the past, even we are in danger of sinking at any time."

Veneto opened her mouth. If it was before, she must have discussed with the other party very seriously, but now she doesn't speak vulgar words at all.

What should I say?She has seen Bismarck's performance just now, obviously it was not like this at the beginning, obviously it was similar to her back then, Veneto is very aware of Bismarck's strength, it is because he is too clear, seeing Bismarck in front of him is like a different person , Veneto was in a complicated mood for a while.

"Bismarck, can I ask you a question?" Veneto finally mustered up his courage.

"What's the matter?" Bismarck chuckled, "There's no need to be so polite between us. Leaving aside the relationship in the camp, we can still be considered friends, right?"

"Hmm..." My friend, Veneto nodded, looked around with his lips pursed, and asked after making sure that no one was paying attention to them, "You... Your iron-blooded fleet seems to be different from before."

"Eh? Is there?" Bismarck frowned slightly, "It's different? What's different?"

"It''s strength." Veneto had a complicated expression, "The current Jagged Fleet has become so strong."

"Strong?" Bismarck was silent.

Then her silence silences Veneto too.

Not strong?

This is not strong?

You are not strong, so what is my Sardinian Empire?

"Maybe." Bismarck thought for a moment, accepted the compliment that sounded like a compliment, and smiled slightly at this time: "Maybe it looks strong to outsiders, but in fact, the strength of Iron-Blooded Ship Girl in the port area is The weakest."

"Well, I see..."

That's right, I really think Veneto is depressed because of this, since she set off with the fleet, she's not feeling well.

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